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更新时间:2018-06-12 浏览次数:554 类型:期末考试
  • 12. (2018四下·深圳期末) 选择配伍

    ⑴What can you see ?                   A、Yes , sir .

    ⑵Something to eat ?                    B、Let's hurry .

    ⑶Don 't climb the hills .                C、Yes , it is .

    ⑷How do you go there ?              D、Thank you .

    ⑸We are late for school .              E、No , I can't .

    ⑹Welcome to our school !            F、Yes , he is .

    ⑺Can you sing songs ?                 G、He is my father .

    ⑻Who is this man ?                      H、Noodles and eggs .

    ⑼Is this man a doctor ?                I、I can see a bird .

    ⑽Is this bus for the station ?        J、By bus .

  • 28. (2018四下·深圳期末) 阅读理解

        Today is Sunday . It's cool and dry . Some children are in the park . Some girls are sitting under a big tree . They are singing . Kitty and Eddie are flying kites . They are happy on the grass , the boys are playing football . John is watching them . There is a pond in the park . Some ducks are in the pond . Betty is drawing the ducks . She likes drawing .

    1. (1) What day is today ?

    2. (2) Where are some girls ?

    3. (3) What are some girls doing ?

    4. (4) What are Kitty and Eddie doing ?

    5. (5) What is Betty drawing ?

