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        Every weekend Tim's mum goes to a supermarket in the Green Street. Tim loves to go with her. Tim's favourite store is next to the supermarket. It is Billows Book Store. Mum goes shopping in the supermarket and Tim goes to the bookstore Tim's favourite section (部分) is the sports section for children. It has all kinds of books about sports. It also has many new magazines (杂志). They tell everything about sports.

        Tim likes sports and he spends (花费) a lot of time reading the books and magazines in this section. He likes the section with music books too. Tim always waits in the bookstore for Mum to come and get him. He takes one book or a magazine and Mum buys it for him. He thinks it is a nice way to spend every Saturday afternoon.

    1. (1) What can we know about Billows Book Store?
      A . It's in a busy street. B . It is open five days a week. C . It's next to a supermarket. D . It closes early in the afternoon.
    2. (2) Tim likes to read the books about         
      A . planes B . animals C . sports D . computers
    3. (3) What does the word "They" refer to (指的是)?
      A . Children. B . Sections. C . Books. D . Magazines.
    4. (4) When Tim's mum comes to get Tim, she
      A . buys a book or a magazine for him B . gives him some water C . reads a story for him D . gives him a toy
    5. (5) When does Tim go to Billows Book Store?
      A . On Saturday mornings. B . On Saturday afternoons. C . On Sunday mornings. D . On Sunday afternoons.
