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        Hi Jamie. This is Michael. Sorry you're not in. There is a play (戏剧) on in New Theatre. The play is called The Dinner Party. Do you want to see it? It is about some friends. They meet again after twenty-five years for a dinner. People say it's really good. I think you will like it.

       I know it's your birthday on 27th August. Well, the play is on the 29th.

        The New Theatre is in Church Street near Mr Henry's Bookstore. The theatre is new and very nice inside.

        The play starts at eight in the evening, so why don't we meet in the bookstore first? I'll see you there at 6:45 pm and we can do some reading before it starts.

        If you want to see the play, please call me at 778-4219. Bye.


        Michael asks Jamie to see a play with him. The name of the play is "" It' s on 29th August, days after Jamie's birthday.  The play is on in a(n)and nice theatre. The play starts at 8:00 pm, but Michael hopes they can meet at in Mr Henry's Bookstore. He thinks it's great to there first.
