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更新时间:2020-05-07 浏览次数:176 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同。
    1. (1) kite     Kate
    2. (2) have    hat
    3. (3) fun     cut
    4. (4) right    nice
    5. (5) on      hope
    6. (6) bed     me
  • 8. 从右边找出左边句子的相应答语

    ⑴Do you have a computer?                               A. Some noodles.

    ⑵Your bag is nice!                                              B. Thank you.

    ⑶What's for dinner?                                           C. She's in the living room.

    ⑷Is your mom in the kitchen?                            D. Three.

    ⑸Where is your sister?                                        E. Yes, she is.

    ⑹How many people are there in your family?    F. Yes, I do.

  • 15. 根据图画的提示,选择正确的单词或词组填空(每个单词只能用1次)。

    picture  chicken  strong  family  cousin  help yourself  kitchen  has

    1. (1) Dinner is ready, .

    2. (2) This is my . She glasses.

    3. (3) — Would you like some ?

      — Yes, please.

    4. (4) My brother is a football player. He is very .

    5. (5) Look at the . It's nice.

    6. (6) My has eight members.

    7. (7) Go to the . Have a snack!

  • 16. 阅读短文,完成下列各项题目。

        I am Mr Jones. I am an English teacher. This is our classroom. It's big and nice. There are two blackboards in it. The teacher's desk is orange. A new computer is on it. Look! Who is the tall woman near the computer? She's a maths teacher. Her name is Lin Mei. She's friendly.

    1. (1) Mr Jones is a Chinese teacher.
    2. (2) The classroom isn't small.
    3. (3) The teacher's desk is orange.
    4. (4) The computer is on the teacher's desk.
    5. (5) Mr Jones is tall and friendly.
    6. (6) There are blackboards in the classroom.
    7. (7) Lin Mei is a teacher.

