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        My friend Tina had a busy weekend.  1 the weather is getting warm, she wanted to buy some 2 clothes on Saturday morning. After a quick breakfast, she 3 with her mother. She bought a beautiful red 4 and a white T-shirt. They were very cheap. She only 5 150 yuan on them. In the afternoon, she went to visit her 6 with her father. Her grandmother said she was very beautiful in the new skirt. In the 7 she did her homework because she 8to go on a trip with her friends on Sunday. The next morning, she got up early. She went to the mountain near their town and had a 9 time with her friends. Though(尽管)she 10 tired, she was very happy.

    A . So B . But C . Because D . If
    A . cool B . warm C . hot D . beautiful
    A . went for a walk B . went swimming C . went shopping D . went fishing
    A . jacket B . skirt C . hat D . sweater
    A . took B . got C . bought D . spent
    A . uncle B . aunt C . grandparents D . friend
    A . morning B . afternoon C . evening D . day
    A . wanted B . enjoyed C . remembered D . gave
    A . bad B . long C . best D . good
    A . is B . was C . were D . are
