当前位置: 高中英语 /
  • 1. 完成句子。


    1. (1) 学生们和老师都不知道这件事。(neither...nor…)

      the students the teacher anything about it.

    2. (2) 如果那男孩的父母病了该怎么办呢?(what if)

      the boy's parents should be ill?

    3. (3) 我们要帮助需要帮助的人。(in need)

      We need to help   .

    4. (4) 她与一个有钱人结了婚。(be married to)

      She a man with a lot of money.

    5. (5) 它们亦供应新鲜水给靠近湖岸的人们及工业。(provide...for)

      They also fresh water people and industries around their shores.
