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  • 1. 请从A~F选项中选出与各个情景相符合的选项(有—项多余)。

    A.     B.

    C.     D.

    E.     F.

    ⑴My cousin Helen likes tennis. She thinks it is very interesting. She often 'plays it with her friends after school.

    ⑵I have five basketballs. I like basketball very much and I often play it with my classmates every Friday afternoon.

    ⑶Cindy likes ping pong. She thinks it is easy for her. She has three ping pong bats and lots of ping-pong balls.

    ⑷Frank likes sports. He likes playing soccer and he has two soccer balls.

    ⑸Amy likes sports, but she doesn't play them. She only watches the ball games on TV.
