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    Three turtles

        Three turtles live in a house. They decide to have a cup of coffee. So they go to a care. Just as they go into the care, it starts to rain. They have no umbrella with them. So the biggest one says to the smallest one,   "Go home and get the umbrella."

        The little turtle answers, "I will, if you don't drink my coffee when I go to get the umbrella." "We don't." The other two promise. Two hours later, the big turtle says to the middle turtle, "Well, I guess he isn't coming back, so we can drink his coffee." Just then, there is a voice. "If you do, I will not go to get the umbrella."

    1. (1) It is a fine day today.
    2. (2) There are only two turtles in a house.
    3. (3) They decide to go to the park together.
    4. (4) They have no umbrella with them.
