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人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级下册Unit 1 同...

更新时间:2022-01-18 浏览次数:184 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 完形填空

        It's useful to get some first aid knowledge (急救知识) in life. When you meet someone who is1 or hurt, you can give him or her some help. Now let's learn about the 2 Cs of first aid.

        Check (检查)

        The two important parts here are to check the3 and to check the person. First, ask yourself: what happened? Is there anything that might put you 4 danger? Then turn your attention to the 5. Is he or she moving or bleeding? Can he or she hear you?


        Now you should6 what kind of "call for help" is needed and when to do it. For example, if it's too dangerous to get near the person, call for help 7. If you're the only person there, call an ambulance (救护车) as soon as 8. Get someone else to do the call9 there are some other people. Then you can move on to (继续) the care step.


        Look after the person who is hurt. Don't leave the person by himself or 10 for a long time. Tell him or her that everything will be all right.

    A . upset B . angry C . sick D . tired
    A . two B . three C . four D . five
    A . temperature B . situation C . decision D . death
    A . in B . for C . at D . on
    A . blood B . rock C . person D . fever
    A . decide B . mean C . lie D . trust
    A . hardly ever B . just now C . so far D . right away
    A . possible B . normal C . careful D . physical
    A . because B . though C . if D . so
    A . itself B . myself C . yourself D . herself
  • 12. 阅读理解

    You wake up and don't feel well. You have a headache and don't want to get out of bed. And you can't breathe out of your nose. What's wrong? You may have a cold!

    Signs (迹象) of a cold

    low fever ·sore throat ·coughing ·runny nose and watery eyes feeling cold, tired and not hungry ·hard to breathe because of your stuffy (不通的) nose

    Hot drinks make you cough less, and your sore throat will be better, so have some chicken soup.

    A steamy shower (热水澡) helps your nose feel better.

    Have a good rest. Go to bed a little earlier for a few nights.

    If you're stressed, you will feel worse when you have a cold. So try to relax and use the time to read, listen to music or watch a movie.

    1. (1) Which may NOT be a sign of a cold?

      A . Having a sore throat. B . Having a low fever. C . Getting a bad cough. D . Always feeling hungry.
    2. (2) When your nose is stuffy, ________.

      A . you can sleep well B . it's difficult for you to breathe C . you'll have a high fever D . it's hard for you to hear clearly
    3. (3) Your sore throat may get better if you________.

      A . have some hot soup B . have a steamy shower C . exercise more D . get some sleep
    4. (4) The underlined word “stressed” means “________” in Chinese.

      A . 放松的 B . 焦虑的 C . 瞌睡的 D . 精神的
    5. (5) The last part is mainly about________.

      A . what the signs of a cold are B . why young children catch a cold easily C . what we can do to feel better if we have a cold D . why we should develop healthy habits
  • 18. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。有的需要变换形式。

    passenger, onto,trouble,hit,she

    1. (1) Tom didn't catch that ball and ithim on the nose.
    2. (2) Sonia didn't need her brother's help.She wrote the letter all by
    3. (3) The new factory did well at first but then ran into
    4. (4) When all thegot on the train.it left the station.
    5. (5) I saw Alice's cat jumpthe table.
  • 19. 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。

    1. (1) David has a bad cold.(对划线部分提问)

       the   David?

    2. (2) She took her temperature.(改为一般疑问句)

       she  her temperature?

    3. (3) You should put some medicine on it.(对划线部分提问)

        I ?

    4. (4) He may be a doctor.(改为同义句)

       he is a doctor.

    5. (5) Peter has a bad toothache.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定同答)

       Peter  a bad toothache?

      No, he .

  • 20. 根据汉语意思完成句子。

    1. (1) 我现在习惯住在这里。

      I'm here now.

    2. (2) 我用刀于割掉了那块肉。

      I used a off the meat.

    3. (3) 这个婴儿呼吸有问题。

      The baby .

    4. (4) 加油,不要放弃!

      Come on and don't !

    5. (5) 我们现在知道学游泳的重要性。

      We know the learning swimming now.

