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更新时间:2022-03-17 浏览次数:76 类型:开学考试
  • 13. 听短文,根据短文内容在空格中填入恰当的单词(每空一词)。短文读三遍。

    A traffic accident


    At o'clock this afternoon.


    Near the People's .


    A truck hit a .

    The passengers were fine,but the bus driver was badly hurt.


    Because of the bad .


    The drivers must down and be more careful when driving.

  • 29. 从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

    Miguel is a 12-year-old boy living in a small village in Mexico. His idol (偶像) is a great guitar player called Ernesto de la Cruz. Miguel dreams to become a 1 like him.

    However, his family are2it. When he secretly (偷偷地) joins in a talent show, his grandmother finds out and destroys (破坏) his guitar. He is 3 and steals (偷) an old guitar to play in the show.

    Then 4 magical (神奇的) happens! The guitar brings him to a new 5. Everyone who has ever died lives there. He sees his 6 family members, like his aunts and uncles. They say they can help Miguel go back, but he has to 7 his musical dream. Miguel doesn't want to. He meets a friend called Hector who helps him 8 a guitar. They go to a music contest together. What happens next?

    The 9 is in the animated (动画的) movie Coco. It came out on the Chinese mainland on Nov. 24th. 10 are no ghosts (鬼) in the real world. But the movie's world is full of imagination (想象).

    A . postman B . musician C . scientist
    A . for B . against C . through
    A . angry B . happy C . funny
    A . nothing B . anything C . something
    A . school B . factory C . world
    A . dead B . poor C . weak
    A . grow up B . give up C . wake up
    A . find B . break C . shake
    A . idea B . chance C . answer
    A . They B . These C . There
  • 30. 阅读理解

    School Report

    Term: Spring           Name: Jane           Age: 15





    Though she likes writing notes, she doesn't like writing compositions. I believe she can do better.



    She is good at math, but lazy. She spends most of her time taking to the boy who sits in front of her. She must concentrate.



    She will never succeeding in learning French is she keeps talking in English.



    Getting better.



    Nice work.



    Very good. She likes drawing pictures of her teachers.


    P. E.




    Quite good.


    General: Jane likes talking in class, so she often gets into trouble with her teachers. She is good at games and especially likes playing football with boys, She must take things more serious.

    1. (1) Jane studies          subjects at school.
      A . six B . seven C . eight D . nine
    2. (2) Jane's          says she must concentrate in class.
      A . English teacher B . math teacher        C . French teacher D . geography teacher
    3. (3) From her report, we know Jane usually speaks         .
      A . English B . Chinese C . Japanese D . French
    4. (4) Jane often gets into trouble with her teachers because she         .
      A . is too lazy B . likes talking in class    C . likes drawing pictures of her teachers D . doesn't like writing compositions
    5. (5) Jane likes         .
      A . speaking French B . sleeping in the class    C . writing composition D . playing football with boys
  • 31. 阅读理解

    Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your body strong. Children who often exercise are more active. That means they do better in schoolwork than those who don't exercise.

    There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways: You have to like what you are doing. Exercise enough—but not too much. It's best to exercise twice a week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of sports until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you.

    You can exercise at fitness centers. There is a lot of equipment in the centers. The equipment will help you exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you keep fit. Some people buy equipment to exercise at home. But it's very expensive.

    1. (1) Exercise can help children           .
      A . feel excited B . keep fit C . look different D . always be happy
    2. (2) Which of the following is NOT mentioned(被提及) in the passage?
      A . B . C . D .
    3. (3) Each time, it's best to exercise           .
      A . two hours B . one hour C . half an hour D . fifteen minutes
    4. (4) The word "fitness center" means            in Chinese.
      A . 娱乐中心 B . 服务中心 C . 健身中心 D . 培训中心
    5. (5) The main idea of the passage is           .
      A . the equipment of fitness centers B . the history of sports C . types of sports D . how to exercise
  • 32. 阅读理解

    Lang Lang was born in Shenyang, Liaoning. His father is a folk musician.

    When he was two and a half years old, Lang Lang liked a famous cartoon (动画片), Tom and Jerry. Once, he watched Tom playing the piano on TV, then he showed great interest in it. From then on, he liked playing his father's old piano. Soon he could play a short tune (曲子) by himself. His father was surprised and began to let him take piano lessons.

    When he was three  Lang Lang learned the piano from Zhu Yafen, a famous music teacher. Two years later, he took part in a competition(比赛) for the first time and won first place. After that, he gave the first concert during his life. On January, 2011, Mr. Obama invited (邀请) him to play the piano at the White House. One of the tunes was the song My Motherland (祖国). When the concert was over, he said to the journalist (记者), "I choose this song,because I love China. "

    Now, millions of people enjoy his beautiful music. He is really a born musician! We all love him.

    1. (1) Who is a folk musician?
      A . Langlang's father. B . Tom. C . Jerry. D . Lang Lang.
    2. (2) When did he show great interest in playing the piano?
      A . After he watched his father playing the piano. B . When he was two and a half years old. C . After he learned the piano from his teacher. D . When he could play a short tune by himself.
    3. (3) Lang Lang took part in his first piano competition at the age of           .
      A . two B . three C . five D . six
    4. (4) From the passage we know that           .
      A . his father taught him to play the piano B . Mr. Obama invited him to America in 2012 C . Lang Lang loves China a lot D . Lang Lang gave his first concert at the White House
    5. (5) What's the best title for the passage?
      A . Lang Lang's Life B . Lang Lang's Family C . Lang Lang's First Concert D . Lang Lang, a Born Musician
  • 33. 阅读理解

    As we all know, all living things will die without oxygen(氧气). Oxygen comes from all kinds of plants. Rainforests play the most important part in making oxygen. Besides(除了) making oxygen, rainforests help us in many other ways.

    Rainforests take in the heat(热量) from the sun and this makes the earth cooler. Because the more heat reflects(反射) into the sky, the warmer the other parts of the world will be. That's the reason why rainforests can control the climate.

    Rainforests provide us with a lot of wood. We use wood to make paper and furniture, such as beds, chairs and tables. Also we use wood for building houses to protect us from the sun, the wind and the rain. In most parts of the world, people cook food and keep warm by burning wood.

    Rainforests are the world's drug(药物) store. More than 25% of the medicine we use today come from plants in rainforests. However, fewer than 1% of rainforest plants have been checked for their medical value(药用价值). We believe that our best chance to beat diseases is somewhere in the world's rainforests. But it's a pity they are becoming smaller and smaller day by day. I think we should try our best to protect it.

    1. (1) All living things           .
      A . love to live in cool places B . need other living things to live C . need rain to live and grow D . need oxygen to live on
    2. (2) Rainforests make the earth cooler by           .
      A . making oxygen B . taking in the heat from the sun C . providing a lot of wood D . reflecting the heat from the sun
    3. (3) Rainforests provide the following things except          .
      A . heat B . wood C . medicine D . oxygen
    4. (4) From the passage we can find a fact that           .
      A . people are burning rainforests every day B . people are planting more and more trees in rainforests C . people are destroying (破坏) rainforests seriously D . people are protecting rainforests voluntarily (自发地)
    5. (5) The writer wants to tell us that           .
      A . oxygen is important to us B . rainforests are getting less and less C . why we use wood for building houses D . how important rainforests are
  • 34. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。

    The last Monday in March is an important day in China. It's a day for school safety education (教育). What kinds of accidents often happen at school? How can students keep safe? Let's have a look!

    The main accidents at school are earthquakes, stampedes (踩踏), and fires.

    Earthquakes happen all over the world. So it's really necessary to learn something to protect yourself during an earthquake. If you are outside the classroom, find a place away from buildings, trees and power lines. You can stay under your desk until the earthquake stops.

    Usually, a stampede happens in a crowded place. An earthquake and some other disasters (灾难)may also cause it. If students around you run quickly, stand where you are and try to hold onto something. If you fall down in the ground, put your hands around your head. Move to one side and bend (弯) your body so that you can't get hurt.

    It's better to put something wet over your mouth and nose. In this way, you won't breathe (呼吸) much smoke. It makes them cough and they can't breathe. When you are walking out, you should make yourself lower to the floor, then you can breathe some fresh air.

    A. When there's a fire, leave the classroom quickly.

    B. It helps students learn more about safety.

    C. Many people die in a fire, not because of fire but smoke.

    D. But if you're in the classroom, don't try to run out of it.

    E. When a stampede happens, try to make yourself stay calm first.

  • 45. 阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。

    Mickey Mouse is very/ˈpɒpjələ(r)/ around the world since it came to the world. Now Mickey Mouse and its family members have become the main characters in Disneyland. Theyso much joy to the people. Walt Disney, the father of Mickey Mouse,(create) this lovely character with funny stories.

    When Walt Disney was very /jʌŋ/, he studied art in Chicago. He worked with another young artist in the old building. They often saw mice running in and out of the old building,they had the idea to draw a cartoon mouse.

    The mouse did not look like the real mouse. It stood on two legs big eyes and ears. The (funny) thing was that it wore white gloves in its hands. They called it Mickey. This is the great cartoon character comes. It appeared in the screen. And then it appeared in the biggest entertainment park Disneyland and makes so many people(laugh).

  • 46. 众所周知,网络给我吗带来快乐和知识,使我们生活变得更加美好和便捷。现在许多孩子都对上网(surf the Internet)感兴趣,但上网对学生而言有利有弊。请你根据下表提供的信息用英语写一篇小短文,描述上网的优点和缺点,谈谈自己的看法以及自己上网会怎么做。



    1. 快速搜索大量的有用的信息。

    2. 广交朋友并能同他们面对面在线聊天。

    3. ……

    1. 沉迷于网络游戏不利于学习。

    2. 一些人利用网络伤害他人并通过欺骗获取钱财。

    3. ……




