当前位置: 初中英语 /
  • 1. 补全对话

    A: What are you doing, Bob?

    B: Alice, . I'm getting ready(准备) for it.

    A: Oh, Bob, what are you taking in your hand?

    B: I want to take some snacks.

    A: Oh, dear! !

    B: What will happen if I do?

    A: . "Don't bring food to the party." Do you forget the rule?

    B: Oh, I remember it. I won't.

    A: Oh. Bob, you should wear the school uniform.

    B: Why can't I wear jeans?

    A: .It's a rule, too!

    B: Can I take my mobile phone?

    A: .

    B: Ah, it's really boring.

    A. No, you can't, either

    B. If you dress yourself like that, you'll have to leave

    C. If you take snacks, the teacher won't be happy

    D. You can't do that

    E. I'm going to the end-of-year party tonight
