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更新时间:2022-02-28 浏览次数:55 类型:月考试卷
  • 12. 听对话,作答问题。
    1. (1) Who don,t mind talk shows?
      A . Sally. B . Jack. C . Some people.
    2. (2) Does Jack like shows that are more educational?   
      A . No, he doesn't. B . Yes, he does. C . We don't know.
  • 13. 听对话,作答问小题。
    1. (1) What does Lisa usually do on weekends?
      A . She often dances. B . She often watches TV. C . She often goes shopping
    2. (2) When does Bill exercise?
      A . On weekends. B . In the morning. C . In the evening.
    3. (3) Where can they go?
      A . They can go to the library. B . They can go to the cinema. C . They can go to the park.
五、听短文,选择正确答案。 (5分)
  • 14. 听短文,选择正确答案
    1. (1)    is a good season for vacation.
      A . Spring B . Summer C . Autumn
    2. (2) Some people don't    when they stay at home.
      A . play computer games B . read books C . watch TV
    3. (3) Many families like to have their lunch    during their vacation.
      A . in the office B . near a cinema C . near a nice lake
    4. (4) How do people go to France?
      A . By plane. B . On foot. C . By bike.
    5. (5) If some people have    , they can also travel to mountains or beautiful countryside.
      A . friends B . time C . car
  • 40. 补全对话

    A: Why don't you look happy, Rose?

    B: I can hardly pass the exam every time. I really don't know what to do.

    A: Don't worry.

    B: No, I only read English before the exam.

    A:If you want to study English well, you must practice reading every day. May I know what you are going to do from now on?

    B: I'd like to take your advice and try to practice reading English every day.

    A: All right. I'd like to. But in fact I also have some trouble with my English. Let's help each other.

    B: OK.

    A. Will you help me with it?

    B. Do you read English every day?

    C. Because I have a lot of trouble with my English.

    D. How do you like English?

    E. Let's make progress together.

    F. Ah, that's it.

  • 41. 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    My friend Mr. Smith is a famous doctor and has a hospital. So he has enough money to

    1 all over the world. And he's been to a lot of places of interest. He likes to2children and has lots of little3. They often ask him to tell them all kinds of funny things he 4. It makes them happy and his room is always full5 children when he's free.

    It was my little son's seventh birthday yesterday. The boy wanted to 6 his old friend Mr. Smith to the party. He7Mr. Smith himself and told him about it. The doctor accepted (接受)his8 happily. At half past seven the boy was waiting for his coming at the gate.9he saw his car, he ran towards him. Mr. Smith 10on time, with a nice present in his hand. After dinner the children sat around the traveler and asked him to 11them some funny stories. Mr. Smith agreed and his stories made them 12 again and again. At last he told them the funniest story. He said, "Once I reached a city 13a foggy day. The fog was the thickest in the world ..."

    Please wait a14, Mr. Smith," said my son, " It's said the fog in London is the thickest in the world.

    "You're 15, my clever boy." Said the funny doctor. "The city had much fog that day ..." "What's it, then?" the boy couldn't wait to ask again.

    "The fog was so thick that I couldn't see it at the funny doctor said with a smile.

    A . work B . fight C . live D . travel
    A . wait for B . look over C . play with D . look after
    A . friends B . brothers C . workers D . classmates
    A . read B . wrote C . thought D . saw
    A . with B . for C . of D . by
    A . send B . ask C . carry D . get
    A . knew B . caught C . taught D . called
    A . invitation B . things C . car D . money
    A . Before B . As soon as C . Until D . Since
    A . came B . answered C . said D . played
    A . speak B . say C . tell D . talk
    A . think B . laugh C . cry D . fear
    A . with B . in C . at D . on
    A . minute B . day C . week D . year
    A . sorry B . sad C . wrong D . right
  • 42. 根据短文内容,选出最佳答案。

    Do you think the people who use smart phones all the time are relaxed? A research shows that too much smart phone use in spare time can make people more stressed out.

    So what can we do in order to really make the best of our spare time? We have collected the following activities that also take a few hours to complete, but you'll improve your health in the process (过程).

    Whether you're at home or on holiday, it's important to disconnect from the Wi-Fi. Walking in nature can do good to your health. As a professional (职业的)traveler,

    Samantha Brown put it in a recent passage, " I put my map in my back pocket, put down my phones and take a good, long walk. Just walk around."

    Go to bed earlier. What can help improve your mood? Extra sleep, naturally. Getting the right amount of sleep is very important to our health and studies show that we don't get enough of it.

    Read a book. And let yourself get lost in a good story. Research shows that reading can reduce(减轻) stress, keep your brain sharp and can even help you sleep better. Everyone should spend at least 30 minutes reading every day.

    Putting pen to paper is a good exercise. Try writing down your thoughts. Writing has a lot of health advantages. Besides, writing down your thoughts may even help clear your mind.

    1. (1) How will people feel when they use their smart phones too much?
      A . Surprised. B . Bored. C . Relaxed. D . Stressed out.
    2. (2) What did Samantha Brown put in his pocket?
      A . Some books. B . A pen. C . His map. D . His phone.
    3. (3) What can people do to improve their moods ?
      A . They must get enough sleep every day B . They can take a good long walk. C . They can read some interesting books. D . They should never use their smart phones.
    4. (4) How long should people spend in reading every day?
      A . More than an hour B . At least half an hour. C . About twenty minutes. D . Less than thirty minutes.
    5. (5) How can people help clear their mind in this passage?
      A . By reading more books. B . By talking with friends on the phone. C . By writing down their thoughts. D . By keeping in good health.
  • 43. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

    Night after night, she came to help me sleep, even long after my childhood years. I don't remember when it first started making me unhappy - my mom's hands touching my hair that way.    But it did make me unhappy, for they felt rough(粗糙的).

    Finally, one night, I shouted at her, "Don't do that anymore -your hands are too rough!" She didn't say anything, but she never did it again.

    Years later, I missed my mother's hands and her goodnight kiss on my face. I'm not a little girl anymore. My mom is in her mid-70s, and her rough hands are still doing things for my family and me.

    Now my own children have grown up. It was late on Thanksgiving Eve. As I slept in my bedroom, a hand ran across my face to put the hair away my head. Then a kiss, ever so warm on my face.

    Taking my mom's hand, I told her how sorry I was for that night I shouted at her. But my mom didn't know what I was talking about. She had forgotten it long ago. That night, I fell asleep with a new appreciation (感激)for my mother and her caring hands. And the guilt (内疚)that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.

    1. (1) My mom made me unhappy, because her hands were    .
      A . rough B . warm C . cold D . hard
    2. (2) My mom    when I shouted at her.
      A . was sad B . was happy C . didn't say anything D . shouted back
    3. (3) Years later, when I missed my mother's hands, my mom was over    .
      A . 60 B . 70 C . 80 D . 90
    4. (4) It was late on    , my mom ran across my face with her hands again.
      A . Christmas Day B . Teachers' Day C . Mother's Day D . Thanksgiving Day
    5. (5) I    to mom, but mom even forgot that thing.
      A . said sorry B . fell asleep C . gave a kiss D . thanked
  • 44. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。

    Americans and Chinese have quite different views about how to treat friends.

    Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon. They don't feel hurt. If the same two people meet again, even years later, they pick up the friendship. This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand. Friendships between us develop more slowly but may become lifelong feelings, extending(扩展)deeply into both families.

    There is another difficult point for us to understand. Although Americans treat friends warmly in their personal everyday lives, they don,t show their politeness to them if they are asked to spend a lot of time staying with friends. But in China, we are usually generous(慷慨)with our time. We, as hosts, will appear at an airport even in the middle of the night to meet a friend. We may take days off from our work to act as guides to our friends. It is opposite in America. Americans can't manage the time to do so much with a visitor outside their daily plans. They will probably expect the visitors to get to the hotels by themselves, and expect the visitors to phone them there. Once the visitors arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real.

    For Americans, it is often considered friendlier to invite friends to their homes than to restaurants, except for business matters. Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life. So accept their hospitality(款待)at home and enjoy your visit in America!

    1. (1) Chinese people's friendships develop more slowly but keep much longer.
    2. (2) Americans enjoy staying with friends for a long time in their daily lives.
    3. (3) In China, it is polite to take days off to treat friends who come from other places.
    4. (4) Whenever you arrive in America and phone your American friend, he will be pleased to meet you at the airport.
    5. (5) Americans think inviting friends for dinner at home is warmer than in restaurants.
  • 45. 阅读文章并根据上下文用下面方框中應吾寂补全短文。其中一项是多余的。

    How do you feel about your Chinese? Is it good or bad? If you think you are good at Chinese, you can take part in the competition named the "Chinese Characters Dictation Competition (中国汉字听写大会)

    The competition became popular among teenagers.  .

    More and more computers and smart phones are used by teenagers.They are used to sending messages by computers and smart phones.The teachers and parents are very worried about it. What can they do?

    Not long ago, they found an interesting game called the Chinese Characters Dictation Competition. The program was similar to the American show "National Spelling    Bee".In this program, middle school students competed among themselves and wrote down the Chinese Characters by dictation. Over two hundred competitors were from forty-six middle schools.They tried to write down the Chinese Characters while the competitors were writing them.    But they found it was also difficult for them to write down all the Chinese Characters.

    Is it an interesting competition?  .

    A. Can you be the winner?

    B. Let's know something about it.

    C. The audiences (观众)loved this new kind of competition, too.

    D. They spend much time on the Internet in playing or chatting.

    E. Many people came to CCTV to watch the competition from all parts of the world.

    F. As a result, some teenagers forget how to write the Chinese Characters by hand.

  • 46. 根据短文内容,回答下面问题。

    Long, long ago, there was a man living in a village with his wife and two children. They had a hen. It laid a golden egg every day. The man sold the golden egg and the family lived a rich and comfortable life.

    But the man was very greedy (贪婪).He wanted to get all the golden eggs from his hen at a time. So, he thought hard every day about how to achieve it and he got a plan at last. He decided to kill the hen and get all the eggs. He didn't want to tell his wife about the plan because he wanted to give her a big surprise. He was so excited about his great plan. He even started to sing when he thought of the plan.

    The next day when the hen laid a golden egg, the man couldn't wait to take a knife and cut its body open. However, there was nothing but blood (血)all around. There weren't any eggs at all. He was very sad because he would not get even one egg now.

    Their life used to be comfortable with one egg a day, but now their life changed a lot.

    How silly he was!

    1. (1) How many children did the man have?
    2. (2) Was the man's life rich and comfortable before he killed the hen?
    3. (3) Why did the man kill the hen?
    4. (4) What did the man get from the hen at last?
    5. (5) What do you think of the man in the passage?
  • 47. 根据图片所提供的信息和上下文,用适当的单词补全短文。每空一词。

    This is Greentown. It's not a big town  it's very beautiful. There is a park in the middle  the town. On the  of the park is a restaurant. Next to the restaurant, there is a hotel. On the right of the park, there is a post office and a supermarket.  from the supermarket is a school. Next to the school, there is a bank. In  of the bank. You'll see some houses. My home is here.

  • 48. 书面表达

    最近,某英文报刊正在举办征文活动,主题是"弘扬中华传统文化,畅谈中国传统佳节",请你以"My Favorite Chinese Festival"为题,结合下面的内容要点,写一篇英语作文,为本次活动投稿。


    2) 讲述该节日有哪些主要庆祝方式:食物及活动。





    My Favorite Chinese Festival

