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  • 1. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        My mom and dad are great cooks. I 1 when I was about six, all the kids in my neighborhood wanted hamburgers and chips, 2 some didn't have money to buy them. So my father tried to make some on the weekend and 3 the kids to eat at my home for free. The kids were very 4 Also, it helped my brother and me make lots of friends.

        Eating together is an enjoyable family activity, and that's one of the 5 I enjoy being home. We used to ( 曾经) go to my grandmother's house on Sundays. She was also good at cooking, so we could always have delicious food. Sometimes I 6 her to cook, and she taught me lots of things.

         7 my grandmother died a few years ago. Now I go to my parents' house on Sundays. After a busy week, it is really a good8 to relax. We still sit around a table, eat and talk together. Sometimes I cook for 9 and they like my dishes too.

        I think my happy family gives me a 10  memory (回忆). I eat what I like and I feel good about it.

    A . think B . decide C . remember D . agree
    A . and B . or C . so D . but
    A . asked B . promised C . moved D . needed
    A . busy B . bored C . happy D . scared
    A . reasons B . rules C . facts D . habits
    A . chose B . helped C . sent D . showed
    A . Sadly B . Surprisingly C . Clearly D . Importantly
    A . role B . way C . result D . answer
    A . him B . her C . you D . them
    A . short B . useful C . simple D . beautiful
