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浙江省人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5自主检测

更新时间:2019-11-26 浏览次数:530 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 完形填空

        This girl is Cindy. She 1 two friends 2 school. They are Helen and Frank. They three are good 3. They all like 4 sports.

        Helen likes volleyball very much. She thinks it is 5. She often plays volleyball 6 her classmates after school. And she can play it very 7.

        Basketball is Frank's favorite sport, He thinks it is fun. He 8 like playing volleyball and he thinks it is boring. Cindy likes playing tennis 9 volleyball. She plays 10 every day. They are relaxing for her.

    A . have B . has C . am D . are
    A . at B . on C . from D . to
    A . boys B . girls C . cousins D . friends
    A . plays B . play C . playing D . played
    A . interesting B . boring C . happy D . difficult
    A . for B . about C . with D . to
    A . well B . good C . fine D . OK
    A . don't B . doesn't C . isn't D . can't
    A . so B . or C . and D . but
    A . they B . it C . their D . them
  • 12. 阅读理解

        My name is Linda, and I'm from the UK. I don't like baseball. I think it's difficult I like ping-pong. It's easy for me. My favorite sports star is Ding Ning from China She plays ping pong very well.

        I'm Henry. I like basketball. Under my bed, you can see five basketball. Who is my favorite sports star? He is Kobe Bryant from the US. He is a basketball player. On my desk, you can see many photos of him.

    1. (1) What does Linda think of baseball?
      A . Interesting. B . Difficult. C . Relaxing. D . Boring.
    2. (2) What sport does Linda like?
      A . Basketball. B . Tennis. C . Volleyball. D . Ping pong.
    3. (3) The underlined word "favorite" means "     " in Chinese.
      A . 最成功的 B . 最漂亮的 C . 最喜爱的 D . 最幸运的
    4. (4) Where are Henry's basketballs?
      A . Under his bed. B . Under his chair. C . Under his desk. D . Under his sofa.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Linda is from the US. B . Ping pong is difficult for Linda. C . Henry's favorite sports star is Ding Ning. D . Many photos are on Henry's desk.
  • 13. 阅读理解

        Hello! My name is Julia and I'm an English girl. But now I am in China with my family. My grandparents, my parents and I all(都) like sports. But we like different sports. My grandfather likes baseball. He doesn't play baseball often, but he often watches baseball games on TV. My grandmother likes volleyball. She thinks it's fun. My father likes tennis, He often plays tennis with his friends. He thinks it's relaxing. My mother likes ping pong. She thinks it's interesting. She always says ping pong is table tennis. She plays ping pong with my father sometimes(有时). What sport do I like? I like basketball. I'm tall高的) and it's easy for me.

    1. (1) The underlined word "different" means "     " in Chinese.
      A . 相同的 B . 不同的 C . 困难的 D . 容易的
    2. (2) Julia is in China with her parents and        .
      A . grandparents B . uncles C . aunts D . cousins
    3. (3) Julia's father likes        .
      A . baseball B . volleyball C . tennis D . basketball
    4. (4) Julia's mother thinks ping pong is       .
      A . boring B . relaxing C . interesting D . easy
    5. (5) Julia's mother always says ping pong is table       .
      A . baseball B . basketball C . volleyball D . tennis
  • 14. 阅读理解

        Hello, I'm Amy. This is my good friend, Helen. She is 12. She has a happy family. Look at the photo of her family. You can see her parents, her sister Ann, her brother Kevin and Helen in it.

        Her family members like sports very much, but they like different sports. Her mother and her sister like playing tennis. They often play it in the morning. They think it's very interesting. Her brother, Kevin, likes soccer very much. He has three soccer balls. They are under his desk in his room, He plays soccer with his friends at school every day. It's very easy and interesting for him. Helen's father is a basketball fan(迷). He likes basketball but he doesn't play it. He only watches basketball games on TV. What does Helen like? Do you know? She likes ping pong. You can see three ping-pong balls and two ping—pong bats in her room. She often plays ping-pong with her classmates.

    1. (1) How old is Helen?
      A . 11. B . 12. C . 13. D . 14.
    2. (2) There are       people in Helen's family.
      A . three B . four C . five D . six
    3. (3) What does Ann like?
      A . She likes tennis. B . She likes ping pong. C . She likes volleyball. D . She likes basketball.
    4. (4) Where are Kevin's soccer balls?
      A . They are on the sofa. B . They are on the table. C . They are under the desk. D . They are in the bookcase.
    5. (5) Which is TRUE about Helen's father according to the passage?
      A . He often plays soccer with his friends. B . He likes playing basketball with his friends. C . He often plays ping pong and he has many ping—pong balls. D . He only watches basketball games on TV.
  • 15. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。

    play    great    every    watch    volleyball

    1. (1) Jim likes playing basketball, while(而) Mike likes playing  .
    2. (2) He often  soccer games on TV.
    3. (3) Mike plays soccer  Friday afternoon.
    4. (4) I have a  sports collection.
    5. (5) Ronaldo is his favorite  .
  • 16. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空—词。

        Frank and Paul (是) my good friends. They like (运动). Frank thinks baseball is (有趣的). He likes baseball. Paul (喜欢) to play tennis. He (认为) tennis is relaxing. They don't play soccer, They think it's (困难的). Frank doesn't (观看) TV. He thinks it's boring. Paul (玩) computer games. He thinks playing computer games is fun. Frank and Paul (有) volleyballs. They like to play volleyball at (学校).

  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

        My name is Eddie Smith. I'm 12. I'm Class One. I like ball (game). They are (relax). I play ball games every day. I can (play) baseball, tennis, and volleyball. I can't play ping pong. Ping pong is difficult for me. I have a good friend at school. name is Linda Brown. Linda Brown is English girl. She is 11. She also (like) ball games. She can play tennis, volleyball and ping—pong. But she (do) not play baseball, So Linda and I often play tennis volleyball together.

  • 18. 请从A~F选项中选出与各个情景相符合的选项(有—项多余)。

    A.     B.

    C.     D.

    E.     F.

    ⑴My cousin Helen likes tennis. She thinks it is very interesting. She often 'plays it with her friends after school.

    ⑵I have five basketballs. I like basketball very much and I often play it with my classmates every Friday afternoon.

    ⑶Cindy likes ping pong. She thinks it is easy for her. She has three ping pong bats and lots of ping-pong balls.

    ⑷Frank likes sports. He likes playing soccer and he has two soccer balls.

    ⑸Amy likes sports, but she doesn't play them. She only watches the ball games on TV.

  • 19. 蒂娜是一个英国女孩,她在北京有几个朋友。下面表格中列出了她的朋友们在运动方面的喜好。假如你是蒂娜,请你写—篇英语短文,介绍—下他们的爱好。




    Wang Lin

    ping pong

    soccer( boring)

    Li Hua



    Liu Bing


    basketball( not interesting)




    提示:like doing sth.喜欢做某事;be... for sb.对某人来说.......

