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更新时间:2017-05-16 浏览次数:732 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

        With over 300 years of history, Harvard University, US, welcomed its first-ever Chinese commencement(毕业典礼) speaker. On May 26, He Jiang, a 2016 PhD(博士学位)graduate, gave a speech that stood for the graduate students at commencement. It's one of the highest honors for a Harvard graduate.

        In his speech, he told a story about his childhood. He grew up in a poor village in Hunan. Once a spider bit him on the hand, and his mother had to set his hand on fire to cure him. There were no doctors in the village, and this was the only cure a rural woman knew.

    When he got older, he couldn't help but think about why there wasn't a better cure at that time. And he thought out the answer —- the unequal distribution of knowledge in the world.

         “Even today we haven't been very successful in bringing knowledge to where it's needed most,” said He. “Even basic life-saving knowledge we can get easily in the modern world is often unavailable in poor areas.” According to the China Children and Teenagers Foundation, there are still around 3 million children in China lacking education, and most of them live in rural areas.

         “One of the biggest problems for rural students is that they lack chances as well as motivation(积极性). It disturbs me that many people in rural areas think studying is useless.” Said He.

        But He Jiang knows how education can change people's lives. “I just hope my experience can give those rural students a bit of encouragement and hope,” said He.

    1. (1) When did the story He Jiang told happen?

      A . In his childhood. B . In his youth. C . Two years ago. D . Four years ago.
    2. (2) How was He Jiang cured after a spider bit him?

      A . The doctor gave him an injection. B . Nobody helped cure him. C . The doctor asked him to take some medicine. D . His mother set his hand on fire to cure him.
    3. (3) What does the underlined phrase “unequal distribution” mean?

      A . 广泛传播 B . 不平衡分布 C . 重要作用 D . 消极影响
    4. (4) From the underlined sentence we can know many rural students are short of       .

      A . chances of studying B . motivation of studying C . the way of making money D . parents who look after them
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Hollywood Hotel Service Guide

    Room Service

    Offer the service 24 hours a day.

    Phone the Information Desk, and your message will be passed on to the room waiter.

    Dining Room

    Breakfast: 8:00a.m. — 9:30 a.m.

    (Tips: The room waiter may bring breakfast to your room at any time after 7:00a.m. If you need it, please fill in a card and hang it outside your door before 6:00 a.m.)

    Lunch: 12:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.

    Dinner: 6:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.


    Dial “0” for the Information Desk to put you through with the room waiter. Tell the Information Desk if the morning calls are needed.

    Shop & Coffee House

    Business hours:

    Shop: 9:00 a.m. — 5:30 p.m.

    Coffee House: 12:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.

    8:00 p.m. — 1:30 a.m.

    Other Services

    Hot water: It is offered 24 hours.

    Cinema: Films begin at 7:00 p.m. on Sundays and Wednesdays.

    Swimming pool: Enjoy yourself at any time if you like. It's free.

    1. (1) When can you get the room service? 

      A . Only at midnight. B . Any time during a day. C . Before 12:00 a.m. D . After 12:00 a.m.
    2. (2) The service guide tells us that you can _______________ at any time in the hotel. 

      A . go swimming B . go shopping C . see a film D . go to the coffee house
    3. (3) You can most probably see the service guide _______________. 

      A . in a hotel dining room B . in a bedroom of a small family hotel C . in a bedroom of a large hotel D . in a hotel shop
  • 3.


        More and more people are good at catching business chances to create wealth. Recently the Chinese Internet buzzwords(流行词) “thin blue mushroom” have become the name of a company in Shenzhen.

        How do the buzzwords come? In fact, they mean “sad and feeling like you want to cry” in English. When they were first spoken by a young man, they sounded similar to “lan shou xiang gu'. At that time, the young man just experienced a sad story of love and posted a video online. In the video, he said such words. Only a few days later, the words became popular among Internet users. Before that, some other buzzwords also became popular on the Internet. After Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui got third prize in the Rio Olympics, she said that her success was because of “prehistoric powers (洪荒之力)”. And just two days later, “Prehistoric Power” became a company's name in Shenzhen.Besides, Wang Jianlin, the richest man in China, ever discussed his “small” goal of earning 100,000,000 yuan on TV. His words became popular online quickly. After one week, a new company named “Earning 100,000,000 yuan” appeared in Shenzhen.

        So what will be the next company with a new buzzword?

    1. (1) What does the underlined word “earning” mean in English? 

      A . Paying. B . Making. C . Spending. D . Borrowing.
    2. (2) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? 

      A . Many buzzwords become very popular on the Internet. B . Almost each buzzword could become a company's' name. C . The writer thinks there might be some buzzwords in the future. D . In China, all Internet buzzwords were created by famous people.
    3. (3) What's the main idea of the passage? 

      A . Internet buzzwords have become great business chances. B . Why many companies with Internet buzzwords come from Shenzhen. C . Internet buzzwords have made every company more successful. D . How to create more Internet buzzwords in out daily life.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Go to your local public library, and you will find an unusual activity is appearing more and more: Practicing reading with trained dogs. How would you feel about taking time once a week to read aloud to a dog.

        Each dog in a reading program experiences a special training session. The trainers also receive training; they learn how to interact(互动)with the students and the dogs. Each program has high standards. There have been many studies of the interactions between humans and dogs that show dogs lower people's blood pressure and heart rate. People become more relaxed and calmer and will completely forget what they are scared of when they have a dog nearby.

        Unlike at school, where students sit at desks or tables, students and dogs sit together on special reading mats. Some students lie next to the dogs. Each student reads to one dog, so there is a quiet din of voices in the room. The dog has been taught a command to pay attention to the reader. So when the trainer says something to the dog, it focuses on the student at once. But sometimes, the students read the dogs to sleep!

        The dog's trainer is also present. He or she watches the dog carefully to make sure that the dog behaves. Sometimes, the trainer gives the dog a break when the dog becomes restless. While the trainer doesn't help with the reading, the trainer talks to the student about the dog and explains how to take care of pets and how to be safe around animals.

        Students who read to dogs show the benefits of this interaction. They are calmer and can avoid worrying about getting all the words correct. The dog just wants to hear the story. As students learn more about the dogs they read to, they also learn that they have gained a new friend.

        Not only do students change their reading habits with the dogs during the program, but they also change their school habits. Their reading skills increase by twelve to twenty percent. They start raising their hands and answering questions more often. They pay more attention in class. Some students start arriving at school earlier and are absent less often.

        Dogs are not just for playing fetch with anymore. Now they can help people become better readers. Next time you visit your local library, be on the lookout for four-legged creatures (生物) who want to hear a good story. 

    1. (1) The underlined word “command” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_________”.

      A . lesson B . order C . language D . rule
    2. (2) From the passage, we can learn that this activity can __________.

      A . help students be more helpful and clever B . help increase reading speed by 8 percent C . make the trained dogs fall asleep quickly D . make students be more active in school
    3. (3) The writer wants to tell us that _________.

      A . the students can benefit from reading with dogs B . the dogs can be trained to understand the story C . the students can be taught to train dogs well D . the trainers help students to read correctly
    4. (4) What is the change when humans interact with dogs?

      A . They will be more nervous. B . They will be more excited. C . They will be more aggressive. D . They will be more peaceful.
    5. (5) What is probably the best title for this passage?

      A . Why do we need dogs? B . Where can we read books? C . Who can help us read books? D . How do we change the habits?
  • 5. 下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    A. Do some stretching.

    B. Raise up your phone.

    C. Buying a good phone.

    D. Just put the phone down.

    E. Take a load off.

    F. Traveling by air?

    Doctors say these tips will help people prevent trouble in the text neck.

    Doctors encourage users to lift their phones to eye level rather than staring down at a screen. That way there's no added pressure from bending the neck downwards. Besides, users can look down at their phones with their eyes rather than bending their necks.

    If the previous step is too awkward(笨拙的), simply don't use your smartphone as much. Many of the tasks performed on a smartphone can also be done on desktop-based apps.

    For those who spend long periods of time on their phones, it's important to take breaks. Take a five-minute pause for every 15 minutes of smartphone use, and this one goes for tablet and laptops users too If you're sitting, get up, walk around and if possible, engage in step.

    There are simple stretching exercises that can make muscles and tendons happy again after a long texting session. One is to turn the head as far as possible to the left, then back to neutral, and then all the way to the right. Next tilt(倾斜) the head ear-to-shoulder to one side, then return to upright, and then tilt to the other side.

    Don't fall asleep. Often, travelers sleep in contorted(扭曲的) positions on airplanes and cars. When they do, the head often falls off the center of the neck, which can promote imbalance. Also, when in bed, it's important to avoid sleeping on the stomach.

  • 6. 阅读下面的材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。
        Living in a new country means experiencing a different way of life. This is very interesting and exciting, it can also be a little challenging at times. The culture of every country is special and unique, which  (mean) that people who have grown up in different places will have different ways of doing things and different ways of thinking about things. Before you travel, it is  (use) to think about the local culture can help you get ready  staying in a new country.
        Think for a moment about culture. What does it mean? Culture is the same kind of ideas a group of people (usual) have, the same ways of dealing with things, and the same values (see) things. This means that culture is like a kind of glue that holds the (social) together. You learn about the culture of your own society in a very natural way as you grow up: how you treat people, how you act and you believe in.
        You can see some parts of  country's culture when you visit it. For example, you can see different ways of  (greet) people, hear different languages and experience different activities. World is diversified (多样化的) for us, and we must feel the world with our heart.
  • 7. 通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。
        I am sitting in an empty football field after my last high school football game that finished a few hours ago. I'm the midfield player on my team. But in fact that's not  1  now. I was the midfield player because, as I said, this was my   2  game. That's a good way to end a high school football career (生涯), especially if you win, but even though you don't, it's  3  to leave at a high point. 
        I was eight when I first started playing football. My dad   4  football, and he used to practice with me at home-passing, catching, running. We used to practice almost every evening     5  it got too dark. He tried to teach me everything he knew about the  6  . "Just remember: Don't ever   7 ." "Stay in the game. Don't lose your concentration (专注).""Go out there and give 110 percent every time." Well, that was a long time ago, but I still hear his words   8   in my ears. 
                I had a lot in my mind  9 the game today. I don't like things to end, I guess, and this was the last game. I was talking to myself and warning myself about what to do and not to do. I didn't sleep at all   10  , and when the sun came up this morning, I reached the point where   11  just wanted it all to be over. But then when the game started, my mind became  12 .
        I just lived in this game this moment. I didn't hear the crowd, I didn't feel the cold or the pain, I never felt tired. I just kept my eyes on the   13 , and it was just me and the ball and, inside, a soft, white light  14  me the way to the goal. It was a beautiful, empty feeling.
                 It's all over now, and it's really getting cold here. It's starting to snow. The sun's almost gone, and I can  15 see the goal. Now it's dark and I'm sitting here all alone. Well, I guess it's time to say good-bye and move on.
    A . wrong    B . true  C . strange D . clear
    A . first   B . worst   C . last   D . favorite
    A .  painful   B . bad   C . lucky  D . good
    A . needed B . hated  C . missed  D . loved
    A . unless  B . when C . until  D . although
    A . football  B . game C . goal  D . score
    A . grow up    B . catch up  C . give up D . hurry up
    A . ringing    B . saying C . falling D . coming
    A . from   B . through  C . before D . after
    A . tonight B . yesterday C . today D . last night
    A . we   B . I   C . they  D . he
    A . awake   B . full C . rough   D . empty
    A . way    B . field  C . ball  D . match
    A . sending  B . teaching   C . pointing D . showing
    A . already   B . hardly   C . never  D . clearly
四、根据下列句子及所给的首字母, 在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)
  • 18.

    紧张而又忙碌的初中生活即将结束, 在装载你收获的行囊—-成长记录袋中还应增添一份你自己满意的答案。

    根据上述提示, 请以“My Unforgettable Junior High School Life”为题写一篇文章, 记录你难忘的校园生活。首句已给出。



    My Unforgettable Junior High School Life

    How time flies……

