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新目标版英语七年级上册Unit 7 How much are...

更新时间:2015-10-27 浏览次数:1065 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 根据句意及所给首字母提示完成句子

    1. (1) Ten and two is t

    2. (2) We have clothes at a very good p.

    3. (3) The store s school things.

    4. (4) Jim! Please c and play basketball with us.

    5. (5) —How m is this book?

      —It's 10 yuan.

  • 2. 用所给的单词的适当形式填空

    1. (1) —How much (be) these jackets?

      —They are $20.

    2. (2) Alice wants to (buy) a red skirt.

    3. (3) I need a pair of(一双) (shoe).

    4. (4) His brother (not have) any orange jacket.

    5. (5) The white is 800 (dollar).

  • 3. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词

    1. (1) 这是一件价格合理的毛衣。

      This is a sweater a good .

    2. (2) 我们这儿没有白色的裤子。

      We don't have trousers here.

    3. (3) 这些黑色的鞋子不降价出售。

         These black shoes are not

    4. (4) 你可以买到每条仅售10美元的短裤。

      You can shorts only $10 each.

    5. (5) 这是给你的一双新袜子。

      Here's new socks for you.

  • 4. 用适当的介词填空

    1. (1) They have lots of balls a very good price in their store.

    2. (2) They sell apples only ¥5 each Jin(斤).

    3. (3) boys and girls, we have lots of hamburgers and ice cream.

    4. (4) I need bags sports.

    5. (5) The pencils all colors are for just l yuan.

    6. (6) Have a look Mr. Cool's Store!

    7. (7) Come and see your parents, please!

    8. (8) Welcome our school!

    9. (9) The computers and TV are sale.

    10. (10) —Where can I buy them?

      —You can go and see Hualian Store.

  • 5. 完形填空

    Next to our school there is a store. It's1, but there are lots of school things2 it. Do you and your friends 3 notebooks, erasers, pens, rulers or 4? Please come to the store. They5 those things at very good 6. Big erasers are just one yuan, each, 7 small erasers are only 0.5 yuan. The pens are just on sale 8 two yuan. Oh, I like that cartoon pencil sharpener. 9at the price! It's only two yuan. I'll take 10. Do you want school things? Just come here and see for yourself.

    A . short B . small C . long D . big
    A . in B . of C . on D . at
    A . have B . take C . need D . has
    A . pencils B . watches C . clothes D . sweaters
    A . like B . buy C . give D . sell
    A . stores B . prices C . tables D . shops
    A . and B . but C . so D . or
    A . for B . at C . to D . in
    A . Look B . Watch C . See D . Read
    A . them B . it C . me D . You
  • 6. 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话(其中有两项是多余选项)

    A. Where did you buy it?

    B. Can I have a look at your new skirt?

    C. Excuse me.

    D. It's only nineteen dollars.

    E. OK. Let's go to the store.

    F. Thank you.

    G. You're welcome.

      A: Hey, Maria. 

      B: Yes! It's on my bed.

      A: Oh, it's very nice.


      A: How much is it, Maria?


      A: Wow, it's not dear! 

      B: At Huaxing Clothes Store.

      A: I want to buy one, too.


  • 7. 根据短文内容,完成下列句子,每空一词。

        Helen is my aunt.  She has a clothes store.  Its name is Fashion Store. Fashion Store is not big, but it sells many kinds of clothes.

        At Fashion Store, trousers are popular (受欢迎的)all the year. Every day, lots of people buy trousers. Girls also like to buy skirts in summer. They think skirts are nice. But boys often buy shorts.

        When people need shoes, they can also go to Fashion Store. There are many kinds of shoes at the store. They can buy what they like.

    1. (1) Fashion Store is the writer's .

    2. (2) Fashion Store is but it sells many kinds of clothes.

    3. (3) sell well all the year at Fashion Store.

    4. (4) often buy shorts in summer.

    5. (5) Besides(除……外)clothes, people can also buy at Fashion Store.

  • 8. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填上一个适当的单词。(首字母已给出)

        This is a supermarket. It is new and big. You can buy m things here. You can buy food and d You can buy fruit and v You can buy school things like pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners and so on. You can a buy clothes here. You can buy fridges and washing machines, t .

      The supermarket is o 12 hours a day. There are often many p there. The shop a work very h and they are f  too. They like to help everybody. I like the supermarket.


