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更新时间:2019-07-05 浏览次数:475 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答小题。
    1. (1) What will Owen do this evening?
      A . Have a party. B . Cook the food. C . Do his homework.
    2. (2) Who will cook for the party?
      A . Jane and Mary. B . David and Mary. C . Jane and Owen.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答小题。
    1. (1) How often is the radio program on?
      A . Twice a week. B . Three times a week. C . Seven times a week.
    2. (2) Which program does NOT the girl mention?
      A . School activities. B . Story-time. C . The talk show.
    3. (3) What does Alice want to be in the future?
      A . A musician. B . A presenter. C . A writer.
  • 8. 听独白,回答小题。

    Jules Verne and His Science Fiction

        Jules Verne was from 1. In 2 he wrote a book about a journey to the moon. The spaceship was very 3. The passengers kept 4 in the spaceship for food. But they forgot their 5 and couldn't go out of the spaceship.

    A . France B . Japan C . America
    A . 1856 B . 1860 C . 1865
    A . bad B . comfortable C . small
    A . fish B . rabbits C . chickens
    A . space clothes B . warm clothes C . flight tickets
  • 9. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        When I was nine, my family and some friends took a trip. During the trip some members of the group felt 1, so we stopped at a small stand (摊位). Everyone lined up to buy their food. 2, after I finished eating, I was still a little hungry and wanted some 3. Soon I was sure my parents wouldn't buy me any candy. "I have to think of a plan," I thought.

        Then an old lady 4 that she needed to buy something else, so she would have to get back in line again. I knew what I could do. So I rushed to her and volunteered myself. She agreed and gave me a $20 bill to get some chips.

        When I reached the stand, I found 5 from our group was around. Then I spent the whole $20 buying the candy. I thought 6, "I have almost bought all the candy for the next century!" But then, I realized I should explain 7 the old lady why I bought no chips and where the whole bill had gone. 8, I had an idea. So I shouted, "I was robbed (被抢劫)!" After 9 this, the old lady rushed to me to see if I had received any harm. However, my parents just

        stayed behind, without any 10. With so much candy being found in my bag, they knew what I said was not 11! I knew I had to tell the truth when my daddy 12 me angrily. As a result, I had to say "13" to the old lady for my dishonest action. Later, I had to work during the whole summer holiday to 14 the old lady back that $20. From this 15, I learned a lesson. I also promised that I would never do it again in the future.

    A . hungry B . angry C . bored D . worried
    A . So B . Besides C . However D . Though
    A . juice B . candy C . money D . chips
    A . refused B . remembered C . promised D . forgot
    A . nobody B . somebody C . everybody D . anybody
    A . hopefully B . sadly C . excitedly D . carefully
    A . for B . on C . to D . with
    A . Probably B . Unluckily C . Suddenly D . Slowly
    A . watching B . telling C . finding D . hearing
    A . words B . thoughts C . ideas D . actions
    A . bad B . joking C . true D . wrong
    A . cared for B . looked at C . found out D . heard about
    A . thanks B . goodbye C . sorry D . you're welcome
    A . offer B . afford C . pass D . pay
    A . story B . example C . history D . experience
  • 10. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    1. (1) Which book can be kept in the kitchen and teach children facts about the food?
      A . Fun with Food. B . Kids Cooking Lessons E-Book. C . Food Facts E-Book. D . Kids Food Science Experiments.
    2. (2) Kids can ________ by reading Fun with Food.
      A . do science experiments B . do sports well C . learn to take photos D . play some riddle games
    3. (3) These four e-books are about ________.
      A . fishing B . cooking C . shopping D . playing
  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        Do you want to have a nice trip in your spare time?

        May Yunnan is a good choice for you. There you can enjoy different places of interest.



    Day 1

    Arrive in Shangri-La. You will meet your local guide at the airport or in the bus station and he or she will take you to the hotel. Visit Napa Lake in your free time in the afternoon.

    Day 2

    Drive to Lijiang for 2 hours and visit Tiger Leaping Gorge on the way. After you reach Lijiang, you can visit Black Dragon Pond and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. You can take the cable car (缆车) to Baisha village in Lijiang.

    Day 3

    Take a bus to Dali (about 3.5 hours). You can go boating on Erhai Lake. Visit Bai village, Xizhou and Zhoucheng. Do some shopping in the old Dali town.

    Day 4

    In the morning, fly to Kunming, the capital of Yunnan. Then take a tour to the Stone Forest. In the afternoon, end your trip and leave Kunming by air.

        Contact us:

        Phone: 0517-83987236

        Company: Sunshine Travel Agency (旅行社)

        Address: 209 Hunan Road, Huai'an, Jiangsu

    1. (1) The information above may be from ________.
      A . a story B . a news report C . a play D . an advertisement
    2. (2) Who will take you to the hotel when you arrive in Shangri-La?
      A . Your local guide. B . Your driver. C . Your parents. D . Your friends.
    3. (3) You can't visit ________ in Lijiang on the second day.
      A . Black Dragon Pond B . Tiger Leaping Gorge C . Jade Dragon Snow Mountain D . Baisha village
    4. (4) When can you visit the old Dali town?
      A . On the first day. B . On the second day. C . On the third day. D . On the fourth day.
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        "Homestay is a form of study abroad program. It allows a visitor to rent a room from a local (当地的) family to understand the local lifestyle better. It also helps to improve the visitor's language ability," said a teacher, during a school meeting last term. "Students who wish to learn more about foreign cultures or to get foreign experience should join this kind of holiday. I am sure you won't be disappointed (失望的)."

        After this special meeting, I always thought about this kind of holiday. Last month I had a chance at last to go on such a holiday with some of my schoolmates and we went to London—a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.

        As we were still young, we had a group leader who planned things for us and looked after us. After we got to London, we went to stay with different families. I was lucky that my host family (寄宿家庭) was a white couple who had a daughter about my age. They treated me as a daughter of their family during my stay there. They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of things from them too.

        The holiday was filled with activities every day. After breakfast, a local teacher would come to take us in his car. Then we would have classes or go on a sightseeing trip to different places of interest, like the Big Ben, the London Bridge and the Buckingham Palace. We would go back to our own homes after the activities.

        The holiday was a valuable experience for me. I enjoyed every minute of it. Yet, time really flew fast. Three weeks later, we had to leave "homes" for Hong Kong.

    1. (1) In the "homestay" program, a visitor can ________.
      A . learn more about holidays B . understand his culture better C . improve the language ability D . take part in foreign meetings
    2. (2) The group leader should ________.
      A . make plans for the family B . take care of the students C . stay with different families D . rent rooms to the students
    3. (3) The writer's host family ________.
      A . were very kind to her B . went sightseeing with her C . had two white daughters D . were interested in her activities
    4. (4) From the passage we know that the writer ________ in London.
      A . wished to stay a little longer B . spent three weeks in her "home" C . had classes in many interesting places D . helped the teacher take the students in a car
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        On February 3rd, 1949, New York Harbor (港) was an exciting place. Many people were there to greet a ship from France. On the ship were 49 French railroad boxcars (火车车厢) filled with gifts from the people of France to the people of America. These boxcars were from the famous Merci Train (Merci: a French word meaning "thank you").

        After World War Ⅱ, a lot of factories, roads and farms in France had been destroyed. Many French people had no jobs or money and had little to wear and little to eat. In the winter of 1947, a train was sent across the United States, stopping in cities and towns along the way. At every stop, people gave whatever they could. Factories gave clothing and medicine. Farmers gave food. Families gave money. Even school children gave away their pocket money. All the things were then taken to France by ship.

        By 1949, the French had begun to recover (恢复) from the war. The Merci Train was their way of saying "thank you" to America. French people had filled the boxcars with gifts. Most of them were personal, like hand-made toys, children's drawings, or postcards. But the boxcars themselves were perhaps the most meaningful of the gifts. On each car, the French people had painted the pictures of all their 40 provinces, with an American eagle on the front. The boxcars were taken to each state of America, where they were warmly greeted.

        Now many of the states still keep their boxcars. Gifts sent by the French people can still be seen in some museums. The Merci Train came out of the war, but it now reminds the world that countries can also work together in peace.

    1. (1) Many people crowded at New York Harbor on February 3rd, 1949 to ________.
      A . welcome the Merci Train B . meet their families C . have a big party D . start a trip by ship
    2. (2) In 1947, a train stopped in cities across America in order to ________.
      A . give away clothing and food B . get more soldiers for the war C . collect things to help French people D . show exhibitions from the museums
    3. (3) The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 3 refers to (指) ________.
      A . the American people B . the French people C . the boxcars D . the gifts
    4. (4) The passage is mainly about ________.
      A . the story of the Merci Train B . the history of World War Ⅱ C . gifts that American people liked D . American museums where the boxcars were kept
  • 14. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成文后表格。每空不超过3个单词。

        A study shows that one million lives might be saved each year if people wash their hands with soap often. It also says that hand-washing with soap could be one of the best ways to reduce diseases (减少疾病). Doctors say many diseases can be stopped from spreading by hand-washing, including the common cold, influenza (流感), hepatitis (肝炎), infectious diarrhea (腹泻) and so on.

        Doctors say that you are easy to catch a cold by touching your nose or eyes after someone nearby has sneezed (打喷嚏) or coughed. Another reason to catch a disease is to eat food prepared by someone whose hands are not clean.

        They also say that hand-washing is especially important before and after preparing food, before eating and after using the toilet, after touching the money and sneezing or coughing.

        The most helpful way is to wash them together while you are using soap and warm water. You don't have to use special soap. Be sure to wash all areas of the hands for about 10 to 15 seconds.

    Basic Knowledge of Hand-washing

    Diseases are under control

    *Many diseases can be stopped from spreading by .

    The of becoming sick

    *Touch your nose or eyes after someone nearby has sneezed or coughed.

    *Eat food prepared by someone whose hands are .

    When to do hand-washing

    *Before and after preparing food.

    *Before eating and after the toilet.

    *After touching the money and sneezing or coughing.

    to do hand-washing

    *Wash hands together with soap and warm water.

    *Wash all areas of the hands for about 10-15 seconds.

  • 15. 阅读下面短文,请根据所给汉语提示拼写单词,使短文意思完整正确。每空限填一词。

        William is my classmate. I am (感到骄傲的) of him because he is the best student in our class. He is good at all kinds of sports, and he is helpful and (英俊的). But he never shared his lunch with (其他人).

        Most students in our class like to bring lunch from home to school because we can ask our parents to (装满) our lunch boxes with our favorite food. All of us think it is (更干净) and good for our (健康). We always share food at lunch time. Some share their fried chicken and I share my fish.

        One day, I (发现) out why William was always alone and had lunch in (无声;寂静). His lunch box almost carries the same food everyday—some vegetables, fried eggs and a piece of ham. He told me his mother died two years ago. And (自……以来) then, his father has prepared lunch for him in person, although he is not good at (做饭). From then on, I have shared my lunch box with him, and we are very good friends now.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

        I'm from a beautiful village in the middle of Zhejiang. It is nice and quiet place and it has a population of about 900. There (be) a lot of things to do there, with a library, a park and a sports center. It's famous the beautiful mountains.

        On weekends, people from the big (city) come here to relax themselves. They go hiking, pick fruit and have a picnic. Villagers in the past were poor, now they are living a wealthy life. Most young people have (they) own cars. People in my village are kind and (friend). They like chatting with you and (tell) you some stories about the village. If you are lucky enough, they will invite you (have) meals with their family. I'm sure you will have a lot of (fun)!

  • 17. 下面是Betty写给她的笔友Katherine的一封电子邮件。假设你是Katherine,请根据信的内容给Betty写一封回信。




    From: Betty

    To: Katherine

    Subject: Give me some advice

    Dear Katherine,

        I have a problem with my best friend. I like playing with my mobile phone till late night and I often sleep in class. My best friend advised me not to be like this, but I refused to listen to him. So we get separated day by day.

        What should I do? Shall I say sorry to him? How can I keep our friendship? Can you give me some advice?

        I am looking forward to your letter.



