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更新时间:2020-06-16 浏览次数:216 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是否一致。
    1. (1) what     whwhale
    2. (2) photo    Philip     elephant
    3. (3) where    whwhen
  • 18. 选词填空

    A.Taste   B. Close   C. feel   D. smell    E. Touch

    your eyes. this.

    —How does it?

    —It is hard. It's an apple.

    —Now it.

    —It is nice.


    —It's sweet.

  • 19. 选择句子完成对话, 每句话限用—次。

    A. We have Science, PE and Art in the afternoon.

    B. What lessons do we have today? 

    C. What subjects do you like?

    D. How about you, Rose?


    Jack: We have Chinese, Maths, English and Music in the morning.


    Anna: I like English and Science.

    Jack: I like Art and PE.

    Rose: I like all the subjects.

  • 25. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误

        Henry is a dog. He likes taking a walk in the morning. One morning, he sees a black shape behind him. "What's that? Is it a big black dog?" He says to himself. Henry is afraid. He runs. The black shape runs too. He runs faster and faster. The black shape runs faster and faster too. Henry stops. The black shape stops too. "Oh, you're my shadow. Let's play together." He likes his new friend.

    1. (1) Henry likes taking a walk in the morning.
    2. (2) There is a big black dog behind Henry.
    3. (3) The black shape runs after Henry.
    4. (4) Henry stops. The black shape runs.
    5. (5) Henry likes his shadow.
  • 26. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

        Zhang Peng is a boy. He is twelve years old. He is a student. He gets up early in the morning. He eats breakfast at 6:30 every morning. Then he goes to school by bike. He eats lunch at school. He draws pictures at noon. He likes art class. He goes home at 4:30 in the afternoon. He watches TV and does his homework in the evening.

    1. (1) Is Zhang Peng a boy?

      A . Yes, he does. B . Yes, he is. C . No, he isn‘'t.
    2. (2) How old is Zhang Peng?

      A . 12. B . 11. C . 13.
    3. (3) When does Zhang Peng eat breakfast?

      A . At 6:00. B . At 6:20. C . At 6:30.
    4. (4) Does Zhang Peng like art class?

      A . Yes, he is. B . Yes, he does. C . No, he doesn't.
    5. (5) How does Zhang Peng go to school?

      A . On foot. B . By bus. C . By bike.

