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更新时间:2021-11-23 浏览次数:261 类型:期末考试
  • 11. 完形填空

    Gina is eleven years old. She is the only child in the family. If she wants something, she is sure to get it because her parents 1 say yes to her.

    Gina studies well at school, and everyone thinks she is2. But no one likes her because she is selfish. She's never ready to 3 any things with others, not a book or even a pen.

    Things change when Rita joins her4. Gina takes Rita under her wing. New to the city and shy at school, Rita becomes Gina's 5 . Gina isn't nice, but at least Rita has someone to play with.

    One day, Rita cries sadly, "Gina, what can I do? Maths…. Maths is too difficult for 6."For the first time, Gina is sorry for someone. She knows that Rita 7 very hard after class. She wants to help Rita.

    Gina is good at teaching, 8 Rita understands maths better and does homework well. She even gets an A in her homework. Rita is happy about that. She tells everyone what a(n) 9 friend Gina is.

    Everyone cheers for Gina. Gina is a little bit shy. She finds 10others is a wonderful thing.

    A . always B . sometimes C . often D . never
    A . nice B . clever C . funny D . important
    A . cut B . check C . catch D . share
    A . class B . family C . company D . programme
    A . teacher B . sister C . friend D . customer
    A . me B . him C . her D . them
    A . plays B . dances C . sings D . studies
    A . or B . so C . but D . because
    A . busy B . lucky C . good D . interesting
    A . calling B . knowing C . helping D . remembering
  • 12. 阅读理解

    1. (1) How many sports halls are there in the Harker Middle School?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Twelve. D . Twenty.
    2. (2) Sarah wants to get more information about the school. She can       .
      A . go to Hollywood, America B . call 480.500.0399 C . send emails to communications@harkcr.com D . visit www. harker. org
    3. (3) From the poster, we can learn about       .
      A . the names of teachers B . the number of students C . the subjects in the school D . the area of the playgrounds
  • 13. 阅读理解

    African giant pouched rats are a kind of animal living in Africa. They can usually live for 6 to 8 years. Like other rats, they enjoy eating vegetables, eggs, meat and many other kinds of food. But their favourite is fruits, such as bananas.

    They also like water. These rats have long tails and large pouches. And they usually use the pouches to keep their food. As big as small cats, they have got bodies about 30 to 45 cm long. Being only about 1 to 1.4 kg, the rats are easy to take, and they are so lightthat they can walk on landmines but never make them blow up. The rats can't see things well, but they have clever noses. Their noses can help them find out special things. After training, they can find landmines fast.

    Magawa is one of the rats. He is seven years old. He does quite well in his job and has found 39 landmines. Forevery landmine Magawa finds, he saves a life.Because of his great work, people give him a medal'—the animals' George Cross. Magawa is the first rat to get it. The other 29 animals are all dogs.

    1. (1) African giant pouched rats favourite food is       .
      A . meat B . eggs C . vegetables D . fruits
    2. (2) People choose African giant pouched rats to find landmines because       .

      ①they are very light

      ②they have long tails and pouches

      ③they can see very well

      ④they are good at finding things with noses

      A . ①③④ B . ①②④ C . ②③ D . ③④
    3. (3) The passage tells us that Magawa       .
      A . is a young rat③ B . helps people a lot C . is a friend of dogs③ D . has got many medals before
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Ghagra Geeta Bali hates two things in the world. One is the cheese, and the other is her name. Ghagra Geeta Bali is her first name. She also has a family name—Mitra.

    She hates the name so much that she makes wishes every night for a new name, like Joyce or Anna, a short, nice one-word name. She asks her parents to change her name, but they say, "Wait. After you are eighteen years old, you can change your name legally. Now, there's nothing we can do about it. Learn to live with it, dear." The girl is upset.

    One day, when the family go shopping, they see many people in a record shop. They are buying CDs of John Brown, the girl's favourite star. And a young woman is writing down their names. She says that John will choose one name out of the long list, and then call the one.

    Mum asks Ghagra Geeta Bali to try it. She says no because she doesn't want to tell others her name. But Mum just goes up and says, "Please write down my daughter's name. Ghagra Gieeta Bali. G-H-A-G-R-A..." Everyone turns to look at the girl. How she wishes to leave!

    After a week, Chagra Geeta Bali surprisinglygets a call from John Brown. "It's all because of your special name," says John. "When I look at the list, I can't wait to call you."

    1. (1) The girl hates her name at first because       .
      A . it's too long B . it's too traditional C . it means bad things D . it's the same as others
    2. (2) "The girl is upset" in Paragraph 2 means that the girl       .
      A . is afraid B . isn't happy C . is calm D . isn't sorry
    3. (3) From the passage, we know that       .
      A . the girl leaves her mother's name in the shop B . the girl's mother knows her well and often listens to her C . the girl's mother doesn't want the girl to like John Brown D . the girl may change her idea about her name after the call
    4. (4) What's the best title for the passage?
      A . A Girl and a Star B . Parents' Love C . Having a New Name D . The Lucky Name
  • 15. 阅读下面英语小故事,选择正确的选项,帮助Helen完成Reading Response(阅读摘记)。
    It's a nicedaytoday. Jack gets up withthe sun. Dad wants totake him and his  brother Bob out for a walk. Jack wants to take his toycar. But where is it?

    Jack looks for ithere and there.He opens the boxes in his bedroom. There are onlysome books in them."Where can it be?”Jacksays.
    Then Jack hurries to search for it under his bed. But he can only find a few pens. "Oh, no. Where did I put it?"Jack is a bit sad,standing up with the pens.
    Jack goes to the kitchen for some water. When he walks past the chair, he surprisingly sees his toy car in front of it. Happy but tired, Jack learns a special lesson.



    1. (1) 题 1
      A . Dad B . Bob C . Jack
    2. (2) A. under his bed
      B. in front of the chair
      C. in the boxes
      题 2
      题 3
      题 4
    3. (3) 题 5
      A . clean his things B . put away his things C . buy new things
  • 16. 连词成句
    1. (1) colour, is, coat, the, what(?)
    2. (2) is, furniture, a, in, there, the, lot, classroom, of (.)
    3. (3) chocolate, got, have, we, any (?)
    4. (4) standing, Great, I'm, the, Wall, on, China, of (.)
    5. (5) cake, mother, a, my, makes, never, birthday (.)
六、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15 分)
  • 17. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个单词限用一次。(每空不限词数)

    man    between    run    Tuesday    last

    1. (1) I plan to have dinner with Grace this.
    2. (2) Miss Green is always theone to leave the office.
    3. (3) The funny dog after the ball! Let me take a photo of it.
    4. (4) These students would like to visit the old and cook for them.
    5. (5) We have a new bus station. lt's the theatre and the city hospital.
  • 18. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成下列短文。

    Dear Alex,

    How are you? You want to know something about Mid-Autumn Festival. Well, here is some information about it. As you know, Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival with a long. (历史). Like Spring Festival, it is important in China. People usually come back home from (不同的) places on this day.

    In my family, there are many ways to. (庆祝) the festival. We often have a family meal and eat moon cakes. l don t like sweet food very much, but I (仍然) enjoy the traditional moon cakes. My favourite is the ones with red (豆).Also, in the evening, we enjoy looking at the (黄色的) moon. There is a garden in my house. We often (花费) the evening there. I love talking to my parents and (三个) cousins about my school life. It's interesting. My grandfather always (坐) in a chair and tells us traditional stories.

    of course, there are some other interesting festivals in China. When you have time, come to China! I'm sure you will love my (国家).


    He Min

  • 19. 假设你是Wen Peng,你的英语老师将组织同学们交流各自的健康生活习惯。请你以"Staying Healthy"为题,结合下面思维导图并发挥合理想象,准备一篇发言稿分享你的日常做法。



    Staying Healthy

    Hello, everyone. We know it's important to stay healthy. I         ▲              

