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  • 1. (2018九上·龙湖期末) 下面是一篇摘自中国国家美术馆网站有关中国上世纪70年代文学与艺术展活动的新闻。请仔细阅读该新闻,按信息表中项目要求在答题卷的指定位置填写信息。

        The Stars (Xingxing) show of 1979, hung on the wall outside the Chinese National Art Gallery(美术馆)in Beijing, was one of the most important shows in the recent history of Chinese art. Yan Li was a key member of the group of Chinese artists, Stars (Xingxing), and was also a member of the literary(文学的) group "Today" at that time. In the conversation between Yan Li and Dr. Silvia Fok, they will review the history of that period and how literature(文学) and arts were changed.

        Yan Li, born in 1954 in Beijing, is a writer and painter who moved to the U.S. in 1985 and since 1998 he spends his time between Shanghai and New York. He began writing poems and painting in oils during the Cultural Revolution(文革). Li who is very well-read in both Chinese and Western history and literature has several books of poems including a Chinese-English book named Poetry Possibility (2009) and Things Are Symbols of Themselves (2005) . Yan Li is the host of the Mid-Autumn Poetry Festival which takes place in Beijing every September.

        Dr Silvia Fok received her B.A., M. Phil., and Ph.D. from the University of Hong Kong in 1998, 2002 and 2008. Her primary research is Chinese Art. She has taught art history in the Hong Kong Art School from 2002 to 2004. She worked as part-time teacher at the Department of Fine Arts, HKU, and Cultural and Religious Studies Department, CUHK, in 2009. She is a teacher in Art at the General Education Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

    Information Card

    The persons who will have a talk about literature and arts

    The job Chinese who was born in 1954 in Beijing

    The time when the Mid-Autumn Poetry Festival takes place

    The woman's primary research is

    The university where the woman works as a teacher in Arts
