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  • 1. (2018九下·无锡模拟) 阅读理解

        I am a Special Agent (特工) for the FBI (美国联邦调查局).In order to become a Special Agent, you must graduate from college and have some other skills, training, or important work experience.

        Special Agents receive training at a place called the FBI Academy, a special school for the FBI.The training is 16 weeks long.While they are at the Academy, they go to class and have homework just like you do! Special Agents take classes in science, law, and how to do investigations (调查).New Special Agents are also taught how to use a gun safely.Once they graduate from the FBI     Academy, Agents must be treated on their shooting skills four times a year.

        You know how important it is to eat well and exercise, right? For Special Agents, it is no different.They must be healthy. If they don't pass tests that check their physical skills, they can't become Agents!

        At the FBI Academy, Special Agents learn self-defense (自卫) skills.These skills help them protect themselves from someone who tries to hurt them.They also learn how to arrest (逮捕) people without anyone getting hurt.

        The FBI has a training town called Hogans Alley. In this town, actors and actresses play bad people and new Agents are ordered to stop them from doing "bad things".In this way, the Agents can practise the skills they learn in class.

    1. (1) What does "they" in the second paragraph refer to?
      A . FBI Academy. B . FBI. C . The training town. D . Special Agents.
    2. (2) What is Hogans Alley built for?
      A . To help Special Agents practise the skills they have learned. B . To help actors and actresses learn how to act. C . For Special Agents to live in. D . For visitors to see how Special Agents save people.
    3. (3) Which of the following is the best title for this story?
      A . The reason why I'd like to be a Special Agent B . The FBI Special Agents training program C . How I can become a Special Agent D . I am in a Special Agents training program
