当前位置: 小学英语 / 填空题
  • 1. 选出相应的答语

    ⑴What's your favourite holiday?                       A. They're Jim's.

    ⑵When's your birthday?                                    B. She planted some trees.

    ⑶What did she do on the farm?                        C. Ifs the 21 st of January.

    ⑷Did you have a wonderful time?                     D. It means "keep off the grass”.

    ⑸Whose gloves are they?                                  E. They're in Jim's desk.

    ⑹What date is it today?                                     F. Halloween.

    ⑺What does this sign mean?                             G. Yes, we did.

    ⑻Where are your gloves?                                  H. It's on the 21st of January.

    ⑼What is Sam doing?                                        I. I'm going to go swimming.

    ⑽What are you going to do tomorrow?           J. He's playing football.
