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  • 1. 根据短文内容,完成下列句子,每空一词。

        Helen is my aunt.  She has a clothes store.  Its name is Fashion Store. Fashion Store is not big, but it sells many kinds of clothes.

        At Fashion Store, trousers are popular (受欢迎的)all the year. Every day, lots of people buy trousers. Girls also like to buy skirts in summer. They think skirts are nice. But boys often buy shorts.

        When people need shoes, they can also go to Fashion Store. There are many kinds of shoes at the store. They can buy what they like.

    1. (1) Fashion Store is the writer's .

    2. (2) Fashion Store is but it sells many kinds of clothes.

    3. (3) sell well all the year at Fashion Store.

    4. (4) often buy shorts in summer.

    5. (5) Besides(除……外)clothes, people can also buy at Fashion Store.
