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  • 1. (2018·岳阳模拟) 阅读理解

        Animal lovers have long suspected that playing with pups was good for the soul, and now science has confirmed it – for students in particular.

        The results of a new study done by researchers at the University of British Columbia concluded that the college students who spent time at drop-in dog therapy sessions experienced an increase in feelings of wellness and a reduction in overall stress. The study, as reported by Science Daily, indicates that playing with pups is not only popular with the students, it's also beneficial to their health. This finding was seen across gender(性别).

        The study, which published on March 12 in the journal Stress and Health, involved 246 students who were surveyed before and after they dropped by dog therapy sessions. The young participants were given free access to pet, hug with and talk to seven to 12 therapy dogs. Additionally, they filled out questionnaires right before and right after hanging with the dogs, as well as 10 hours later.

        According to researchers, these young adults reported a notable increase in happiness, a significant reduction in stress and a flood of energy right after their sessions with the pups. Although the reported feelings of happiness and satisfaction weren't long-lasting, researchers say other effects have clear, positive advantages.

        “These sessions clearly provide benefits for students in the short-term, so we think universities should try to schedule them during particularly stressful times, such as around exam periods,” Assistant Professor of Psychology at UBC and the study's senior author, Frances Chen told Science Daily. “Even having therapy dogs around while students are working on their out-of-class assignments could be helpful.”

    1. (1) What does the new study say about the pups?
      A . They are only good for college students. B . They are only beneficial to the students' physical health. C . They can increase happiness and satisfaction. D . They can create positive feelings that last very long.
    2. (2) What can we infer from Paragraph 2?
      A . College students like to play with pups. B . Dog therapy sessions are popular among college students. C . People especially college students are under great pressure. D . Playing with pups benefits males and females mentally.
    3. (3) What does the author of study advise universities to do?
      A . Allow their students to have therapy dogs to avoid acute stress. B . Allow their students to have therapy dogs around during each exam. C . Allow their students to have therapy dogs around during their class. D . Allow their students to have therapy dogs to achieve good grades.
    4. (4) What may be the best title for the text?
      A . Pups, best friends of humans. B . Pups, therapies for students. C . Animal lovers and pups D . Pets keeping and the soul
