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  • 1. (2018·河北模拟) 完形填空

        A couple of weeks ago, when we were leaving one of those horrible giant trampoline bouncy(弹跳床)places, my 11-year-old daughter said to me, “I don't think I'm very athletic, you know, like Rocket (her brother). He seems to be really good at1.”

        What came out my mouth2me: “No, you're kind of not.”

        Okay, let me3. As you may have guessed, this child has been with me for about 11 years, so I've had enough time to4her engaging in physical acts: jumping, climbing, running, and organized sports.

        And the kid is just5me: two left feet. If anybody was ever NOT a “natural”6, that person is me.

        But even7these facts, my first instinct(本能反应)was to show her with some8: “Oh, no honey. You're good at sports! You just have to keep 9!” But I decided to tell her the10, and I could see it hurt a bit.

        So I said more: “Ava, we all have things we are particularly,11good at. Like you and12. You're in the 5th grade and read Charles Dickens. That isn't13, but you've done it without even trying. But all of us also have things that we are14in. If we want to get good at those things, we have to put in twice the15of the people around us to get to a decent(相当的)point and even harder if we want to16.”

        She was nodding. She totally17it. Why? Because it's the truth. Sometimes I wonder why we run around talking nonsense(胡扯)to our kids when they can18the truth. And they can smell rubbish from a mile away. In other words, they can easily recognize you are19. In addition, if they don't know where they20now, they'll never know how to get somewhere new.

    A . arts B . reading C . organization D . sports
    A . surprised B . puzzled C . amused D . worried
    A . get up B . give up C . come up D . back up
    A . keep B . leave C . observe D . prevent
    A . for B . like C . with D . against
    A . coach B . judge C . captain D . athlete
    A . knowing B . ignoring C . checking D . minding
    A . information B . facts C . rubbish D . beliefs
    A . trying B . waiting C . looking D . smiling
    A . idea B . truth C . news D . failure
    A . probably B . naturally C . unexpectedly D . gradually
    A . listening B . speaking C . reading D . writing
    A . normal B . important C . special D . useful
    A . poor B . different C . experienced D . interested
    A . money B . courage C . effort D . confidence
    A . get by B . live on C . catch up D . stand out
    A . got B . forgot C . deserved D . did
    A . hide B . avoid C . learn D . handle
    A . joking B . lying C . struggling D . regretting
    A . fall B . live C . stop D . stand
