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  • 1. (2018八上·东营期中) 阅读理解

        Running is becoming popular these days. Many of us run for health. Doctors say many health problems come from these bad habits: eating and drinking too much, smoking and not taking enough exercise. Doctors tell us, "Eat and drink less, don't smoke, and exercise more."

        Running is a good form of exercise because it helps build a strong heart. It also helps most people lose weight. One 68-year-old woman runs three times a week. "I love to eat," she says. She runs to lose weight.

        Running is good for health in other ways, too. Many runners say running keeps colds and other small health problems away. "Running is my doctor," says one man.

        Running can also help people to relax. So today men and women of all ages enjoy running.

    1. (1) Many people enjoy running because they want to___________.
      A . eat much B . keep healthy C . run fast D . waste time
    2. (2) Doctors tell us _____________.
      A . not to smoke B . not to exercise C . to drink much D . to eat much
    3. (3) The underlined word means "____________" in Chinese.
      A . 疾病 B . 体重 C . 速度 D . 健康
    4. (4) The third paragraph shows_____________.
      A . running helps people to relax B . people who like running have many health problems C . running helps build a strong heart D . people who like running have fewer health problems
    5. (5) The writer mainly tells us ___________.
      A . how to run B . how to lose weight C . running is a good way to keep healthy D . running is better than doctors
