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更新时间:2019-06-13 浏览次数:386 类型:中考模拟
  • 16. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

        A few days ago, I ran into a stranger as he passed by. I said sorry to him. And we were very polite. Then we went 1 our way after saying goodbye.

        Later in the kitchen at home, as I cooked our meal, my daughter Betty walked up to me. When I turned around, I nearly knocked her down. "Get out of the way!" I shouted angrily. She ran away, 2.

        That night, when I lay in bed, my husband said to me, "You were so impolite to Betty. Go and look around on the kitchen floor, and you'll find some 3 there. Betty brought those for you. She 4 them herself pink, yellow, and your favorite blue. "

        When I heard this, I thought deeply. "While meeting with a 5, I was peaceful and polite, but with my daughter, I was not 6." I felt sad and tears (眼泪) began to fall.

        I walked quietly to Betty's bed, "Wake up, my dear," I said, "Are these flowers you picked 7 me?" She smiled, "I found them by the tree. I knew you liked them, especially the blue." I said, "I am so sorry that I 8 you that way today." And she whispered (悄声说), "Mommy, that's okay. I still love you anyway." I kissed her and said, "I love you too and I do love the flowers."

        That day Betty gave me a 9 on how to get along with each other in the family. I spent much time on work and didn't realize how 10 family life was. I decided to do better in the future.

    A . on B . through C . by D . after
    A . laughing B . singing C . crying D . dancing
    A . books B . flowers C . cards D . vegetables
    A . bought B . planted C . picked D . borrowed
    A . stranger B . relative C . classmate D . teacher
    A . angry B . patient C . strict D . humorous
    A . with B . around C . for D . behind
    A . welcomed B . called C . treated D . beat
    A . smile B . suggestion C . surprise D . lesson
    A . difficult B . boring C . important D . private
  • 17. 完形填空

        On June 2, 1886, a German threw a message in a bottle into the water while his ship crossed the Indian Ocean. Around 132 years later in January, the bottle was 1 on the Australian coast, making it the oldest-known message in a bottle in the world.

        The bottle was thrown into the water to study ocean currents(洋流). But throwing messages in bottles into the ocean is not just for 2. People send out such messages for many reasons. Some people write information about themselves in 3 of finding a pen friend. 4 write down secrets, hoping that waves will5 those secrets. And still other people just write down some jokes, songs or anything else they think might be 6.

        The reasons and ways might be different, but the 7 is always the same: to reach out and try to connect 8 someone. This kind of shared feeling might be 9 this tradition has remained popular for so long. In 1989, the British band The Police wrote a song called Message in A Bottle that described this 10: A hundred billion bottles washed up on the beach. "Seems I'm not alone at being alone," the singer said.

    A . sold B . showed C . found D . made
    A . scientists B . tourists C . friends D . families
    A . fears B . hopes C . worries D . cares
    A . Another B . Other C . All D . Others
    A . put off B . wash away C . pick up D . call at
    A . fun B . dangerous C . terrible D . boring
    A . price B . speed C . plan D . goal
    A . with B . by C . into D . on
    A . what B . why C . how D . when
    A . result B . feeling C . situation D . accident
  • 18. 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

    A: Hi, Dave.

    B: Hey, Helen. I just arrived home.

    A: You were staying at the Lake Side Hotel, weren't you?

    B: That's right.


    B: Yeah. I was very pleased with it.

    A: What about the service there?


    A: Then what was your room like?


    A: That's nice.

    B: That's good. You, U feel comfortable there.

    A. The service was excellent.

    B. It was nice and quiet.

    C. You've come back from the lake area!  

    D. Was it expensive to live there?

    E. I'm thinking of staying there for my holiday too.

    F. Was that a good place to stay?

    G. There are nearly 200 rooms.

  • 19. (2018·包河模拟) 阅读理解

        When parents send their children to school, often they don't know what happens day to day. Parents depend on what their children tell them about they are doing and what they are learning. Generally schools will host parent-teacher meeting at least twice a year. Parent-teacher meetings are short meetings between parents and their children's teacher. Usually they are held when teachers give put a student's grades for the term. The parent-teacher meetings give teachers a chance to let parents know how their child is doing. A teacher will let a parent know the student's advantages and bring to the parent's attention any problems with grades or behavior(行为). The meetings also offer parents the chance to ask questions and see what their child is learning.

        Most children do not go along with their parents to the meetings. This allows both the parent and teacher to talk honestly about the child's progress without making the child feel bad. Usually a teacher will offer advice to the parent on how to support their child's education.

    1. (1) How often do schools host parent-teacher meeting?
      A . Once a week B . Twice a week C . Once a year D . Twice a year
    2. (2) Parent will get child's ___________ at the meeting.
      A . photos B . grades C . drawings D . invitations
    3. (3) What is main purpose of holding parent-teacher meeting?
      A . To punish students with low grades B . To offer a chance to let teacher make friends with parent C . To make teacher know more about children's behaviors at home D . To help parent understand children's problems with grades and behavior better.
    4. (4) A teacher will give advice on ___________ at the meeting.
      A . how to manage children's daily life B . how to look after children at home C . how to support their child's education D . what to do at the parent-teacher meeting
  • 20. 阅读理解

        Our school's science festival just ended a few days ago. What interested me most was the time we spent making a car. It was made out of corrugated cardboard (瓦楞纸板), but could still hold a person, as well as move.

        We were excited about this idea, but we found it hard to make the car. It seemed impossible for a cardboard car to carry someone. Our physics teacher showed us a video. There was some corrugated board shaped like "A" or "W" in the video, it could hold more weight. This gave us the idea to make the car after getting the proper materials (材料).

        Because there was not much time left for us, we had to finish it as quickly as possible, we talked about how the car should be made and how to test it. I was glad that we were able to work closely with each other. Everyone saw the work as an interesting way to relax. When the car was finally finished, we J all wore a smile on our faces and found that all our work had been worth it, even after spending whole afternoons working on it.

        We joined the competition after we finished the car. Though we didn't win any prizes, we found I something more meaningful than success, we learned new things about physics and learned how to get along with each other.

    1. (1) The car was made out of ________.
      A . thick stone B . special glass C . strong wood D . corrugated cardboard
    2. (2) The writer's ________ teacher showed them a video to help them make the car.
      A . maths B . history C . physics D . English
    3. (3) The writer was glad that they were able to ________.
      A . win the prizes successfully B . work closely with each other C . joined the competition together D . find an interesting way to relax
    4. (4) Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
      A . The car they made could hold a person and move. B . It was not very hard for them to make the car. C . They spent much money getting proper materials. D . There was enough time for them to make the car.
  • 21. 阅读理解

        A young man was traveling down a country road, going a bit too fast in his new car. There were many kids playing between the cars parked on the side of the street.

    As his car passed, one child suddenly appeared and threw a brick at the car. The man stopped the car and jumped out. He caught the kid and shouted at him, "What are you doing?" He continued shouting, "That's a new car. It will be expensive to fix the damage you did with that brick. Why did you do it?" "I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do. It's my brother," he said, "He rolled(滚落)off the side of the road and fell out of his wheelchair. I can't lift him up. He is hurt and he is too heavy for me. "

        The young man felt shameful and said nothing. He lifted the kid's brother back into the wheelchair.

        "Thank you, sir." the child said. The man then watched the little boy push his brother toward their home.

        The young man did not repair the dent(凹槽)in his car. He can hear the boy's hopeless voice whenever he saw it.

        Sometimes, when you don't make the time to listen, life throws a brick at your head.

    1. (1) Where would the story probably take place?
      A . in the market B . on the street C . at the boy's home D . in the repair shop
    2. (2) What did the boy hit the man's car for?
      A . He had nothing to do but for fun B . His brother asked him to do so C . He didn't like the man and his new car D . He wanted to catch the man's attention
    3. (3) The man left the dent in his car because___________.
      A . he thought it would be cool B . he had no more money to repair it C . he didn't care about his car at all D . he wanted to remind himself
    4. (4) What might be the best title for the text?
      A . Learn to listen B . A naughty(淘气的)boy C . An adventure in countryside D . The story between two brothers
  • 22. 阅读理解

        The French government will ban (禁止) students from using mobile phones. Students in the country's primary schools and middle schools will be allowed to bring their phones to school, but not allowed to get them out at any time until they leave school.

        Jean-Michel Blanquer, The French Education Minister, said the ban would come into effect (生效) in October 2018.

        "Some education organizations have already stopped pupils from using their mobiles," Blanquer told RLT Radio, "Sometimes you need mobiles for teaching reasons or special situations, but their use has to be controlled in some way. "

        However, there are some different voices about the ban, someone wasn't sure if it could be followed. "This new ban makes us puzzled because we can't find anything helpful about this ban."

        Some students from a middle school seemed not to be serious about this ban. "I don't understand how it will work. Where will we put our phones? And how will we get them back?" said a boy. At another school, Mathilde, 12, said, "It's unbelievable. At my school, we don't use them in class, so what's the problem? If anyone is caught using one in the toilet or at lunchtime, the phone will be confiscated (没收). "

        Some of the parents are not sure, either. "It's probably a good idea when the kids are in school," said Sabine. "But my daughter goes to school and comes home alone. He needs a phone to keep in touch with me. That I won't worry about her. "

        Anyway, the government is now studying how the mobile ban can be put into effect (执行).

    1. (1) According to the ban, the students in primary schools ________.
      A . aren't supposed to bring their phones to school. B . can play with their mobile phones at lunchtime. C . aren't allowed to use mobiles in school. D . can't use mobile phones at any time in France.
    2. (2) What       does the underlined word "puzzled" mean in Chinese?
      A . 兴奋的 B . 自豪的 C . 尴尬的 D . 困惑的
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . The French government passed the ban for some teaching reasons. B . The ban tries to make all children stay away from any screen. C . The ban has made some people feel puzzled and uncertain. D . Any student in France has to follow the ban on mobile phones.
    4. (4) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . The ban on mobile phones has been put into effect. B . The ban on mobile phones will meet problems when it starts in 2018. C . All parents and students in France are against the ban on mobile phones. D . The problems of mobile phones have been solved in French schools.
    5. (5) Why did the writer write the passage?
      A . To show people's ideas about the ban on mobile phones. B . To tell us the reasons why students aren't allowed to use mobile. C . To describe the dangers of using mobile phones in schools. D . To tell us the growing problems of using mobile phones in schools.
  • 23. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。

        Bird lovers know that a good place to go bird-watching is Guandu Nature Park. As many as 220 kinds of birds come to this park every year. Since the park offers birds lots of food to eat and places to build their nests  it has become a paradise(天堂)for birds.

        Guandu Nature Park is also a great outdoor classroom. The park's Nature Center provides guided tours to the public. During the tour, visitors can learn about the environment. So, if you want to have a fun and educational weekend, come to Guandu Nature Park. Get away from city life and head into nature.

    1. (1) What do bird lovers think about Guandu Nature Park?(不超过15个词)
    2. (2) Why has Guandu Nature Park become a paradise for birds?(不超过20个词)
    3. (3) What is provided to the public by the park?(不超过10个词)
  • 29. 近年来,人们非常关注学生的安全。很多学校为此取消了许多有意义的外出活动,如春游、夏令营、野餐等。假设你是育英中学的一名学生张明,请给郑校长发一封电子邮件,就此发表自己的看法。要点如下:





    参考词汇:outdoor activities户外活动;open up one's eyes开阔视野





    Dear Mr. Zheng,

        I'm sorry to trouble you. I'm Zhang Ming, a student from Yuying High School. I'm writing to you about outdoor activities.


    Zhang Ming

