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更新时间:2022-04-12 浏览次数:72 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 判断下列各组中单词划线部分的发音是否相同
    1. (1) card    farm    fast    afternoon
    2. (2) bear    near    dear    pear
    3. (3) so    boat    toe    son
    4. (4) bread    weak    leaf    head
  • 2. 读句子,选择正确的单词填空。

    cry  hard  hotel  south  second

    1. (1) Please wait for me. I'll be back in a .
    2. (2) Only a few people stay in the by the sea.
    3. (3) Super girl flies and finds an island full of flowers and butterflies.
    4. (4) The boy wants to for help, but no one comes until the next day.
    5. (5) The students are working so . The classroom will be tidy in a short time.
  • 22. 选择恰当的句子完成对话。

    A. How will you get there?

    B. Where are you going?

    C. It's a wonderful place for a holiday.

    D. How long does it take to get to Guilin?

    E. There are many beautiful mountains and clear water.

    Bob: The National Day (国庆节) is coming!

    Tracy: I'm going to Guilin with my parents.


    Tracy: We will get there by train.


    Tracy: It's fast. It only takes 3 hours.

    Bob: Really? Have a good time.

    Tracy: Thank you.

    We'll enjoy the fresh air.

    Bob: Please take some photos for me.

    Tracy: Sure.

  • 23. 选出合适的选项将短文补充完整。

    Everybody has1home. People have homes. Animals also have homes. People live2many different kinds of houses. Animals3different kinds of homes, too.

    Some animals live in holes under the ground. The woodchuck (土拨鼠) lives under the ground. His home has two doors. If an enemy(敌人) comes into one door, the woodchuck goes out through the4. Some squirrels(松鼠) build homes high in the trees. Some5 live in holes in the trees. Most of them live in nests(巢). Crows (乌鸦)6their nests high in the trees. But hawks (鹰)build their nests high in the mountains.

    A . the B . / C . an D . a
    A . under B . at C . in D . on
    A . has B . have C . live D . haves
    A . another B . other C . door D . each other
    A . cats B . rabbits C . sheep D . birds
    A . building B . builds C . build D . to build
  • 24. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案

    Sarah is going to act in the school play" Snow White". It's one of her favourite stories. Two weeks before the show, she begins to practise (训练) with two friends. Sarah plays the part (角色) of the queen, Mike plays the part of the prince, and Amanda plays the part of Snow White.

    The show day comes! Sarah gets up early and puts on a beautiful pink dress and a pair of blue boots. Then her parents take her to school by car. Mike is waiting for Sarah and Amanda in the school now. Then Amanda comes and they all come to school early. The play starts! Everyone does a good job and everything goes well. But Sarah falls down at the end of the play! What is she going to do? She wants to cry but she gets on her feet quickly and finishes the play. Everyone is happy for her. Sarah is a great girl.

    1. (1) The children starts to practice _________ before the show.
      A . two months B . three weeks C . fourteen days
    2. (2) __________acts Snow White in the school play.
      A . Sarah B . Mike C . Amanda
    3. (3) Sarah wears _________ in the play.
      A . a blue dress and pink shoes B . a pink dress and blue socks C . blue boots and a pink dress
    4. (4) _________ comes to school first on the show day.
      A . Sarah B . Mike C . Amanda
    5. (5) Sarah _________ after falling down.
      A . gets up quickly B . cries sadly C . hurts her feet
  • 25. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确。

    There is a new library in the city. It's big and modern(现代的). You have many ways to get there. You can go by bus, car, underground or bike. It has five floors, and there are lots of books on each floor.

    Jim goes to the library with Charlie. He wants to borrow a book. They can't see any library assistants (图书管理员), but some robots are standing there. Jim says to a robot, "Hey, give the book to me, Mr Robot." But the robot doesn't move. "What's wrong with it?" he asks Charlie.

    Charlie tells Jim, "When you want to borrow a book from it, you should say 'please' first. "So Jim says, "Please give me the book, Mr Robot. "Now the robot brings him the book. But Jim can't take the book out of the robot's hand.

    This time, Jim knows the reason(原因) quickly. He says to the robot, "Thank you, Mr. Robot. "Then the robot gives the book to him and goes away.

    1. (1) The new library is big and modern.
    2. (2) The new library has six floors.
    3. (3) Charlie wants to borrow a book from the library.
    4. (4) There are some robots reading books in the library.
    5. (5) Jim gets the book after saying "thank you".
  • 26. 从表格中选出一个你计划去旅行的地方,根据提示写出旅行计划。内容包括出游时间及人员、游玩项目等。至少五句话。开头已给出,不计入句子数。

    Xi'an: by plane; for 6 days

    Hainan: by car; for 7days

    Yunan: by plane; for 10 days

    My holiday plan

    Summer holiday is coming soon. ________________________________________________________________

