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  • 1. (2018高一上·辽宁期中) 阅读理解

        Life often requires people to join in unpleasant situations. Rather often, these unpleasant situations do not happen on their own, but happen because of other people's actions and words. Fortunately, there are useful ways to deal with conflicts(冲突).

        The best way to solve a conflict is not to let it happen. Nothing useful comes out of a conflict. It is a total waste of time and energy for both sides and thus everyone should try his best to prevent conflict. To do this, you will need to learn the points of view your potential opponents (对手) share and the benefits of understanding people around you.

        If the conflict has already arisen, one of the best methods to settle disagreements is to treat the situation with humor. It does not mean, however, that you must ignore(忽视) your opponent's arguments and make jokes about them; it means that you should be in a friendly atmosphere, saying difficult-to-express things with a bit of humor. Humor will help you reduce anger and re-think problems to make them look easier to settle, and set your opponent's mind to working on a problem with you, not against you. This way, a conflict can become an opportunity for building a greater connection between you and your opponent.

        If the situation turns verbally abusive (恶语中伤), put a stop to it. Firmly but calmly state: "You're very angry right now and you're saying things you don't mean. I'm going to excuse myself. We can talk again after you calm down." Then leave the room or ask them to leave.

    1. (1) What can we learn about conflict prevention(预防)?
      A . It does good to both sides. B . It provides a better solution. C . It results in verbal arguments. D . It causes some misunderstandings.
    2. (2) How can you deal with your opponent with humor?
      A . Play a trick on him. B . Laugh at him seriously. C . Overlook his angry words. D . Explain to him amusingly.
    3. (3) What will you do when you are under verbal attack from a man?
      A . Say sorry and leave him. B . Make an excuse to end it. C . Put the man beneath his dignity. D . Deal with him as he deals with you.
