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更新时间:2019-07-01 浏览次数:562 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Several weeks ago, our headmaster, Mr. Brown, told us that our school had been chosen to compete on Smart Aleck-a game show. My best friend Nancy and I both 1 it. Nancy has a good imagination, and I know a lot of history. So we thought we'd be good 2 for the team.

        A few days later, Mr. Brown held a meeting with everyone interested in the 3 .He told us that Smart Aleck used a five-member team and three more people would be needed as backup (替补). Mr. Brown said we would have a 4 among all the students present and the top eight scorers would become the team and the backup. Everybody agreed that this was a 5 way to decide.

        Yesterday, all of the hopefuls got together. Mr. Brown acted as the host. After a couple of hours, all the places on the team were set 6 one. Nancy and I tied(打成平手)for that last position. We had to hold a one-on- one competition. The winner would be on the team and the loser would be the 7 .

        Midway through our two-person competition, I was starting to pull 8 . Then I saw the look on Nancy's face. I waited for a second and knew 9 I had to do. As much as I wanted to be on Smart Aleck, Nancy wanted it even more. So, starting with my next question, I held back and let Nancy 10 , just by a little bit. When she 11 she would be on the show, she felt sorry for my not being on the team. However, I will still have the 12 of seeing the show up close.

        Was I 13 by not trying as hard as I could? I don't think so. No one noticed, and Nancy and I didn't say it. It won't hurt the team 14Nancy will be a very good competitor on the real show. I think that making my best friend happy was the 15 thing to do.

    A . cancel B . love C . express D . recall
    A . choices B . coaches C . leaders D . fans
    A . course B . work C . show D . play
    A . competition B . discussion C . challenge D . conversation
    A . special B . hard C . funny D . fair
    A . besides B . against C . except D . opposite
    A . backup B . partner C . teammate D . member
    A . apart B . ahead C . down D . together
    A . how B . which C . why D . what
    A . double B . behave C . win D . imagine
    A . accepted B . realized C . considered D . refused
    A . laughter B . sadness C . fun D . change
    A . cheating B . missing C . helping D . performing
    A . though B . until C . unless D . because
    A . helpful B . right C . moving D . responsible
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Many events happened in April, 2019 around the world. Some of them can cause us great sadness, but some of them can bring us as many inspirations as possible. Let's share a few of them.

        On April 10, humans around the world got their first look at a real black hole. Scientists say it is a landmark in the history of both man and science. The image shows a black hole with a bright ring around it. The black hole is about 55 million light years from Earth.

        The first observation(观察)took place in April, 2017. However, it took two years to finally get a clear picture. More than 200 scientists helped to take the picture, including 16 from the Chinese mainland.

        France experienced great sadness on April 15. A fire broke out in Notre Dame, a centuries-old cathedral(教堂)in the heart of Paris. The fire took away the cathedral's spire(尖顶)and a large part of its roof(屋顶). French President said that the French people will rebuild the cathedral together.

        Notre Dame which plays a big part in the novel was built between 1163 and 1250. The cathedral is home to many great works of art and is one of the world's most famous tourist attractions. About 13 million people visit it every year.

        A naval parade(海军阅兵)took place near Qingdao, Shandong on that day to celebrate its 70th birthday. The PLA Navy sent out 32 ships and 39 warplanes for the parade. Chinese President Xi Jinping believes that the Navy has been and will always be a force for peace.

        As a big country with more than 18, 000 kilometers of coastlines(海岸线), China needs a strong navy. History has taught us hard lessons. From the 1850s to 1949,  foreign forces made about 470 invasions(入侵)into China from the sea.

    1. (1) Which events will make you feel very proud when you look through the newspapers?
      A . The black hole and Chinese naval parade. B . The black hole and the fire in Notre Dame. C . The fire in Notre Dame and Chinese naval parade. D . The black hole, the fire in Notre Dame and Chinese naval parade.
    2. (2) Why did French President say that the French people will rebuild the cathedral together?
      A . Because it plays a big part in the novel. B . Because it's home to many great works of art. C . Because millions of people want to visit it every year. D . Because it's necessary for France to build another cathedral.
    3. (3) Which of the following statements is TRUE?
      A . It is sad that the fire took away all the buildings of the cathedral on April 15. B . Both French and Chinese presidents are sure that they feel proud for their countries. C . The naval parade was held to show the Navy has been and will always be a force for peace. D . It took more than 200 Chinese scientists two years to get a clear picture of the real black hole.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        In ancient times, there was a king who loved flowers. His palace was always decorated with beautiful orchids(兰花)and other flowers. As the king grew older, he knew that one day he would have to give up his throne(王位). He had to find someone new to rule the country.

        He came up with a competition. He asked his servants to travel to every part of the country and give every person a flower seed. He then announced that whoever grew him the most beautiful flower would take his throne.

        Everyone in the country then got their own seed. One young man named David was especially excited about the competition, as he had experience growing flowers himself,

        David planted his seed in a pet and put it in a place where it would get lots of sunlight. He took care to water it every day. But as hard as he tried, his flower simply would not grow.

        Finally, it was time for everyone to show their flowers to the king. David took his empty pot to the palace.

        "Your Majesty, I am sorry to say that I could not grow a flower this time at all, ________,"he said.

        The king was quite satisfied with David's honesty. Although he did not choose David as the new king, he gave David a job as a judge(法官). He believed that David's honesty would make him the right person to make sure the justice(公正)in the country.

    1. (1) Which of the following can describe the old king?
      A . Honest B . Intelligent. C . Cruel. D . Lazy.
    2. (2) What do we know about David?
      A . He failed at growing a flower. B . He told a lie to the king. C . He was good at growing orchids. D . He was chosen to be the next king.
    3. (3) Which of the following is the best for the blank(空白处)?
      A . But I want to become the new king B . But I think I can become a good judge C . But I ask you not to give up your throne D . But I hope you can see that I tried my best
    4. (4) What can we learn from the story?
      A . David was not happy with the decision. B . The king didn't want to give up his throne. C . The king believed honesty was very important for a judge. D . David was the only winner of the competition.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        ①When I was a university teacher in Ningbo, I told my students that it would be wise to keep their smartphones in their backpacks. They were young adults. I didn't want to take their property(财产), nor could I shout at them. You can guess what happened. Some students were polite, using their phones between activities. Others would rudely text(发短信)their friends during lessons, sometimes even while I talked to them individually. One young woman, K, openly played a game at her desk with earphones!

        ②l began to think my class was boring(probably true)and that my students hated me (I could understand). But what could I do? I couldn't fail every student. Maybe I was just being a crazy old person.

        ③With all the recent talks about banning(禁止)smartphones at schools, you might think I'm in favor. I'm actually not so sure. This technology isn't going away. Teachers probably need to adjust(调整)as much as students.

        ④I designed(设计)activities to force more participation, using pens and paper and moving around the room to talk to classmates. It kind of worked! I also found ways to use their phones. Things like research, translation and creative projects. I found that my students worked hardest on these activities.

        ⑤Phones might not be the biggest problem. Once, walking on campus, I saw K standing alone in the dark. I could see her face lit up by her mobile game. Maybe smartphone addiction(上瘾)at school is a sign of loneliness or a boring teacher.

    1. (1) Which of the following shows the structure(结构)of the passage?

      (①-Paragraph 1,②=Paragraph 2,…)

      A . B . C . D .
    2. (2) What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?

      a. How the author(作者)treated his students.

      b. Why the author supported the idea of banning smartphones in schools.

      c. What all the students looked at on their phones in the author's class.

      d. How students used their phones in the author's class.

      A . Ad B . be C . ac D . bd
    3. (3) How did the author adjust to the situation?
      A . He forced his students to use pens and paper. B . He took his students' phones away before class. C . He designed activities to get more students to take part in. D . He talked to students who used their phones in class.
    4. (4) What does the author really want to tell us in the last paragraph?
      A . Many students are addicted to smartphones. B . Teachers feel upset when students misbehave. C . Smartphones should not be banned in universities. D . Smartphone addiction might have some deeper causes.
  • 5. 阅读理解

        Teenagers need to eat food that is good for their bodies while they're still young so that they will grow up to be healthy adults. So it is necessary for school cafeterias (食堂)to provide nutritious and healthy food. With this in mind, the government has introduced a new food safety rule that will improve nutrition and health standards in schools.

        The rule came into force on April 1, 2019. It requires the heads of primary and middle schools to eat with students in their cafeterias. Schools will also be required to make information about food sources and suppliers(供应商)public.

        The rule also suggests that parents should eat with students at school in order to provide advice on food safety and nutrition. Schools must try to find food safety problems and solve them in a timely manner.

        If a school is caught buying low-quality food or failing to report food safety incidents(事件), the head of the school will be warned, fired or handed over to law enforcement(执法机关), the rule says.

        Parents across China have become angry about food safety incidents in schools. The most recent example happened in March at the Chengdu No. 7 High School Development School. Parents posted videos and photos of moldy(发霉的)food that was served in the school's cafeteria. Finally, the head of the school was fired. In October, the head of an international school in Shanghai was fired after health and education authorities found moldy tomatoes and onions in the school's kitchen.

    What do other schools do?

        Schools in other countries have many ways to ensure food safety. For example, many parents in Australia volunteer in their children's school cafeterias. These parents do their best to see that their children are serve nutritious food.

    1. (1) What does the word "nutritious" in Paragraph I mean in Chinese?
      A . 安全的 B . 有营养的 C . 足量的 D . 健康的
    2. (2) What can we know from Paragraph 3?
      A . Food safety problems can be easily solved. B . Teenagers should go home to eat meals every day. C . Parents are angry about food safety incidents in schools. D . Parents should play a part in improving food safety in schools.
    3. (3) What does the new rule require schools to do?
      A . To build more than one cafeteria. B . To improve the conditions of their cafeterias. C . To show the public where their food comes from. D . To allow teachers and students to eat together.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
      A . Better School Meals B . Students Eating Habits C . Food Health Standards D . Parent-teacher Relationships
  • 6. 外籍交换生David在学校传统文化兴趣拓展课上看到了一篇老师推荐的关于介绍十二生肖之一“狗”的文章,但缺少了4个小标题,现请你帮助David根据描述将小标题A、B、C、D填入相应的空格中,并完成问题。

    A. Metaphor(隐喻)

    B. B. Self-mocker(自嘲)

    C. Easy to raise

    D. Close relationship

        According to the traditional Chinese custom, 2018 is just the year of Dog. Ranking as the eleventh animal in the Chinese zodiac-the Shengxiao, Dog is a symbol of loyalty(忠诚)and honesty.


        Words and phrases including dogs (Gou in Chinese) are commonly used by young people when telling jokes about themselves. For example, you can say "Valentine's Day has nothing to do with me since I am a single dog." It is believed that dog related words and phrases usually have good humour.


        Among some young people, adding“dog”to a friend's name has the meaning of a close relationship. One of the most famous examples in China is that the actor Lin Gengxin is called Lin Gou by his close friends and fans.


        Kids with pleasant names are easy to bring up, according to an ancient Chinese saying. Parents in the countryside prefer to give nicknames(绰号)including Gou Sheng and Gou Dan to their kids in the hope that they are as easy to be raised as dogs.


        Since dogs are considered to have many good qualities(品质), the word is included in more than 10 Chinese metaphors. For example, "serve like a dog or a horse" is used to describe someone who is ready to work hard for the people who have powers.

    1. (1) 请你帮助David根据描述将小标题A、B、C、D填入相应的空格中

       ② ③ ④ 

    2. (2) Where might David find this passage?
      A . In a magazine. B . In a novel. C . In a science fiction. D . In a guidebook.
  • 17. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。

    side    bow    suppose    greet    Japan

    Katie: How was the welcome party for foreign students last night?

    John: Great! I made some new friends. But a funny thing happened.

    Katie: What?

    John: I met a boy called Sato, and as soon as I held out my hand, he bowed.

    Katie: That's how people in Japan are expected to each other. It's impolite if you don't bow.

    John: I didn't know that. So I just stood there with my hand out. Finally, I returned the .

    Katie: I remember when I first met Marie last year, I did the same thing. I held out my hand and to my surprise, she kissed me on both of my face!

    John: I wouldn't mind that!

    Katie: Very funny. Later I found out French people are to kiss when they see each other.

  • 18. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

        It was a quarter past Tine Mr. Beet hadn't come back His wife was a bit worried. The super was cold and she had waited for two and a half hours. She was sitting by the table in a dark room. She closed her (eye) and listened carefully. Her neighbour Mr. Turner's television was on. She liked the pop music,  she would not turn on hers.

        Her husband worked in an office. He worked hard so that he was paid a lot. The things in his home, such the television, the computer, the fridge and so on, were all left by his parents. He and his wife only had to pay their food and clothes. They tried to save money. If they ever felt sick, they just bought some medicine instead of (see) a doctor.

        Suddenly the woman (hear) someone coming upstairs. It was her husband who came back. She hurried to open the door. In the dark she could hear his deep breathing. As as he sat down, she turned on the light and found he looked very tired.

        " do you come back so late, dear?" asked the woman. "Didn't you take the bus?”

        "No, I didn't take it. I ran after it and I saved two dollars this evening."

        "That's great!" the woman said (happy). "Run after a taxi next time and you (save) even.

  • 19. 现在,中学生在校内能保证一定时间的运动量,但在校外存在两类情况:





    Little Exercise

    Much Exercise


    •have much homework

    •be addicted o(沉迷于)computer games

    like playing sports

    take no interest in studying


    •have no strong bodies

    •Get too fat

    •spend less time studying

    •Be easy to get hurt








    短文首句:Many students have   ▲   (little or much) exercise in their spare time now.

