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新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语...

更新时间:2019-02-26 浏览次数:298 类型:单元试卷
  • 16. 完形填空

        Billy is a boy of fifteen. His parents died three years ago. One day when he was walking in the street, he 1a wallet. He returned it to the owner,Mr. Baker. He gave his2to the boy. As the boy had no job,Mr. Baker made him work for him in his 3.Billy worked so hard that Mr. and Mrs. Baker were4with him.

        Mr. Baker loved planting5. The week before last, he brought a few trees home,planted them in the6himself and watered them every day. Several days7 , he had to leave for another city. Before he started,he said to Billy “Take good care of the trees. Some boys near our house always want to steal them. “

        “Don't 8about them.“ answered Billy. Six days passed and Mr. Baker came back. He asked,“9anyone ever come to steal the trees?”“No,sir. “ said Billy,”To stop someone from stealing the trees,I 10them up six days ago. I have hidden them for almost a week. “

    A . found B . brought C . carried D . wanted
    A . walked B . pity C . thanks D . excuses
    A . factory B . office C . town D . home
    A . pleased B . angry C . strict D . popular
    A . flowers B . grass C . vegetables D . trees
    A . garden B . office C . city D . room
    A . ago B . later C . before D . after
    A . think B . talk C . learn D . worry
    A . Did B . Does C . Has D . Will
    A . sent B . pulled C . put D . picked
  • 17. 阅读理解

        There are many different kinds of love. For me there is a kind of special love,which I call “soft love”. Now I'd like to thank my parents for giving me so much soft love,especially my father. He has a special way of communicating with me.

        My father works at a university as a teacher. He is very strict with students. He devotes (把……奉献)himself to his work,all of his students love him. At home he is both a good husband and a good father. He is strict with me,too,so I am afraid of him. There is one thing that I will never forget.

        At the end of the second term of senior one,my scores were lower than ever before,I was very worried about it. My father came to my room and saw the report card,at that time,I was afraid that my father would scold (责骂)me as usual. But surprisingly,he left the room without any remarks (话语).I was frightened (害怕的).

        The next day,when I got up,I found a letter. I opened it,it was written by my father,“Dear daughter, I know that studying is hard work,but you won't give it up,will you? I believe that you can be the best. Now I want to give you three pieces of advice. 1. Where there is a will,there is a way. 2. Practice makes perfect. 3. It's no use crying over spilt milk.” After reading the letter,I couldn't say a word. So I wrote,“Father,I can do it! Thank you!”

        I think that the love between my father and I is special love that brings us even closer!

    1. (1) What does the writer's father do?
      A . He is a worker. B . He does special work. C . He is a teacher. D . We don't know.
    2. (2) What does “He devotes himself to his work” mean?
      A . He doesn't like his work. B . He works very hard. C . He wants to give up his work. D . He does less work at the university.
    3. (3) The writer's grades_______________.
      A . are always good B . are never good C . were the worst in her class D . weren't as good as before
    4. (4) After seeing his daughter's report card,the father_______________.
      A . was very angry B . didn't believe it C . wrote a letter to her and encouraged her D . was very happy
    5. (5) From the passage we know_______________is wrong.
      A . both his students and his daughter love him very much B . the writer's father is very loving C . the writer would study harder than before D . the writer gives up her grades
  • 18. 任务型阅读

        Erin and her friend Amy flew into San Diego last week. They are both in their mid-20s,and both are nurses who live in Georgia. It was their first visit to California,and they were excited.

        They headed north to Los Angeles. They visited many places in Hollywood. They hoped they would see lots of actors and actors' homes. If they got lucky,they would get some autographs and maybe even some photographs of them standing next to a movie star.

        But they were disappointed. A car took them on a tour past actors,homes,but no actors were outside their homes. The homes themselves were hardly visible (看得见的).They were often hidden by tall gates,fences (栅栏),walls or trees. Later,however, Erin and Amy were able to put their hands and feet into the handprints and footprints of movie stars at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood.

        Erin and Amy drove to Burbank the next day to watch the taping of a Jay Leno show, but the line was so long that they decided to give up. Instead they went to a mall and had a great time shopping. They flew back to Georgia with souvenirs,photos,and wonderful memories. Amy said,”Next time,we're not leaving until we see some real live actors!”


    1. (1) Erin and Amy both worked in a hospital in Georgia.
    2. (2) They hoped they would see lots ofand their.
    3. (3) Did they see the movie stars in the Chinese Theater?
    4. (4) Why did they decide to give up watching the taping of a Jay Leno show?
    5. (5) 在文中找出并写下与下句意义相近的句子。

      Next time,we will stay there until we see some real live actors!

  • 19. 阅读理解

        It was really a big day for Mrs. Smith. Her husband,an ordinary office worker gave her ten pounds for her birthday-ten pretty pound notes. She could at last buy the beautiful thing she had always wanted. So the day after her birthday Mrs. Smith went shopping. She got on a bus and sat down next to an old lady. After a while she noticed that the old lady's bag was open. Inside it,she found a wad of pound notes like the one her husband had given her the day before. She quickly looked into her own bag-the notes were gone. Mrs. Smith was sure that the old lady sitting next to her must have stolen them. She thought she would not have to call the police as she didn't like getting people into trouble. So she decided to take back the money from the lady's bag and say nothing about it. She looked around the bus to make sure nobody was watching, then she carefully put her hand into the old lady's handbag, took out the notes and put them into the bag of her own.

        When she returned home that evening,she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought. “How did you pay for it?” he asked in surprise. “With the money you gave me for my birthday,of course. ““Oh, what's that then?” he asked,as he pointed to a wad of pound notes on the table.

    1. (1) When did Mrs. Smith go shopping?
      A . After she bought the hat. B . Before her birthday. C . The day after her birthday. D . During her birthday.
    2. (2) On the bus Mrs. Smith found_______________.
      A . she had left her money home B . the old lady stealing her money C . her money missing D . the old lady wearing a beautiful hat
    3. (3) How did she get the money from the old lady?
      A . She asked the police for help. B . She made the old lady give back the money. C . She got it out of her pocket. D . She took it in a secret way.
    4. (4) How did her husband feel when she showed him the hat she had bought?
      A . He felt surprised. B . He felt happy. C . He felt unpleasant. D . He liked the hat very much.
    5. (5) In the end Mrs. Smith found she had_______________.
      A . been lucky enough that day B . greatly improve herself in something C . lost her money D . made a serious mistake
  • 20. 根据短文内容及首字母提示补全单词,使短文完整、通顺。

        One morning, when Chen Yan and Li Shuai were on the way to school, they saw a man was running down the street. They didn't know what was h.Chen Yan thought that the man could be running for e.But he was wa suit. Li Shuai thought he cbe late for work. So he had to run quickly to cthe bus. As they went near, they saw the man was very scared. And he looked up and there was something in the s.Chen Yan thought it could be a helicopter, but it was too big. Li Shuai thought it mbe UFO. After the UFO landed, a strange creature got out and cthe man. Both Chen Yan and Li Shuai thought they must be d. When they wanted to call the police, they saw a woman with a camera and many actors. They were making a m.

  • 21. 选词填空

    could,   must,   might,   can't,   mustn't,   needn't,   have to

    1. (1) —Who is the man over there? Is it Mr. Li?

      —No, itbe him. Mr. Li is much taller.

    2. (2) When you cross the street, yoube careful.
    3. (3) Liu Haibe in the street, because I have just seen him in the classroom.
    4. (4) —Must they come to the party at five tomorrow?

      —No, they.

    5. (5) It's late. Igo home now.
    6. (6) —I speak to Miss Green, please?


    7. (7) It's dangerous. Youplay football on the street.
    8. (8) The guitarbe Alice's. She plays it.

