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更新时间:2019-07-05 浏览次数:565 类型:中考模拟
  • 16. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

        Every morning, a number of students from Myanmar (缅甸) walk hand in hand across the border (边境) into China's Yunnan province. They are 1 by policemen to Yinjing Frontier Primary School in Ruili. After school, they return to their homes in Myanmar.

        The students 2 the first frontier primary school in China. The school has 36 Myanmar students and 99 Chinese students. The school has admitted students from Myanmar 3 1990.

        The students from Myanmar like going to school in China. It makes them very 4 because they have many friends there.

        The school has preschool classes and first through third grades and all classes are 5 in Chinese and Burmese (缅甸语).

        The Myanmar students said that the teachers do not 6 them differently because they come from a different country.

        More Myanmar parents are willing to send their children to the school because speaking good Chinese is 7 for them to work in China or do business with China.

        The government has spent 2.6 million yuan in improving school facilities (设施). The school has set up a special foundation (基金会) with 8 from teachers, parents and policemen at the inspection station.

        Ruili, an important land port for southwestern China, is 9 by a famous Chinese song: there is a beautiful place, which describes its natural beauty and colorful folklore.

        At the school, the students also can be heard 10 another song, "Two countries, one school, hand in hand, heart to heart, forever love."

    A . led B . arrested C . sold D . understood
    A . visit B . show C . attend D . leave
    A . until B . since C . after D . in
    A . worried B . bored C . angry D . happy
    A . written B . taught C . listened D . spoken
    A . treat B . blame C . complain D . divide
    A . difficult B . important C . interesting D . boring
    A . buildings B . languages C . donations D . songs
    A . located B . forgotten C . reminded D . described
    A . singing B . writing C . speaking D . reading
  • 17. 阅读下面材料,根据内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。

        Mint (薄荷) is a useful plant. You can see it in different kinds of dishes. Mint can bring us many health advantages. It can also help us relax. Don't you believe it? Just smell the plant when you feel tired.

        Now, if you love mint, you don't have to buy it at the market. The plant is very easy to grow. You can plant it all year round, and it can grow well both indoors and outdoors.

        ①Prepare your flower pot (盆)

        Fill your flower pot with soil. Fill soil to a depth (深度) of about 25 centimeters. Use a garden fork to loosen the soil (松土).

        ②Plant your mint

        Plant your mint seeds (种子) 40 centimeters far from each other. If your pot is small, use just one plant or seed.

        ③Put your plant in a proper place

        Mint loves sunlight, but it also likes a bit of shade. Put your plant in a place where it can get both sunlight and shade.

        ④Water your mint

        Mint prefers wet soil. Keep the soil well watered, but don't overdo it. Don't forget to put a plant plate under your pot.

        ⑤Time to harvest

        Mint grows fast. After your plant grows up, you can pick its leaves at any time.

        To make things more fun, why not ask each of your classmates to grow some mint? Let's see whose mint grows the fastest!

    1. (1) According to this passage, what should we use to loosen the soil?
      A . A garden fork. B . A plant plate. C . Scissors. D . Chopsticks.
    2. (2) Which of the following statements is TRUE?
      A . You can only grow mint indoors. B . Mint grows the fastest in summer. C . Mint can be grown any time in a year. D . You should water your mint once a month.
    3. (3) We can make mint-planting more fun by ________.
      A . growing mint in water B . planting mint in a very large pot C . picking the leaves of our mint every day D . asking our classmates to grow some mint too
  • 18. 阅读下面材料,根据内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。

        A little boy invited his mother to attend his school's first teacher-parent meeting. To the little boy's disappointment, his mother said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teachers met his mother and he was embarrassed by her appearance. There was a serious scar (伤疤) that covered nearly the whole right side of her face. The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.

        At the meeting, the people were impressed by the kindness of his mother with the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid himself from everyone. However, he could hear clearly the conversation between his mother and the teacher.

        "How did you get the scar on your face?" the teacher asked.

        The mother replied, "When my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught on fire.

        Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was out of control, but I went in. As I was running towards his bed, I saw a burning wood falling down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked to be unconscious (无知觉的), but luckily, a fireman came in and saved both of us." She touched the burned side of her face. "This scar will be forever, but until today, I have never regretted doing what I did."

        When the little boy heard this, he couldn't help running towards his mother with tears in his eyes. He hugged her and felt his mother was greater than anyone. He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.

    1. (1) Why did the boy hide from others at the meeting?
      A . Because he was afraid of his teacher. B . Because he was playing hide-and-seek. C . Because he felt ashamed of his mother's scar. D . Because he didn't want his mother to find him.
    2. (2) How did the mother get the scar?
      A . She got the scar in a fire. B . She got the scar in a fight. C . She was born with the scar. D . She got the scar in a car accident.
    3. (3) From the story, we can infer (推断) that ________.
      A . no one was curious about the mother's scar B . no one wanted to make friends with the boy C . the mother will not go to the parent-teacher meeting again D . the boy stopped feeling embarrassed about his mother's scar
  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。

        Every day, people pack their things and move to a new place. Why do people move? There are many reasons. Look around you. Do you know someone who has moved? Maybe they came from countryside, or from a nearby city or town. Perhaps they came from another country. It's possible that you moved to the city that you live in now. Let's look at the following important reasons people move.


        People move to find jobs and a better life. Sometimes, people move from the countryside to cities to get a job. In 1990, about a quarter of the people in China lived in cities. Today, over half of the Chinese people live in cities. People find a better way of life in other countries, too. In the 1950s, immigrants from Europe moved to Brazil to work in factories: Around the world, people move abroad to find new jobs and a better life.


        When another city has good services, people want to move there. For example, families want to live in a city with good hospitals and schools. Sometimes people move from a city to area called suburbs. Suburbs are near the outside of the city. They are quiet and have wide streets. Suburbs have more space for schools, hospitals, clinics, shopping malls, and zoos. Families with young children like to live in suburbs.

        New Experiences

        Finally, people move when they want a change in their lives. Sometimes, older people move to places with better weather. Some students go to universities in another country to learn about other places. Whatever the reason is, people often move to find new experiences and a better life.

        As you can see, people move for many reasons. Maybe someday you or someone you know will move, too!

    1. (1) How many important reasons that people move does this article list?
      A . Two B . Three C . Four D . Five
    2. (2) The underlined word "immigrants" probably means "________".
      A . people who move around B . people who love their jobs C . people who always stay at home D . people who make their homes in new places
    3. (3) Which of the following titles can be filled in the blank "________"?
      A . Wide streets B . Quiet life C . Good services D . Enough space
    4. (4) This article mainly wants to tell us ________.
      A . where people find new jobs B . how people live in big cities C . why people move to new places D . when people want to make changes
  • 30. 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词。

        There was once a jeweler (珠宝商), famous for many virtues (美德). One day, some Arabs came to him for some diamonds to decorate an important thing for a yearly celebration.

        The Arabs told him what they wanted, and p a fine price for him. He replied that he could not let them see the jewels at that moment, and needed them to come again.

        B they wanted the diamonds very much and thought that the p of the jeweler was only to increase the price of the diamonds, the Arabs offered him twice, then three times as much as they were worth. But he still r, and they were quite disappointed and went away.

        Some hours later, he went to the Arabs and p the diamonds before them, for which they again offered him the last price, but he said, "I will only accept the first p you offered to me this morning."

        "Why, then, did you disagree with us at first?" asked they in s.

        "When you came," replied he, "my father had the key to the safes (保险箱), in which the diamonds were locked, and as he was asleep, I would have to w him to gain them. At his age, a short of sleep u does him good; and no business is more important than my father's health."

        The Arabs were t by his words. They spread their hand upon the jeweler's head and showed their satisfying smiles.

  • 31. 阅读下面信息,用恰当的词完成下面的短文,每空一词。

        Science is about asking questions. A science fair project is an experiment or a research effort. Through such a project, you learn how to find problems and how to solve them.

        A science fair project includes at least three parts: the display poster board, the exhibit (展览) materials, and the written report.

        The display poster board

        The display poster board is very important. It is what people first see. As a kind of "advertisement" for your project, it must be carefully designed. Usually, the board should include the key points of your research.

        The exhibit materials

        These materials can be the most exciting part of any science project. They usually include the items you used in your project. Together, they tell a story. People should be able to understand your project on their own through these materials.

        The written report

        No matter what you do, you need to record your findings in a written form. The written report should include all the information you collected while you were working on your project. The report may also include your understanding of the topic you choose.

        A science fair project is an experiment or a research effort, at least three parts. First, the display poster board is of great . There are some key points of your research on it. So it must have a design. Second, the exhibit materials can be the most exciting part of a science project. People should be able to understand your project through these materials. Third, it is to record the things you found in a written form. The written report includes not only all the information you collected but also your understanding of the topic you choose.

  • 32. 阅读下面信息,用恰当的词完成下面的表格,每空一词。

    How to keep your child safe

        Nothing is more important than keeping your child safe. If you and your child are new to China, the following suggestions may give you some help.

        Tips for public places

        Parents should also be careful when taking a child to shopping malls, restaurants and hospitals.

        ①Teach your child to know the sign which can lead us to go out as soon as they can learn.

        ②It is easier for parents to find their Children in the crowd if they wear clothes in bright colors.

        Tips for road safety

        ①You should teach your children the traffic rules as soon as possible, for example, all kinds of signs on the road. It is wise to set an example for the kids. Always cross the road with one hundred percent care. Never jump the traffic lights. When your children are too young, don't let them cross the road by themselves.

        ②You should use a children safety belt when driving a car. Never leave your children in a locked car, even for one minute. In summer, the temperature in a closed car can rise really high in a short period of time and put your children in danger.

        ③In China, when a child is under the age of 12, he or she cannot ride a bike. For children above 12, it is recommended to wear a helmet when riding or skateboarding.

    How to keep your child safe

    Tips for public places

    Be careful when parents take their children to public places.

    ●Teach children to know the sign as soon as they are able to learn.

    the children in bright colors, and parents can easily find them in the crowd.

    Tips for road safety

    ●Children should learn the traffic rules. Go across the road carefully. Do not let children cross the road by themselves they are old enough.

    ●Use a children safety belt when driving. In summer, the temperature is so high that it's too to leave your child in a car.

    ●In China, children under 12 aren't to ride a bike on the road.

  • 33. 假如你是第一中学的李萍,作为友好家庭你家将接待来自英国的交流学生Kitty。请根据Kitty的电子邮件内容,用英语给她回一封email。

    Dear Li Ping,

        I'm so glad to have the chance to study and live with you. I can't wait to leave for Zhenjiang. I am curious about the study and life in your city. Would you please tell me about that?

        Which subject is your favorite in your school? How is your school life? Are there any after-school activities? Do you have any plans for our weekends?

        I'm looking forward to your reply soon.







    Dear Kitty,

        I am very glad to receive your e-mail. Welcome to my home and my school.

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Ping

