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更新时间:2022-05-19 浏览次数:59 类型:高考模拟
一、听下面5段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项(共5小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)。
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)。
  • 6. 听录音, 回答问题。
    1. (1) What did the man do last night?
      A . He visited a friend. B . He had an interview. C . He fixed the radio.
    2. (2) How does the man feel about the woman's plan?
      A . Interested. B . Surprised. C . Disappointed.
  • 7. 听录音, 回答问题
    1. (1) Why does the man ask for help?
      A . He will go on holiday. B . He will be in hospital. C . He will be away on business.
    2. (2) Who will probably take care of the dog?
      A . Marina. B . Robin. C . Thomas.
  • 8. 听录音, 回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the man suggest the woman do?
      A . Increase her study time. B . Manage her time properly. C . Follow his revision schedule.
    2. (2) When will the speakers hold a party?
      A . On the 25th. B . On the 26th. C . On the 27th.
    3. (3) What will the woman do next?
      A . Prepare some food. B . Play some music. C . Do some revision.
  • 9. 听录音, 回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the relationship between the speakers?
      A . Fellow workers. B . College friends. C . Teacher and student.
    2. (2) How did the woman get into volunteer work?
      A . She founded a local organization. B . She followed a group of young people. C . She got the information from a friend.
    3. (3) What does the man think of his manager?
      A . Strict. B . Generous. C . Energetic.
    4. (4) What is the man going to do?
      A . Join in the project. B . Visit the company. C . Write an email.
  • 10. 听录音, 回答问题。
    1. (1) When did the storm  happen?
      A . Last Thursday. B . Last Friday. C . This Friday.
    2. (2) How many people were badly injured in the storm?
      A . 15. B . 14. C . 9.
    3. (3) Where was the farmer when the storm came?
      A . In the kitchen. B . Tn the bedroom. C . In the field.
    4. (4) What did the woman do when she saw her house shaking?
      A . She took out her belongings quickly. B . She rushed out with her children at once. C . She told her husband to leave immediately.
三、 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  • 11. 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

    Hidden gardens in London

    From nature reserves to community spaces, we've dug up some of London's most secret gardens, where you'll find pockets of splendid nature and forget about all your worries.

    Queen's Wood

    Across the road from the better-known Highgate Wood, there is something more magical and quiet about Queen's Wood-witness its hilly pathways through the mountain ash and cherry trees. It might be only a few hundred metres from Highgate tube station, but native bluebells and countless species of small animals make this a wonderful retreat.

    Phoenix Garden

    Behind Charing Cross Road, this is a super spot for a leafy lunchtime break. Look out for frogs and sparrows, which are thriving(兴旺)thanks to an enthusiastic conservation initiative. The garden closed last autumn for redevelopment work but has reopened in time to take advantage of our long-awaited spell of improved weather.

    Postman's Park

    A short walk from St Paul's Cathedral lies one of London's most touching monuments: George Frederic Watts's Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice. Within the quiet Postman's Park, nestled beneath a roof, are just over 50 ceramic plaques(牌匾), each honoring the memory of an ordinary person who lost their life trying to save others.

    Red Cross Garden

    Originally intended to give Southwark children a space to play, this Victorian garden has been restored to its original design, complete with pond, cottage, bandstand and formal borders. While relaxing in the restored bandstand, it's hard to imagine the view back in 1887 when it was surrounded by workhouses and factories.

    1. (1) Which garden is close to a subway station?
      A . Queen's Wood. B . Phoenix Garden. C . Postman's Park. D . Red Cross Garden.
    2. (2) What can you do in Postman's Park?
      A . Take photos of old workhouses. B . Swim in the pond. C . Lean stories about selflessness. D . Enjoy a band show.
    3. (3) What do Phoenix Garden and Red Cross Garden have in common?
      A . They have got some repair work. B . They were surrounded by factories. C . They will be temporarily closed. D . They have the same original design.
  • 12. 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

    NFK Editors-October 14,2021-Zara Rutherford is flying around the world by herself in a small plane. When she finishes her trip, which will take over two months, she'll become the youngest woman to fly all the way around the globe by herself. She's just 19 years old. Ms. Rutherford began her trip in Belgium on August 18. This trip is something she has dreamed about for a long time.

    Ms. Rutherford has been learning to fly planes since she was 14 years old. Ms. Rutherford's parents are both pilots, and they helped her practice. She got her pilot's license in 2020 and has hundreds of hours of flying practice. She's making this trip in a small two-seater plane called a microlight. One of the seats has been replaced with an extra gas tank, which will allow Ms. Rutherford to cover longer distances. The plane has had several other updates for safety, including a second radio, and satellite communications.

    To follow her route, Ms. Rutherford needs to be able to see, since her plane can't be guided using its instruments alone. That means she can't fly at night or in bad weather. Ms. Rutherford is now in Nome, Alaska-the halfway point of her trip. While she's had some delays and is a little behind schedule, she is upbeat. "As long as I'm home before Christmas, I'm content," she says.

    Ms. Rutherford plans to stay a night or two in each place to visit with schools and youth groups. She hopes to inspire young girls to explore areas like aviation(flying),science, mathematics, and engineering. As her father points out, currently, only about 5% of pilots are women.

    1. (1) What is Zara Rutherford's long-held dream?
      A . An independent flight around the world. B . Building a small plane. C . A two-month self-driving travel in Belgium. D . Becoming the youngest pilot.
    2. (2) What can we learm about Ms. Rutherford from paragraph 2?
      A . She needs a guide B . She is well prepared. C . She is knowledgeable. D . She has lots of hobbies.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "upbeat" in paragraph 3 mean?
      A . Reliable. B . Innocent. C . Elegant. D . Optimistic.
    4. (4) Why does Ms. Rutherford plan to visit schools and youth groups?
      A . To leam more scientific knowledge. B . To celebrate the festival together. C . To encourage other girls to aim high. D . To help her father make speeches.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

    Thousands of years of domestication have left dogs with a remarkable capacity to comprehend human speech, and new research reveals that the brains of our four-legged friends are even able to differentiate between languages. Appearing in the journal Neurolmage, the new study is the first to detect such an ability in any non-human animal.

    To conduct their research, the study authors trained 18 pet dogs to lie motionless inside a functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI)scanner so that their brain activity could be recorded while they listened to audio recordings of human speech. Two of the dogs involved in the study came from homes that spoke Spanish, while the remaining 16 belonged to Hungarian-speaking families.

    While in the scanner, each dog listened to an excerpt(节选)from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince in both Spanish and Hungarian. They also heard scrambled(杂乱的)versions of these recordings that made no sense and sounded completely unnatural.

    When examining the responses of the dogs' brains to these recordings, the researchers noted that activity patterns within the animals' primary auditory cortex(听觉皮层)differed depending on whether they heard actual speech or scrambled nonsense. This suggests that dogs are indeed able to tell the difference between speech and non-speech, regardless of the language spoken.

    The researchers also found that this response to language was more pronounced in older dogs, leading them to conclude that longer exposure to human speech enables pet dogs to improve their language recognition skills.

    In a statement, study author Attila Andic explained these findings indicate that "the capacity to learn about the regularities of a language is not uniquely human. "However, it remains to be seen "whether this capacity is dogs' specialty, or general among non-human species. "

    "Indeed, it is possible that the brain changes from the tens of thousands of years that dogs have been living with humans have made them better language listeners, but this is not necessarily the case. "

    1. (1) What is the requirement for the dogs in the study?
      A . They must be smart. B . They can study languages. C . They must keep still. D . They can train their partners.
    2. (2) How did the researchers get their findings?
      A . By consulting language experts. B . By collecting clinical data. C . By observing the dogs' body movements. D . By analyzing the dogs' brain activity.
    3. (3) What can we infer about the findings from Attila Andic's explanation?
      A . They have proved his assumption. B . They need further confirming. C . They are in line with the former ones. D . They apply to non-human species.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
      A . Older Dogs Can Learn New Tricks B . Dogs Are Good Language Learners C . Older Dogs Are Humans' Perfect Partners D . Dogs Can Distinguish Different Languages
  • 14. 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

    In 2007,the African Union announced an ambitious project-to plant the Great Green Wall(GGW),a band of trees that would stretch the length of the Sahel.

    The GGW is an ecological restoration project designed by African people for African people. Heavy rains, droughts, wildfires and landslides have all become common throughout the world. But nowhere is quite like the Sahel. In this huge African region, climate change has materialized in a dramatic manner. In some cases, the severe conditions have left people with no option other than to migrate elsewhere to survive. It was with all of this in mind that the extraordinary, but heavily debated project was first put forward.

    Fourteen years have passed since the initiative formally kicked off. The stated goal was to create a 15-kilometre-wide, 8,000-kilometre-long green belt of trees and other plants that, by 2030, would span(跨 越)the entire width of the Sahel, from Senegal to Djibouti.Overall, 100 million hectares(公顷)of land would be restored by 2030.Once completed, it was announced, the wall could end up capturing(俘获)250 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, while its creation and upkeep could create ten million jobs in rural areas.

    Looking at the project as a whole, there's still a long way to go. According to a status report by the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, about four million hectares of degraded land have been restored. This means that progress towards the 100 million hectares target stands at just four per cent.

    "When we started restoring the soil, we realized the area at risk was much wider than we initially thought, "explains Elvis Paul Tankmate African Union's GGW coordinator. "We had few funds to push the initiative as much as we wanted to. There was skepticism among investors, who didn't understand the project, but also among the African states themselves, which needed time to figure out if the GGW was a priority. "

    1. (1) What is the purpose of the GGW project?
      A . To improve local ecology. B . To develop rural economy. C . To predict climate patterns. D . To strengthen regional ties.
    2. (2) What do the statistics in paragraph 3 show of the initiative?
      A . The service period. B . The total budget. C . The targeted groups. D . The expected benefits.
    3. (3) How does Elvis Paul Tangem feel about the project?
      A . Skeptical. B . Worried. C . Confident. D . Satisfied.
    4. (4) What message does the author intend to convey in the text?
      A . African countries should stand together. B . The progress of the GGW project is slow. C . Fighting climate change is our top priority. D . Natural disasters are worse than we thought
  • 15. 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Studying smarter, not longer, matters now more than ever, with students in many countries having to manage their time and study more on their own.The good news:Science points to ones that really work.

    Use pictures. Pay attention to drawings, graphics, chart and other visual aids in your class materials, psychologist Mark McDaniel says. " And if there aren't pictures, creating them can be really, really useful. "

    Find examples. Abstract concepts can be hard to understand. It tends to be far easier to form a mental image if you have a concrete example of something, psychologist Cynthia Nebel says. For instance, sour foods usually taste that way because they contain an acid. But if you think about a lemon or vinegar, it's easier to understand and remember that acids and sour go together.

    Psychologist Nate Komell "definitely did cram(临时抱佛脚)"before big tests when he was a student. He still thinks it's a good idea to study the day before a big test. But research shows it's a bad idea to cram all your studying into that day. Instead, allow time between study sessions and you'll learn and remember material better.

    Dig deeper. It's hard to remember a string of facts and figures if you don't push further. Ask why things are a certain way. How did they come about? Why do they matter? Psychologists call this elaboration. It's "asking a lot of how and why questions about it," Nebel says.

    Try adding just one new study skill each week or two. It may seem odd at first. But, by the time week two rolls around, it becomes a normal thing.

    A. Reread books and notes.

    B. Space out your studying.

    C. They really boost your memory of the material.

    D. Yet many students have never learned those skills.

    E. In other words, don't just accept facts at face value.

    F. On its own, that concept might be hard to remember.

    G. It's like telling students to learn to swim by "just swimming."

五、英语知识运用, 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It was 4-year-old Darrin's first chiropractic adjustment(脊椎矫正术).He was afraid, as most children are on their first visit to any1

    But if you gain children's2 and take the time to develop good relationship, you can do anything with their complete3. One of the4I find most useful is to show an interest in a child's special toy. When you touch, hug and love their5toy, you open the door to their heart. 1 have given thousands of chiropractic adjustments to teddy bears, Barbie dolls and fire trucks-you name it, I've6it

    Darrin's7, however, was different.

    I had told Darrin's mother to8his favorite toy, but when I9about it, she said, "Sorry, Dr. Stillwagon. Darrin's favorite play toy is our upright vacuum sweeper(立式吸尘器), and I just couldn't feel10coming to the office with it. "

    "Wait just a minute," I said. I went out, got our upright vacuum sweeper and11the adjusting room. I introduced him to our vacuum sweeper,12him to play with it.

    Our examination13involves the use of a hand-held scanner to monitor the patient's progress. I took the scanner and14it the full length of the upright vacuum sweeper. I then placed the sweeper on the adjusting table and15to adjust it. Darrin watched my every16. I told him that the sweeper would soon feel17.

    Darrin was next. Full of confidence, he sat on the chair for the scan, and then18sat on the adjusting table. We had become19,and I had adjusted my20upright vacuum sweeper!

    A . teacher B . doctor C . policeman D . fireman
    A . company B . resistance C . trust D . sympathy
    A . cooperation B . instruction C . admiration D . protection
    A . techniques B . projects C . regulations D . experiments
    A . hand-made B . costly C . household D . favored
    A . created B . afforded C . adjusted D . exhibited
    A . appearance B . reaction C . illness D . situation
    A . bring B . buy C . polish D . operate
    A . warned B . asked C . dreamed D . argued
    A . bitter B . ambitious C . embarrassed D . comfortable
    A . painted B . decorated C . cleaned D . entered
    A . begging B . encouraging C . forcing D . forbidding
    A . procedure B . standard C . result D . paper
    A . covered B . tested C . ran D . dug
    A . declined B . failed C . learned D . pretended
    A . design B . plan C . move D . program
    A . wiser B . better C . tidier D . tighter
    A . mindlessly B . nervously C . fearlessly D . hesitatingly
    A . friends B . neighbors C . competitors D . colleagues
    A . solid B . first C . best D . new
六、英语知识运用(共10小题:每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
  • 17. 阅读下面短,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Zhejiang province, home to an impressive number of folk artists, has many types of folk art. Rooted in life experiences, they contribute (huge)to enriching people's cultural life.

    In the village of Dongyuan, Wenzhou, the ancient Chinese (invent)of wooden movable type printing is marching forward, which (date) back to the Yuan dynasty. Today people in Rui'an still print the family-tree books in this way, (follow)the previous printing tips. And traditionally, people in Zhejiang update the family trees every 30 years. It indicates the Chinese (people) deep-rooted sense of family and love for their homeland. Another interesting art form isthe Zhang family in Nichu village of Cangnan county has taken and perfected for seven generations. It is about (create) all kinds of artifacts with rice flour and has been added to the provincial intangible cultural heritage list. Besides, in the early 1990s, there emerged private museums, were among the first nationwide. Compared with other provinces, they are also (large) in number, and have bigger impact. Now, Yinzhou District in Ningbo, known the "Museum District", is home to 30 private museums.

  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文, 文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、刷除或修改。

    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。


    修改:在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


    2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    Our school organizes football matches in every year. Some students are willing take part but they were worried that they don't have enough time. I want to share some of my idea here. There is no doubt that joining in the matches take up some study time. Therefore, they can bring some benefits like those sporting activities hold before. They can lead to a healthier body, less stress, and more actively thinking, Students can not only live the happy life but also perform well at school. I hope we can make right decisions for us.

  • 19. 高中生活即将结束, 你对未来的学习和生活有什么好的规划?请用英语写一篇短文给某英文报YOUR VOICE栏目, 内容包括:



    注意:1)词数100左右; 2)可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

