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  • 1. (2017·夹江模拟) 任务型阅读

    A. Have him or her lie with feet lifted a little.

    B. Wash the bite area with soap and water.

    C. Pinch (捏) the lower part of the nose for at least 10 minutes.

    D. Use an ice pack(袋).

    E. Clean the person's face with a cool cloth.

        What should we do if one of our classmates suddenly falls ill or gets hurt? Here are some steps you should follow. But always remember to look for medical care after first aid(急救)if the wound is serious.

        Broken bones(骨头): Take away clothing from the wound Don't move the hurt body part while waiting for the doctor to arrive.

        Animal bites(咬伤):Pack (拧紧)the wound with a clean cloth if it is bleeding(出血). If the bleeding has stopped, cover the area with a bandage and take the person to the hospital. Make sure you remember what kind of animal it is so the doctor can find the right way to treat him or her at once.

        Fainting(昏厥): Don't move the body if you think there might be wounds from the fall. Make sure he or she can breathe and let in fresh air.

    Nosebleeds(流鼻血): Have the person sit up with his or her head tilted(倾斜)forward a little. Do not have the person tilt his or her head back because this may cause heavy breathing or coughing.
