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  • 1. (2018高三上·温州期末) 完形填空

        I was on my way home from work, cutting through the park. On that day, the sun seemed to 1 faster than usual, and all of a sudden I found myself walking 2 I was less than half a mile from my apartment,3the path would lead me over a bridge, across train tracks, and 4 an unlit underpass (地下通道).

    Then 5 I heard him — a stranger running alongside me. My mouth went 6. My legs felt like water. But I didn't7my pace. Instead, I stopped, turned, and8 him. He came out of the bushes and said he'd been watching me for a long time.9he walked beside me, I moved a little closer to the edge of the10When we reached the bridge, a train raced past, and he seized the moment,11 himself suddenly at me as his hands12my throat. The self-defense skills I had learned years before kicked in, and I dug my 13into his eye, hard. But he14grew bolder (大胆), pulling at my clothes. So I put all my 15into that thumb, and finally he16.

    I was shaking with 17but I looked him straight in the eye and began to back away. I 18to run the hell out of there, but then I 19 another self-defense lesson: Never20 because then you're prey (猎物). So I walked away —alone — through the dark underpass as I dialed 911 with trembling fingers.

    A . rise B . lift C . set D . fall
    A . at a loss B . out of breath C . in a hurry D . in the dark
    A . but B . so C . or D . for
    A . across B . past C . through D . by
    A . immediately B . suddenly C . clearly D . quietly
    A . cold B . hot C . empty D . dry
    A . pick up B . use up C . throw up D . break up
    A . caught B . faced C . hit D . recognized
    A . Until B . Since C . After D . As
    A . apartment B . home C . park D . train
    A . laughing B . throwing C . keeping D . driving
    A . closed around B . took in C . cut off D . waved at
    A . head B . arm C . fist D . thumb
    A . always B . simply C . nearly D . usually
    A . strength B . ability C . feeling D . attention
    A . went by B . broke down C . let go D . looked away
    A . excitement B . joy C . disappointment D . fear
    A . attempted B . managed C . failed D . preferred
    A . watched B . learned C . remembered D . found
    A . wait B . hesitate C . panic D . run
