序号 | 书名 | 作者 | 价格 | 出版日期 | 存货情况 |
WX0001 | 《活着》 | 余华 | ¥35.00 | 2017/6/1 | 有存货 |
WX0002 | 《平凡的世界》 | 路遥 | ¥79.80 | 2012/3/1 | 有存货 |
MZ0003 | 《红楼梦》 | 曹雪芹/高鹗 | ¥80.00 | 2019/8/1 | 无存货 |
„ | „ | „ | „ | „ | „ |
下列数据表结构设计最合理的是( )
执行“剪裁”命令后再插入30秒静音,直接保存,该音频文件存储容量约为( )
s1 = "abcde"
j = 1
s2 = "a"
For i = 1 To Len(s1)
j = (j + 2) Mod Len(s1) + 1
s2 = s2 + Mid(s1, j, 1)
Next i
Text1. Text = s2
执行该程序段后,文本框Text1中输出的内容是( )
x = 60: t = 2: c =0
Do While x > 1
If x Mod t = 0 Then
c = c + 1
x = x \ t
t = t + 1
End If
执行该程序段后,变量c 的值是( )
For i = 1 To 5
k = i
For j = i + 1 To 6
If a(j) Mod 3 <= a(k) Mod 3 Then k = j
Next j
tmp = a(i): a(i) = a(k): a(k) = tmp
Next i
数组元素 a(1)~a(6)的值依次为“62,54,35,67,15,34”。执行该程序段后,a(1)~a(6)的值依次为( )
Key = Val (Text2. Text)
i = 1
j = 9
flag = False
Do While i <= j And flag = False
m= (i+j) \ 2
If Then
j= m - 1
Else If Then
i = m+1
If Then
j = m - 1
Else If Then
i = m+1
flag = True
End If
End If
If flag Then Text3. Text =“在第”+ Str(m) +“个”Else Text3. Text =“找不到”
①Key \ 10 > a(m) \ 10 ②Key \ 10 < a(m) \ 10
③Key Mod 10 < a(m) Mod 10 ④Key Mod 10 > a(m) Mod 10
则方框处处语句依次为( )
Private sub command1_click()
Dim a(1 to 20) as integer,b(1 to 20) as integer,i as integer
Dim j as integer,t as integer,p as integer,k as integer,xiaofen as integer
For i=1 to k-1
For j= 1 to ①
If ② then
End if
Next j
Next i
p=0 : xiaofen=0
For i=1 to k
If a(i)>b(i) then ③
xiaofen = xiaofen+a(i)-b(i)
List1.Additem str(a(i)) + “:”+ str(b(i))
Next i
If p*2>k or k=p*2 and xiaofen>0 then
Text2.text = “A队获胜”
Elseif then
Text2.text = “B队获胜”
Text2.text = “两队平局”
End if
End sub
① ② ③
Dim a(0 To 10) As Integer ‘保存第i条记录的开始房间号
Dim b(0 To 10) As Integer ‘保存第i条记录的房间数
Dim sp As Integer
Private Sub Form_load()
a(0)=0: b(0)=0: sp=k+1: a(sp)=0: b(sp)=0
End sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
c = Val(Text1.Text)
i = 1
Do While a(i) < c
i = i + 1
i = i - 1
If a(i) + b(i) = c Then
If a(i + 1) = c + 1 Then ‘处理第3种情况
For j = i + 1 To sp - 1
a(j) = a(j + 1): b(j) = b(j + 1)
Next j
sp = sp - 1
Else ‘处理第1种情况
b(i) = b(i) + 1
End If
ElseIf c + 1 = a(i + 1) Then ‘处理第2种情况
a(i + 1) = c: b(i + 1) = b(i + 1) + 1
For j =
a(j) = a(j - 1): b(j) = b(j - 1)
Next j
a(i + 1) = c: b(i + 1) = 1:
End If
For i = 1 To sp - 1
List1.AddItem "" & Str(i) & Str(a(i)) & Str(b(i))
Next i
End Sub