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更新时间:2019-06-20 浏览次数:485 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Labor Day Weekend at Paramount Pictures Studios

        This Labor Day weekend, join the Los Angeles Times for 3 evenings of amazing food, wine and chef experiences. Dozens of hand-picked local restaurants each evening will showcase our city's rich and diverse cooking scene by serving you their best. Taste and celebrate Southern California's most inviting food and drink. Your ticket is all-inclusive and is good for unlimited food, beer, wine & spirits tastings, plus all stage activities.


        A VIP Access level ticket gets you:

        • Convenient and free parking inside the Paramount Pictures gates (savings of $15)

        • Access to furnished lounge during the entire event

        • Behind the scenes tour of Paramount Pictures Studios

        • First in the door access to the main event

        Due to the nature of this event, we are not able to offer refunds.


        Friday, August 31: 7: 30 p. m.-10: 30p. m.

        Saturday, September 1: 8: 00 p. m.-10: 30p. m.

        Sunday, September 2: 8: 00 p. m.-10: 30p. m.

        Make sure to also save the date for our new Costa Mesa weekend of Los Angeles Times The Taste on October 19 to 21. Details here.

    1. (1) On which day does the Labor Day event last longest?
      A . August 31. B . September 1. C . September 2. D . October 21.
    2. (2) What can you do on the Labor Day weekend?
      A . Experience hands-on cooking. B . Enjoy a family tour with children. C . Watch performances in the daytime. D . Have meals in local restaurants for free.
    3. (3) What privilege does VIP members have?
      A . Parking a car at a discount. B . Living in a furnished room. C . Getting their money back as they like. D . Having the chance to learn more about the Studios.
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        Dave Merry and his tools have been through a lot together. The tools helped Dave, now 80, repair his home in St. Paul, Minnesota, where he and his wife, Annette Merry, lived for 46 years and raised three children. The table saw, the jointer plane, the drill press, and the dozens of other power and hand tools had pride of place in his carefully organized workshop. "I had a whole setup, and it was beautiful," says Dave, a retired engineer.

        But then Annette experienced a stroke (中风) that left her relying on a walker to get around, and the Merrys decided to move into assisted living. Dave's workshop was obviously a minor consideration given Annette's condition, but the family knew that giving it up, on top of everything else, would hurt.

        It was the Merrys' daughter who came up with a possible solution. She'd heard about some people who were setting up a tool library—a nonprofit facility that would lend out tools just as a regular library lends books. Might Dad be interested in donating his?

        "I said yes," Dave says.

        The people creating the St. Paul Tool Library were thrilled. They had expected it would take a year to collect enough tools to make their facility fully functional. Instead it took one day: the day Dave donated his.

        The library's founders drove over to the Merrys' house and picked everything up themselves. The library is housed in the basement of the American Can Factory. Members pay an annual fee (from $20 to $120) for unlimited tool use and a varying number of visits to the workshop. And they get an extra benefit: Dave Merry. "Almost every time we're open, Dave's here," says one of the founders, Peter Hoh. "It means a lot to me to be able to go and use my tools," Dave says. "But it means just as much to help DIYers use the tools properly."

        As Hoh puts it, "This is his workshop now."

    1. (1) What do we know about Dave Merry?
      A . He had few DIY tools. B . He kept his tools well. C . He owned a tool library. D . He used a walking stick after stroke.
    2. (2) How did the daughter help her parents?
      A . She took over Dad's workshop. B . She offered Dad useful information. C . She moved them into assisted living. D . She sold Dad's tools to a tool library.
    3. (3) What is available to the visitors to the St. Paul Tool Library?
      A . Free use of the tools. B . A visit to the Merrys' house. C . Dave's instructions for using the tools. D . Hoh's share of the profit from the library.
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . Art of Living B . Setting up a Library C . A Family-run Library D . Recycling Through Donating
  • 3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        Gardeners such as Prince Charles who claim that talking to plants encourages them to grow have long been seen as a little silly. But scientists have discovered evidence which suggests the Royal may actually be right and they could be listening to him. Biologists at Tel Aviv University in Israel have found that flowers can act as a plant's "ears" to help them detect the sound of approaching insects.

        When the researchers played recordings of flying bees to evening primrose flowers, within three minutes the sugar concentrations in the nectar (花蜜) of its flowers increased. The fluid, produced to attract pollinating (授粉) insects, was on average 20 percent higher in flowers exposed to the buzz compared to those left in silence or exposed to higher pitched sounds. Professor Lilach Hadany, who led the study, said: "Our results document for the first time that plants can rapidly respond to pollinator sounds in an ecologically relevant way."

        However, Prof Hadany said a plant's ability to respond to pollinators may be weakened in city environments or beside a busy road. While plants require water, sunlight and the right temperature to grow, it is widely believed they do not have senses in the way animals do.

        But the study, published on the open-science website BioRxiv, suggests the efforts of gardeners who talk to their plants may not be in vain. "Plants' ability to hear has implications well beyond pollination—plants could potentially hear and respond to herbivores, other animals, the elements, and possibly other plants," Prof Hadany added.

        A month-long experiment conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society in 2009 found female voices appear to speed up the growth of tomatoes. The research offers a possible explanation — women's voices were at the right frequency for the plants to hear.

    1. (1) What's evening primrose flowers' response to bees' buzz?
      A . Longer bloom. B . Sweeter nectar. C . Brighter color. D . Less fluid.
    2. (2) Where can plants grow better according to Hadany?
      A . On a square. B . Beside a highway. C . In the woods. D . Along the street.
    3. (3) What can we infer from the research?
      A . Prince Charles proves kind of stupid. B . Plants can only potentially hear animals. C . Plants respond to sounds slowly and ecologically. D . Plants gardeners talk to frequently develop well.
    4. (4) What does the text mainly talk about?
      A . Flowers can hear. B . Bees are best pollinators. C . Plants can't grow without sound. D . Women's voices improve plants' growth.
  • 4. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        Supercomputers which can analyse blood samples and predict which patients are likely to become seriously ill could save tens of thousands of lives a year, it was revealed last night, according to The Daily Express.

        The artificial intelligence (AI) system, developed at University College London and set to be piloted in NHS hospitals later this year, will screen "at risk" patients so doctors can take early action to prevent death or serious illness. Prof Young, a consultant surgeon at Southend University Hospital, said: "I am so excited about this form of technology." Instead of people getting sick or dying because they are not picked up in time, this will allow us to step in earlier which will save lives and an enormous amount of money. "I think the potential of AI in healthcare like this is as big as the Industrial Revolution was—and signals a completely new example in the way we manage healthcare."

        The technology is the brainchild of Dr Vishal Nangalia, a consultant at the Royal Free Hospital in London. He used AI to analyse a billion stored blood samples from 20 different UK hospital trusts dating back up to 12 years. Computers assess blood test results by picking up subtle changes in red and white blood cells, suggesting a patient is going downhill.

        He found the technique forecast outcomes of patients with kidney problems with up to 95 per cent accuracy. Traditional methods highlighting serious patient concerns picked up as few as 16 percent of patients who went on to die. "This gives us the opportunity not only to save lives but to prevent serious illness, making the health service not only safer but more efficient." Prof Young said, "Instead of waiting for people to get worse, we will be able to treat them earlier."

    1. (1) What does the underlined phrase "screen" in Paragraph2 mean?
      A . comfort B . treat C . spot D . nurse
    2. (2) How do supercomputers help save lives?
      A . By storing blood samples. B . By analyzing patients' cases. C . By observing changes in blood cells. D . By assisting doctors with their operations.
    3. (3) Why did Professor Young mention the Industrial Revolution?
      A . To show the influence of AI. B . To stress the importance of health care. C . To introduce the topic of supercomputers. D . To present the achievement he has accomplished.
    4. (4) What do we know about the new technology?
      A . It helps patients recover earlier. B . It has helped save thousands of lives. C . It will promote the health service greatly. D . It is intended for patients with kidney diseases.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    A. Just as they have been there for you

    B. It may not be a simple conversation to have

    C. It can mean changes in your parents' schedule

    D. Scientists also suggests phoning your parents regularly

    E. That can lead to asking your mom what she's doing to keep fit

    F. Talk about affairs about yourself first, then extend them to your parents

    G. Scientists recommend opening the door to dialogue instead of calling them

        It's often said that your parents' job is to make sure that one day you no longer need them. And that's certainly the case by the time you have kids of your own. However, this is precisely the time when your parents start to need you. How do you talk to your aging parents about their health? , but these tips make it easier.

        Before a conversation, you had better establish yourself as a friend, not an enemy. Always start with an "I" statement, not a "you should" statement. .

        Scientists recommend beginning a conversation about something you're doing—taking up yoga to stay slim, for instance. . And you can even have her commit to doing it with you. When you're a friend day-to-day, your parents will trust you and be able to depend on you during a health crisis.

        . Start by equipping them with a smartphone that's designed for seniors. Staying in close phone contact will keep you informed of any arising health issues. It will help you pick up on faults in their memory, too.

        Your parents are your parents until they're gone. Do not treat them like children. Even if you find that there's an emergency going on, you can make suggestions, but they have the right to make decisions, especially if there's no cognitive (认知的) disorder. , helping your parents in their later years is the least you can do. With the proper measures and technology, it can get easier and feel even more rewarding.

  • 6. 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        At the far end of Islington Road in Newton, Massachusetts, lives a little girl near and dear to the neighborhood. Two-year-old Samantha Savitz is 1, but she loves to talk to anyone who knows sign language. And her whole personality changes when it's someone who can 2 with her.

        Her desire for communication has been 3 obvious to everyone in the neighborhood. Whenever Sam tries to be neighborly, they 4 themselves lost for words. So they need to 5 more than a basic conversation with the child in the community.

        Unfortunately, this isn't something you can 6 with ease. You'd need the whole community to learn sign language 7 for a little 2-year-old girl. You can't 8 neighbors to do that. You can only appreciate them when they do.

        On their own, Sam's neighbors got together, 9 an instructor, and are now fully 10 an American Sign Language class. Even the parents of deaf children don't 11 to learn sign language. Now Sam has a whole 12 to communicate with her.

        And this level of inclusion will almost certainly guarantee a happier, more 13 Sam. Her parents says there aren't words in any language to express their 14. In fact, they're already seeing a 15 in their daughter. "The first thing she says to us is 'friend'", said her mother, "I think your heart would 16 just as mine did."

        Sometimes it feels like America is losing its 17 of community — but then you hear about a place like this where it takes a whole village to 18 a child. Now the village is alive and is here to 19 us that what makes a "good neighborhood" is nothing more than good 20.

    A . blind B . deaf C . lame D . dull
    A . communicate B . sing C . play D . quarrel
    A . cheerfully B . peacefully C . painfully D . doubtfully
    A . make B . find C . let D . have
    A . strike up B . put off C . go through D . take in
    A . confirm B . trust C . discover D . solve
    A . still B . even C . just D . also
    A . educate B . expect C . wish D . help
    A . trained B . taught C . hired D . dismissed
    A . trapped in B . involved in C . aware of D . equipped with
    A . agree B . plan C . promise D . bother
    A . school B . community C . family D . club
    A . well-fed B . well-known C . well-behaved D . well-adjusted
    A . sympathy B . dilemma C . gratitude D . love
    A . complaint B . fault C . difference D . commitment
    A . melt B . race C . break D . burst
    A . control B . credit C . sign D . sense
    A . raise B . feed C . tell D . request
    A . urge B . warn C . guide D . remind
    A . neighbors B . friends C . partners D . colleagues
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Chinese double amputee (截肢) climber Xia Boyu received the most votes (global) to become the 2019 Laureus Sporting Moment of the Year winner on Monday.

        Xia came out from an initial list of 10 nominees before three finalists were made (know) to the public earlier this month.

        Xia had lost both his legs in 1975 during his first attempt to reach world's highest peak of Qomolangma due to frostbite. He challenged the summit in 2014, 2015 and 2016 well, but his dreams (break) owing to avalanche, earthquake and bad weather respectively.

        Xia finally made in his fifth attempt on May 14, 2018, becoming the first Chinese double amputee climber (reach) the summit of Qomolangma.

        "Climbing to the summit of Qomolangma is always a dream and goal for me. I (fight) for it over the past decades. Despite bad knocks several times, I never gave up. I think the determination made my life so colorful and (meaning)," Xia told Chinese media.

        Xia added that his next goal will be "7+2", namely the highest summits of seven (continent), plus the South Pole and North pole.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除和修改。




    Dear Tom,

        How is it going? Knowing that you are interesting in Chinese calligraphy, I'm writing to tell you it's my pleasure to help you learn them.

        As I have been practicing it for many years, I have much valuable experience and know exact what you need for calligraphy. So I will prepare some tool that are of great use for you, like the writing brush, ink and paper, that are necessary for practicing calligraphy. As you know, I had piano lessons from Monday to Sunday. I will be free on Sunday afternoon. Thus, you can come to my home at 2:00p. m. on every Sunday if it is convenient for you.

        I' m sure that by learn Chinese calligraphy, you will have a good understanding of Chinese culture than ever before. I'm looking forward your reply.

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua

  • 9. 假定你是红星中学的李华,你的英国朋友Peter热爱体育运动,他将作为交换生到你校学习一年。请你给他写封邮件,主要内容包括:①介绍你校体育课程及活动;②推荐一项中国传统体育项目。


