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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级下册Unit 3...

更新时间:2022-03-08 浏览次数:56 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 完形填空

        The Black family like to do things together. Each Saturday they1each other with the work.

        Today Peter and Jean cleaned their2. They made the bed, swept the floor, cleaned the windows and took out the3. Then Jean put some beautiful flowers on the table. Dad went to the store to4food for next week. He knew about everyone's5food in the family. He was6he would make everyone glad. Mom washed the clothes of all the family. That made her tired,7happy. Then Jean helped Mom water the flowers in the8.  Peter helped Dad fix his bike. Soon they finished9the work.

        "Now we can have some fun," said Dad. "What will we do or10will we go?"

        Everyone had an idea. They decided to ride bikes to the seaside. It is wonderful that the family like to work and play together.

    A . help B . want C . meet D . like
    A . bikes B . rooms C . bags D . clothes
    A . money B . food C . fruit D . trash
    A . cook B . rent C . buy D . give
    A . favorite B . healthy C . loving D . unhealthy
    A . sure B . thirsty C . sad D . hurry
    A . so B . but C . or D . and
    A . library B . zoo C . garden D . park
    A . some of B . none of C . many D . all
    A . how B . where C . why D . when
  • 12. 阅读理解

        What do mothers think of housework? Let's read the following ideas.


        We don't like housework, but at the same time, we hope to have a clean and comfortable home.

        My neighbor Teresa told me that I didn't have to do everything right away. We can do small things with great love. Start with the easy ones, rest, and then go on with the others. It becomes less tiring but much more interesting when you divide(分成)things into smaller parts.


        What should you call those who use towels(毛巾)but never wash them, eat meals but never do the dishes, sit in rooms but never clean them?If your answer is "A house guest." you're wrong. Because I just describe my kids.


        Kids seem to learn to use the computer and turn on the TV quickly. However, they have difficulty in using the vacuum cleaner(真空吸尘器). It's really surprising.

    1. (1) Teresa taught Laura to ________.

      A . do everything right away B . have a rest before working C . do the important things only D . start with easy things
    2. (2) Mona thinks her kids are ________.

      A . lazy B . hard­working C . clever D . serious
    3. (3) Mary tells something about her ________.

      A . kids B . guests C . parents D . students
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

      A . Laura likes doing the housework very much. B . Mona's kids often help with the housework. C . Mary's kids like to use the computer. D . They all talk about their kids.
    5. (5) Where is the text probably taken from?

      A . A newspaper. B . A textbook. C . A sports magazine. D . A science report.
  • 13. 下面小题是五个人物的相关信息,方框中A—G是七则建议,请为每个人选择最合适的建议(其中有两项多余)。

    A. If you don't want to lose your friend, you should talk to your friend first. Also, you may invite her to your home to have dinner.

    B. If there is something wrong with your stomach, you should go to see a doctor as soon as possible and have some pills.

    C. You should visit your neighbor and have a talk with him. You can tell him not to play the CDs at night.

    D. You should tell your mother what you did and promise not to do it again. Your mother will forgive(原谅) you.

    E. You should take good care of your sister while your parents are not at home.

    F. You should do more math exercises and ask your math teacher to help you with math.

    G. If you want to become strong, you should eat more food and do some sports.

    1. (1) Sharon's math is not very good. She feels a little worried because the math exam is coming.
    2. (2) John is a naughty boy. He did something wrong this morning. He isn't brave enough to tell his mother about what he did.
    3. (3) Jenny's neighbor always plays the CDs too loud at night. Jenny cannot fall asleep.
    4. (4) Mary quarreled(争吵) with her best friend yesterday. She was very sad and she didn't want to lose her friend.
    5. (5) Kate has a stomachache. She doesn't feel like eating anything.
  • 19. 用方框中的短语的适当形式填空,每组短语仅用一次。

    make the bed    work on    stay out    take out    do chores

    1. (1) I don't want to the trash today!
    2. (2) Tomlate last night. His mother was angry.
    3. (3) Jack is busysome math problems.
    4. (4) Jane, don't forget toafter you get up.
    5. (5) She every day, like folding the clothes.

