I used to believe...the childhood beliefs site
When I was small, I thought my toys played at night, just like what the toys did in the movie Toy Story. I often woke up to watch my toys, but they did not move at all. So I learned that some movies are not true in real life.
When I was young, I thought Santa Claus was real. With my brother, I put flour on the floor on Christmas Eve. The next day, we found some big footprints. One day when I was 13, my father told me he made the footprints. It was funny.
When I was a little boy, my parents often touched my nose and then they put the thumb between their fingers to make me think that it was my nose and that they had taken my nose.
When I was a little kid, I thought people could be anything they want, so I decided to become a koala when I grow up.