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  • 1. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

    Name: Martin

    From: London

    Class: Class 2, Mr Smith's class

    Favourite animal: dogs

    I've got a black dog and I do sports with it near my home.

    Name: Lisa

    From: New York

    Class: Class 1, Mrs King's class

    Favourite animal: cats

    I've got a brown cat and I play with it at home.

    Name: Lu Jin

    From: Hangzhou

    Class: Class 3, Mr Wang's class

    Favourite animal: tigers

    I've got many tiger pictures and there are two pictures on the wall.

    Name: Song Yuan

    From: Haikou

    Class: Class 4, Mrs Li's class

    Favourite animal: pandas

    I've got many panda pictures and I go to see pandas in the zoo on Saturday.

    1. (1) Martin is in Class        
      A . 1 B . 2 C . 3 D . 4
    2. (2) Who comes from New York?
      A . Martin. B . Lisa. C . Lu Jin. D . Song Yuan.
    3. (3) What' s Lu Jin' s favourite animal?
      A . Dogs. B . Cats. C . Pandas. D . Tigers.
    4. (4)        pictures of Lu Jin's favourite animal are on the wall.
      A . 2 B . 3 C . 4 D . 5
    5. (5) Song Yuan goes to the zoo on      
      A . Saturday B . Sunday C . Monday D . Tuesday
