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  • 1. (2018八上·柯桥期中) 任务型阅读

    1. (1) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

          The Chairman of the Alibaba group(阿里巴巴集团) has now become one of the richest men in China. In Jan. 2017, President Trump of the United States met Ma Yun in New York. He has become more famous all over the world since then.

          Ma Yun's story of sucess is not an easy one. He was born on September 10, 1964 in Zhejiang Province. At school, , although he did well in English. So he failed the college entrance examination twice.

          But .At the third time, he passed the exam and entered Hangzhou Normal College, where he studied English. In1988,Ma Yun graduated. He worked as an English teacher for five years at Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering. In 1995,he went to the United States and he was on a short trip to Seattle(西雅图). One day, and he searched for the word "beer" on the Internet, but he couldn't find the words "beer made in China" on line! He could only see "American beer" and "German beer". So he decided to stay there and learned about the Internet. He believed that shopping on line would have a bright future. , but he didn't give up his hope. Ma Yun set up Alibaba in 1999 and Taobao in 2003 with the help of his friends. His Alibaba Group went public(上市) in New York in September 2014. Now, Alibaba is one of the biggest Internet companies in the world.

          Ma Yun always tells young people not to be afraid of difficulties. "Young people in China should know one thing: Today is difficult, tomorrow is more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful," he said.

      A. he wanted to drink Chinese beer

      B. he never gave up:

      C. he was not good at math

      D. Everyone thought he was crazy

    2. (2) How does Ma Yun encourage young people in China?
