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人教新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级下册Unit...

更新时间:2020-04-17 浏览次数:178 类型:单元试卷
一、 单项选择
  • 21. 完形填空

        I like eating rice, noodles, strawberries, ice-cream, hamburgers and so on. But my favorite 1 is dumplings. Every Sunday, my mother 2 many dumplings for me. If she has 3 time, I'll go to the supermarket to 4 some. Dumplings look 5 white boats. They are very delicious. 6 my birthday every year, I usually help my mother make a lot of dumplings. Do you 7 the reason?Because I often ask some friends to 8 them with me. There are different kinds of 9 and meat in them. My friends 10 like to eat them very much. We have a good time on my birthday.

    A . food B . dessert C . fruit D . vegetables
    A . likes B . does C . makes D . eats
    A . some B . no C . any D . enough
    A . want B . order C . buy D . take
    A . for B . at C . like D . after
    A . In B . On C . About D . At
    A . follow B . show C . know D . find
    A . eat B . drink C . like D . do
    A . noodles B . dumplings C . vegetables D . rice
    A . all B . every C . both D . each
三、 阅读理解
  • 22. 阅读理解

        John and Tina come from different countries. They are interested in Chinese food. They usually eat Chinese food in restaurants and often talk about it.

        It's Saturday today and it's sunny. John asks Tina to have dinner at Ms. Brown's House. It's the first time that Tina goes there for dinner.

        "Hi, John. Are there different kinds of food at Ms. Brown's House?" Tina asks.

        "Of course. There're all kinds of noodles, such as chicken and cabbage noodles, mutton and potato noodles, tomato and egg noodles and beef and carrot noodles," John says.

        "Sounds great! I like tomato and egg noodles very much," said Tina.

        "Me, too. There are also delicious dumplings and specials. After dinner, we can have ice- cream and fruit. They are on sale."

        "Ice-cream? I know a new kind of ice-cream. It is delicious. And you can keep it for an hour."

        "Great! But there isn't any at Ms. Brown's House."

        "I know where to buy it. Let's go after dinner."


    1. (1) What does the underlined word "it" refer to (指代)?
      A . Ice cream. B . Cake. C . Chinese food. D . Ms. Brown's House.
    2. (2) What can Tina and John NOT have for dinner in Ms. Brown's House?
      A . Noodles. B . Dumplings. C . Rice. D . Specials.
    3. (3) What kind of noodles does John like?
      A . Chicken and cabbage noodles. B . Tomato and egg noodles. C . Beef and carrot noodles. D . Mutton and potato noodles.
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
      A . John and Tina like Chinese food. B . John and Tina eat out on Saturday. C . John and Tina can't find the new kind of ice-cream at Ms. Brown's House. D . John and Tina can have some fruit for free after dinner.
    5. (5) What does the passage mainly tell us?
      A . Eating out. B . A new kind of ice-cream. C . Two children talk about food. D . Food in different countries.
  • 23. 阅读理解

        Sam likes fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, "Good! Now I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat this fish. They like fish very much."

        So when Sam comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, "Oh, your cat ate it." And she gives Sam some bread for his supper. Sam gets very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, "My fish weighs one kilo (公斤). This cat weighs one, too. My cat is here, you see. Then where's my fish?"

    1. (1) What's the meaning of "comes home" in the sentence "So when Sam comes home"?
      A . Goes home. B . Leaves home. C . Gets home. D . At home.
    2. (2) Does Sam take the cat and his wife to the shop near his home?
      A . Yes, he does. B . No, he doesn't. C . I don't know. D . I don't think so.
    3. (3) How much does the cat weigh?
      A . One kilo. B . Two kilos. C . Half a kilo. D . One and a half kilos.
    4. (4) Who gets very angry?
      A . Sam's wife. B . Sam. C . Sam's friends. D . His wife's friends.
    5. (5) Which sentence is right according to the text?
      A . Sam doesn't like eating fish at all. B . Sam often buys some fish for his cat. C . Sam's cat always eats the fish before he comes back. D . The friends of Sam's wife eat the fish.
  • 24. 阅读理解

        My name is Scott Christenson. My story is one you've probably heard before. It goes something like this:

        When I was young, I was always athletic and did sports every day. At that time, I was in good shape. I ate whatever I wanted and never put on a pound. Over the years, many bad habits had been formed, such as smoking, drinking and staying up late. I often ate junk food. Besides, I was too busy to do exercise. By the time I got out of college, I was out of shape. I was getting fatter and fatter.

        I realized those bad habits were not good for my health, so I decided to start teaching myself about healthy eating and exercise by reading books and surfing the Internet. My work in the healthcare industry as a writer also allowed me to study the knowledge of healthy and unhealthy behavior. I tried to have a healthy diet, and I exercised two hours a day. Amazingly, I lost 18 pounds last year. I've got back in shape and I still keep my good habits.

    1. (1) When Scott was young, he used to        .
      A . have a healthy diet and do sports B . have an unhealthy diet and dislike sports C . have a healthy diet and like to do sports D . have an unhealthy diet but like to do sports
    2. (2) Which of the following are the reasons that Scott became fat?

      ①Being too lazy.            ②Hardly ever doing exercise.

      ③Staying up late at night.    ④Eating too much junk food.

      A . ①②③④ B . ②③④ C . ①②④ D . ①②③
    3. (3) From the passage we know Scott was a         in the healthcare industry.
      A . writer B . student C . doctor D . teacher
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Scott lost 18 pounds last year. B . A friend taught Scott how to eat healthily. C . Scott seldom did sports when he was young. D . Scott developed the bad habits after he began to work.
    5. (5) The passage is mainly about         .
      A . the writer's job B . how the writer got fatter C . the best way to keep healthy D . how the writer's had habits changed
  • 25. 阅读理解

        Mengxin House of Hamburgers is on Long Street. It's behind the post office and it's in front of the Children's Hospital. It's not big but it's very clean. You can see all kinds of hamburgers here every day. They have beef, mutton, chicken, bananas, strawberries, eggs and cabbage hamburgers. They are very delicious. Every day the first three persons are free(免费的). On weekends they have some great specials(特价商品). A large beef hamburger is just 3 yuan. It's 5 yuan on weekdays(工作日). A medium chicken hamburger is just 3 yuan. A small strawberry hamburger is just 2. 5 yuan. Come and get your hamburgers at Mengxin House of Hamburgers! Oh, every Saturday evening Sun Rock Band plays in the house.

    1. (1) On Monday Linda has ten yuan and she can buy ______ large beef hamburgers.
      A . two B . three C . four D . five
    2. (2) On Sunday Mr. Read buys three small strawberry hamburgers and he pays ______.
      A . 12 yuan B . 5 yuan C . 2.5 yuan D . 7.5 yuan
    3. (3) You can eat ______ hamburgers at Mengxin House of Hamburgers.
      A . apple B . mutton C . pork D . potato
    4. (4) Mengxin House of Hamburgers is ______.
      A . very big B . across from the post office C . in front of the Children's Hospital D . very dirty
    5. (5) When does Sun Rock Band play at Mengxin House of Hamburgers?
      A . Every week. B . Every evening. C . Every Sunday morning. D . Every Saturday evening.
  • 56. 假如你是余菲,正在澳大利亚度假。你住在悉尼的一家宾馆里,该宾馆要求客人们提前预订第二天的食物。请根据下面的表格提示,打电话给负责订餐的服务员,告诉他你想预订的食物。

    Breakfast: a bowl of porridge and two eggs

    Lunch" rice, beef, carrots and a small glass of orange juice

    Dinner: a medium bowl of chicken and onion noodles

    Dessert(甜点):an orange ice-cream




        Hello! This is Yu Fei from Room

