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  • 1. 阅读理解

        My name is Scott Christenson. My story is one you've probably heard before. It goes something like this:

        When I was young, I was always athletic and did sports every day. At that time, I was in good shape. I ate whatever I wanted and never put on a pound. Over the years, many bad habits had been formed, such as smoking, drinking and staying up late. I often ate junk food. Besides, I was too busy to do exercise. By the time I got out of college, I was out of shape. I was getting fatter and fatter.

        I realized those bad habits were not good for my health, so I decided to start teaching myself about healthy eating and exercise by reading books and surfing the Internet. My work in the healthcare industry as a writer also allowed me to study the knowledge of healthy and unhealthy behavior. I tried to have a healthy diet, and I exercised two hours a day. Amazingly, I lost 18 pounds last year. I've got back in shape and I still keep my good habits.

    1. (1) When Scott was young, he used to        .
      A . have a healthy diet and do sports B . have an unhealthy diet and dislike sports C . have a healthy diet and like to do sports D . have an unhealthy diet but like to do sports
    2. (2) Which of the following are the reasons that Scott became fat?

      ①Being too lazy.            ②Hardly ever doing exercise.

      ③Staying up late at night.    ④Eating too much junk food.

      A . ①②③④ B . ②③④ C . ①②④ D . ①②③
    3. (3) From the passage we know Scott was a         in the healthcare industry.
      A . writer B . student C . doctor D . teacher
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Scott lost 18 pounds last year. B . A friend taught Scott how to eat healthily. C . Scott seldom did sports when he was young. D . Scott developed the bad habits after he began to work.
    5. (5) The passage is mainly about         .
      A . the writer's job B . how the writer got fatter C . the best way to keep healthy D . how the writer's had habits changed
