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  • 1. (2018高一上·仙桃期末) 阅读理解

        Here are some of the smartest animals in the world.


        Pigs are actually very smart animals. Pigs are one of the cleanest if they are given a choice. If you provide them with enough space, they will make sure they separate their dining area from their living space. Studies have also shown that they can actually be good at video games. To get food, they will follow other pigs and then steal it from right under their noses. The victimized(受害的)pigs will then come out wiser from this. They will change their behavior next time to prevent other pigs from stealing from them.


        They are smart and creative, with the highest IQ among all birds. Crows have been known to throw nuts and shells on a road so that cars will drive over and open them. They also have the ability to make knives to cut leaves and grass.


        They have extremely large brains, even bigger than humans'. They bury(埋葬)their dead families and friends properly, the only other animal to do this besides humans. They also know which leaves are medicinal and will eat specific plants depending on the sickness they are feeling. They also have the ability to recognize themselves in the mirror.

    Bottlenose Dolphins

        They actually have the ability to watch television on the their own because of their ability to process acoustic and visual(视觉和听觉)information at the same time. They can also recognize themselves in the mirror, which they use to inspect their own bodies. Their comprehension skills are very high. Studies have shown that they even have the ability to choose the “I don't know” option during difficult tests.

    1. (1) What will pigs do if their food is stolen?
      A . They will fight with other pigs B . They will steal it back C . They will hide their food somewhere D . They will avoid being followed next time
    2. (2) Which animal can use a tool to make its food edible(可吃的)?
      A . The pig B . The crow C . The elephant D . The bottlenose dolphin
    3. (3) What is the only thing that elephants can do besides human beings?
      A . They can play video games B . They can eat medicinal leaves C . They can bury their dead friends well D . They can clean themselves
    4. (4) What can bottlenose dolphins do when they meet a difficult question in a test?
      A . Show that they don't know B . Seek help from others C . Think for a long time D . Look themselves in the mirror
