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  • 1. (2018高三上·龙岩期末) 阅读理解

        Business administration is the most popular undergraduate major in U.S. colleges and universities, accounting for as much as one-fifth of all bachelor degrees awarded each year. Students naturally think of a business degree as the surest way to land a good job after graduation. Many international students agree. Twenty percent studied business last year-the second most popular major after engineering, according to the Institute of International Education.

        Below are descriptions of three of U.S. colleges and universities with strong offerings in business.

        Bentley College    Waltham, Massachusetts

        Bentley offers its 4,000 undergraduates a top-flight business education and an equally strong liberal-arts program that leaves them well-prepared to join the ranks of future business leaders. The college occupies a scenic campus only a shuttle-bus ride from Boston's Harvard Square. More than 90 percent of students seek career-oriented internships(实习).

        Bucknell University    Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

        Bucknell's 3,500 undergraduates benefit from small classes and an engaging staff at this liberal-arts institution in a remote but beautiful campus in central Pennsylvania. Accounting and financial management are specialties in the introductory management course that create and sell a product and then donate their profits to charity(慈善).

        University of Cincinnati        Cincinnati, Ohio

        This urban university with 21,000 undergraduates, located a mile from downtown Cincinnati, was the-birthplace of cooperative education over a century ago. Under this five-year “earn while you learn” program, more than 3,000 students alternate academic study with internships in local businesses and other organizations.

    1. (1) What makes business administration popular with U.S. college students?
      A . A good job after graduation. B . Scenic campuses near downtown. C . Easy access to bachelor degrees. D . A shortcut to academic achievements.
    2. (2) What does Bentley College do for its students?
      A . Encourage them to join in charity sale. B . Train them to be business leaders. C . Benefit them from small-size classes. D . Provide them the first-class business education.
    3. (3) Where can students combine academic study with working experience?
      A . The Institute of International Education. B . Bentley College. C . University of Cincinnati. D . Bucknell University.
