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北师大版初中英语九年级Unit 8 Getting Read...

更新时间:2022-01-31 浏览次数:20 类型:同步测试
  • 7. 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空

    be careful about       influence     health    be able to    characteristic

    1. (1) — Who has you most?

      — My father.

    2. (2) We should eat less meat and more vegetables to keep.
    3. (3) The main of the boy is smart and hardworking.
    4. (4) You must how the machine works.
    5. (5) — you swim?

      — Yes, I am.

  • 18. 补全对话

    A: What are you doing, Bob?

    B: Alice, . I'm getting ready(准备) for it.

    A: Oh, Bob, what are you taking in your hand?

    B: I want to take some snacks.

    A: Oh, dear! !

    B: What will happen if I do?

    A: . "Don't bring food to the party." Do you forget the rule?

    B: Oh, I remember it. I won't.

    A: Oh. Bob, you should wear the school uniform.

    B: Why can't I wear jeans?

    A: .It's a rule, too!

    B: Can I take my mobile phone?

    A: .

    B: Ah, it's really boring.

    A. No, you can't, either

    B. If you dress yourself like that, you'll have to leave

    C. If you take snacks, the teacher won't be happy

    D. You can't do that

    E. I'm going to the end-of-year party tonight

  • 19. 阅读理解

        Research says that husbands do not do their fair share of work around the house. A study from an American university says that men seldom do the same share of housework. Researchers interviewed 182 working couples who became first-time parents. Both husbands and wives worked almost the same number of hours in full-time jobs. However, men did five hours a week less housework than women after their baby was born.

        It is a different story for mothers. Becoming a parent added 21 hours a week to a mother's work. Most of this was looking after her baby. New fathers did not do more work because they did not realise the mother was doing so much more. Another reason is that after a baby is born, fathers follow the "traditional" roles. That is, the mother looks after the baby and the father works outside. This happens even when the mother is working the same number of hours in her job.

    1. (1) It is found that _______________ bam a do less housework.
      A . wives B . husbands C . parents D . babies
    2. (2) The underlined sentence "It is a different story for mothers." probably means ________________.
      A . mothers come from different families B . mothers like reading different stories C . mothers work more hours than fathers D . different mothers have different children
    3. (3) What is the "traditional" role of a father?
      A . Working outside. B . Looking after the baby. C . Doing housework. D . Doing part-time jobs.
    4. (4) Which part of a newspaper can this passage be taken from?
      A . Sports. B . Medicine. C . News. D . Society.
  • 20. 任务型阅读

        Today, young people spend about six hours a day in front of a TV or a computer and less than four minutes playing outdoors. It is not healthy for the mind and the body when time spent using technology replaces outdoor time.

        Some health experts(专家) call green time "vitamin G". Kids who don't get outdoors much are likely to have trouble in school. Doctors believe that is because being outdoors excites the mind more than sitting around indoors. Even those who usually spend a lot of time outdoors notice a difference when they don't get green time. Madelyne P., 14, says," I feel more tired when I don't get outdoors.

        Researchers believe the positive (积极的) effects of green time come from the physical activity in pastimes such as hiking or boating. Exercise produces brain chemicals that improve learning, mood and sleep. It also improves learning by increasing connections between nerve cells that are important in learning and memory. Some schools hold classes outside for those reasons. Student Hannah Smith, 18, says she believes the outdoors helps her focus and gets her to learn. Learning in a forest sparked her interest in art and photography, too.

        Even doctors are helping give their patients a dose of vitamin G. Miller writes "park prescriptions (处方)" for her patients because, she says, "Being outdoors is good for health." "She finds that when she gives patients park prescriptions, they are likely to continue with them.

        Getting outdoors can be simple, just like calling together your family for a picnic lunch. All it takes is five minutes or more of green time. Get outside, and get your vitamin G!

    1. (1) Do young people today spend more time in front of a TV or a computer than playing outdoors?
    2. (2) What do some health experts call green time?
    3. (3) Where do the positive effects of green time come from?
    4. (4) Why does Miller write "park prescriptions" for her patients?
    5. (5) What does the passage mainly tell us about vitamin G?

