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  • 1. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。

    Suggestions for Traveling



    ●Spit(吐痰) or drop litter everywhere.

    ●Talk loudly on your mobile phone.

    ●Take off your shoes on planes,trains or buses.

    ●Smoke in public places.

    ●Cut in line.

    ●Cross the street when the red light is on.

    ●Write graffiti(乱涂乱画) anywhere.

    ●Just go shopping.

    ●Talk politely to strangers.

    ●Wash your hands before eating and eat quietly.

    ●Try to speak some of the local language even if you can only say "Hello" and "Thank you".

    ●Visit local sights, taste local food and try to understand other people's lives in new places.

    1. (1) These suggestions are for kids only.
    2. (2) Take off your shoes in public places.
    3. (3) Cutting in line and littering are not allowed.
    4. (4) It's impolite to talk loudly on mobile phones.
    5. (5) We are supposed to eat quietly and talk politely.
