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更新时间:2021-06-24 浏览次数:211 类型:期中考试
三、听对话, 选择最佳答案。你将听到三段对话,请根据对话内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  • 7. 请听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) When will Larry's birthday party be?
      A . This afternoon. B . Tomorrow afternoon. C . Tomorrow evening.
    2. (2) What should Larry do first?
      A . Sweep the floor. B . Make his bed. C . Take out the rubbish.
    3. (3) What is the relationship (关系)between in the dialog?
      A . A teacher and a student. B . A father and a mother. C . A mother and a son.
  • 8. 请听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What did Lucy do last night?
      A . She played computer games. B . She copied others' homework. C . She watched TV.
    2. (2) What does Tom think of Lucy?
      A . She isn't a good friend. B . She is too busy. C . She has a bad habit.
    3. (3) How long will it take Lucy to finish her homework?
      A . About half an hour. B . About one and a half hours. C . A bout two hours.
  • 9. 请听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What day is it today?
      A . Monday. B . Tuesday. C . Wednesday
    2. (2) What happened to Jack last week?
      A . He lost his bike. B . He hurt his leg. C . He hurt his arm.
    3. (3) What was Jack doing when the accident happened?
      A . He was talking on the phone. B . He was drinking coffee. C . He was crossing the road.
    4. (4) What does Linda invite Jake to do?
      A . To come to her birthday party. B . To watch a movie together. C . To study in the library together.
  • 10. 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案。
    1. (1) What does Anna's mother say when Anna asks for help?
      A . I will help you. B . Do it yourself. C . Ask the teacher for help.
    2. (2) What does Anna's mother do?
      A . She is a cook. B . She is a driver. C . She is an engineer.
    3. (3) How often does Anna go to the dentist?
      A . Once a year. B . Twice a year. C . Three times a year.
    4. (4) What is Anna like now?
      A . Friendly and hard-working. B . Clever and outgoing. C . Clever and hard-working.
    5. (5) What does Anna think of her mother?
      A . A strong mother. B . A good teacher. C . A busy woman.
  • 11. 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,将所缺信息填入对应的横线上,每空一词。短文读两遍。


    What job

    Volunteer work


    A teacher

    Helping kids to read and in a study center every Monday evening.


    An animal

    Helping look after animals at Sunshine Zoo every morning.


    An artist with long hair

    Helping teach poor to draw pictures every Sunday.

  • 22. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    l don't like doing chores. But I have no choice to do because doing chores is a rule in my family. When I come back from school, my mom1says, "Could you take out the rubbish?" or "Could you help me2cooking?" I know she is just trying to make me more independent and teach me how to3myself. But why does she make me4all the housework? Oh, I know I am the oldest and I should do the chores. But it's not5for me. My sister should do them, too.

    Yesterday I did all the6again. My parents went to visit my aunt with sister in the morning. They left me7at home because I had to do my homework. After I finished my homework, I found it was really a8at home. They didn't do any chores. So I cleaned the rooms,9the dishes and watered the garden. Oh, I must look like a servant.

    What should I do? I hate doing chores all alone. Could you give me10advice, please?

    A . never B . hardly C . always D . almost
    A . about B . in C . for D . with
    A . take after B . get into C . take care of D . run out of
    A . do B . done C . to do D . doing
    A . hard B . fair C . much D . heavy
    A . time B . chores C . cleaning D . cooking
    A . alone B . sick C . quiet D . worried
    A . job B . matter C . problem D . mess
    A . bought B . made C . carried D . washed
    A . an B . any C . some D . many
  • 23. 根据下述内容,判断下列句子正误。

    One day Mother looked at Tom's shoes and said, "Tom, look at your shoes. How dirty they are! You must clean them."

    "Oh, Mother, but I cleaned them only yesterday," said the boy.

    "But they are dirty now. You must clean them again."

    "I don't want to clean them today; even if I clean them today, they will be dirty again tomorrow."

    Tom's mother thought for a moment and said, "All right. Don't clean them then."

    In the evening Tom came back from school. He was very hungry. "Mother, give me something to eat," He said.

    "You had your breakfast in the morning, Tom, and you had your lunch at school," His mother said, smiling.

    "I'm hungry again now," cried the boy.

    "Oh, really? But even if I give you something to eat today, you will be hungry again tomorrow."

    1. (1) One day Tom's clothes were dirty.
    2. (2) Tom's mother asked Tom to clean his shoes.
    3. (3) Tom liked to clean his shoes.
    4. (4) Tom was hungry one evening.
    5. (5) Tom got nothing to eat from his mother.
  • 24. 阅读理解

    There was a fire in the factory at about 1: 40 last night. A reporter interviewed some people about it this morning.


    What were you doing when the fire broke out?

    I was preparing a report when I got the one call from Jim. I quickly drove to the factory. The firefighters(消防队员) were putting out the fire when I got there. They arrived several minutes before me.

    Tom(The manager of the factory)

    I was on duty last night. I smelled something burning. When I got up, I saw smoke coming from the window of the workshop(车间). I called 119 and our manager at once. And they both arrived quickly.

    Jim(A worker)

    We drove to the factory as soon as we got the phone call at 1: 47 a, m. We arrived at about 1: 55 a, m. and soon put it out. No one died or got hurt in the fire. It's dry these days. We think all the families and factories should be more careful.

    Jeff( A firefighter)

    1. (1) What was Tom doing when he got the phone cal1?
      A . Watching TV. B . Sleeping. C . Preparing a report. D . Hanging out with friends
    2. (2) Who discovered(发现) the fire first?
      A . The manager B . The reporter C . A firefighter D . A worker
    3. (3) When did the firefighters get the phone call?
      A . At 1: 47 a m B . At 1: 40 a m. C . At 1: 55 a m. D . At 2: 07 a m.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Tom arrived at the factory first. B . Jeff said it was dry these days. C . The reporter was working when the fire broke out. D . Jim helped the firefighters put out the fire.
    5. (5) What don't we know about the fire?
      A . The time. B . The place. C . The cause. D . The casualty figures (伤亡数字)
  • 25. 阅读理解

    Darrius was born with three fingers on his right hand and one on his left hand. He had to work hard to do .things that were easy for others. Every time his classmates tried to help him, he would say, "Thanks, but I can do it myself." He learned to use the four fingers to do different things.

    When Darrius was 10, he told his father that he liked piano music very much. "It's too bad you can't play," his father said. But the boy took that as a challenge. "I will show people that I can," he said to himself.

    Months later, a neighbor gave him an old piano when she moved away. He taught himself to play the piano and practiced for hours a day.

    Darrius's favorite piano music is River Flows in You by Yiruma, a Korean musician. It took Darrius a year to learn it. "I have to come up with my own way with only 4 fingers," he said. When he succeeded, he felt so proud. Later he was lucky enough to play the music together with Yiruma at a famous concert hail! He was so happy that he didn't sleep well at night when he knew the news. Yiruma encouraged Darrius to follow his dream of playing his own music. Darrius has made it. And his music is popular today.

    "I may have a disability(残疾), "he says, "but I don't let it hold me back from anything."

    1. (1) Darrius's challenge at the age of 10 was ________________.
      A . writing his music B . playing the piano C . giving a concert D . visiting a hall
    2. (2) It took Darrius _______________ to learn to play River Flows in You.
      A . a year B . a month C . a day D . an hour
    3. (3) Who encouraged Darrius to follow his dream?
      A . His classmate. B . His father. C . A neighbour. D . A musician.
    4. (4) In paragraph 4, the underlined word "proud" means"____________" in Chinese.
      A . 快乐的 B . 自豪的 C . 害羞的 D . 紧张的
    5. (5) What can we learn from the story?
      A . Success needs a strong will. B . Being a pianist needs much practice. C . Anything is possible. D . Be hopeful to the future.
  • 26. 阅读理解

    ①Studying is usually not a happy task, especially when there are so many things you can do for fun. The balance(平衡) between work and play is a lifelong matter. Are you feeling tired and bored when you study? What should you do if you're not interested in study? Here are ways you could do to deal with the problem.

    ②Change your thoughts. If you're lack of passion(缺乏热情) for study, just think about your future. Only good grades can give you a chance to achieve your dreams. Good grades will help you get into your dream high school and college. No matter how old you are, you're always growing and learning.

    ③Work hard to achieve your dreams. Study is teaching you an important lesson—You must work for what you want to achieve. Winning a game, passing a test, doing something difficult... These are all rewarding(值得的) experiences because of the time you spent and the effort you made. The harder you work, the happier you'll be.

    Relax yourself at times. You don't need to study as often as you think you should do. I am not telling you not to study—You still should, but you can try studying less if it doesn't influence your grades.

    ⑤Find your favorite subjects. Discover your interests and develop them carefully. Keep studying and stay healthy.

    1. (1) According to Paragraph ①, studying is _____________.
      A . simple B . unpleasant C . boring D . tiring
    2. (2) Which of the following can help you achieve your dreams?
      A . Similar thoughts B . Good grades. C . Serious problems. D . Different feelings.
    3. (3) According to the passage, some experiences are necessary except ________________.
      A . passing a test B . doing something difficult C . winning a game D . making mistakes
    4. (4) Which picture shows the structure(结构) of the passage? .
      A . B . C . D .
    5. (5) What does the underlined sentence mean in the fourth paragraph?
      A . You should never study. B . You should always think. C . You could sometimes study less. D . You may usually feel tired.
  • 27. 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话。

    A: Hi, Peter! You look terrible! What is the matter with you?


    A: Sorry to hear that.

    B: I cut myself by accident while I was making a dinner.

    A: That sounds bad.

    B: Yes, it's kind of serious.

    A: Have you seen a doctor?

    B: Yes.

    A: What did the doctor do with the cut?


    A: Oh! Don't touch water. And you will be better soon.

    B: OK. Thank you!

    A: You are welcome.

    A. What happened?

    B. Is it serious?

    C. I cut my finger yesterday.

    D. My father drove me to the hospital.

    E. He washed the cut, put some medicine on it and then put a bandage on it.

  • 38. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。每个单词只能用一次,每空一词。

    themselves, be, At, places, new, washing, bring, those, happy, activities

    Have you ever worked as a volunteer? If not, you should get a chance to be a volunteer. Being a volunteer can you not only some working experience but also happiness. the same time, you can let other people feel warm.

    Old People's Home and Children's Home are the most popular for students to volunteer because people there usually need more help.

    Peter is a volunteer in Taikang Old People's Home. He often helps the old people to do some or cleaning. Sometimes he reads new is papers for who cannot read by ."When I help the old people, I feel very ," he said.

    In a word, volunteering can help us to learn something and practice the skills. It is meaningful to a volunteer. If you have time, take part in some volunteer to make the world a better place.

  • 39. 现在,很多中学生被近视困扰,请就此现象写一篇短文谈谈你的看法。








    参考词汇:视力eyesight;近视的nearsighted ;视力好have good eyesight;

    视力差have bad eyesight

    How to protect our eyesight

    Quite a lot of students have become nearsighted now.

