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更新时间:2022-07-26 浏览次数:303 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Do you love to sing? Come and show your talents at the Chilton Youth A Cappella Competition


    Please remember this is an a cappella competition! No instruments or recorded (录制的) music will be allowed. Competitors may sing songs in any style. Competitors must be between 8 and 15 years old.

    There are four kinds:

    ★Solo(8-11 years old)★Solo(12-15 years old)★Group(8-11 years old)★Group(12-15 years old)

    Competitors under 12 years old must stay with parents or other adults at all times.

    Each competitor must pay $10.

    Winners will receive $500 and 20 lessons from the famous voice teacher Vickie Leonard.

    Winners will be decided by three teachers from the Chilton School of Music. Their decision is final.

    Other information

    Please arrive at the Edward Greatcoat Theater between 8:00 a. m and 8:30 a. m to make preparations. The competition will start at 9:00 a. m and it will last for 2 hours.

    Shared dressing rooms with showers will be provided for all competitors.

    Tickets to watch the competition are available at the theater from June 1st. They are free, but spaces are limited.

    1. (1) What time will the competition finish?
      A . At 8:00 a. m. B . At 8:30 a. m. C . At 9:00 a. m. D . At 11:00 a. m.
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . It will cost you $10 if you take part in the competition. B . The competitors should come to the competition with parents. C . The famous voice teacher Vickie Leonard will decide the winner. D . You can sing songs with some recorded music or one instrument.
    3. (3) What's the writer's purpose of writing this poster?
      A . To offer some singing talent shows to the adults. B . To invite the young to a concert in Chilton. C . To suggest visitors enjoy the singing competition. D . To tell the youth about a singing competition.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Paul's Songkran Festival Journal

    April 12

    Today I arrived at my friend Worawut's house for the holidays. His family was doing a spring cleaning of their pretty wooden house in preparation for the spring festival of Songkran. They put their hands together in front of the body, like giving wishes, to greet me with a traditional action called the wai. Worawut translated their words for me.

    April 13

    That smells wonderful! The women were cooking Thai foods for today's festival opening ceremonies. We men went to the river and brought lots of sand to the village wat. That was a very beautiful building where the monks (僧侣) lived. We left the sand near the wat. Worawut said I'd soon find out why.

    April 14

    We all dressed up and went to the village wat. The monks waited with their bowls at a long table. Monks are used to a life of discipline (纪律),but not today. We filled their bowls with rice and all kinds of delicious foods. Everyone smiled and music played as the monks ate.

    After that, we attended the bathing ceremony. We poured water over little stones. Young people poured some sweet-smelling water into the hands of older people to show respect for them. Outside, everyone used the sand we brought to make sand pagodas (塔). We put flowers,flags,and stones on ours. It was beautiful.

    April 15

    Today was the last day of the festival, and Worawut told me to get ready for some water throwing. We put lots of water on the truck and drove into the village. Everyone was throwing water. We got all wet! On such a hot day the water felt really good. I didn't feel tired at all!I can't wait to come back next year!

    1. (1) Which picture can best describe the underlined word"wai" in Para. 1?
      A . B . C . D .
    2. (2) How many days does the festival last?
      A . One day. B . Two days. C . Three days. D . Four days.
    3. (3) What's the right order according to the journals?

      ①They attended the bathing ceremony.

      ②The family cleaned the house.

      ③They went to throw water in the village.

      ④They provided food for monks.

      A . ②④①③ B . ②④③① C . ④①③② D . ④②③①
    4. (4) What does Paul think of his holiday?
      A . Exciting but tiring. B . Wonderful and worthy. C . Boring but surprising. D . Uncomfortable and tiring.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    If you look up at the night sky from a busy city street, you'll see a few stars shining brightly. Do the same thing in the countryside or from a mountaintop, and you'll see a lot more of them. Just how many stars are there in space? You could try counting them yourself if you want, but it's probably a better idea to ask the experts at the European Space Agency (ESA). It has come up with its own estimates (估计) on the number of stars in our universe (宇宙).

    According to the ESA, there could be as many as 1022 to 1024 stars in the universe. However, this is only an estimate. Remember that Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity tells that time is not continuous. So experts might be counting stars and galaxies (星系) that disappeared a long time ago.

    This number includes stars that are much larger than our sun, and others that are much smaller. It considers trillions (万亿) of galaxies that are spread out across our universe. Some of these galaxies are considered to be Dwarf Galaxies because they have as few as 10 million stars. Others are Giant Galaxies because they have more than a trillion stars.

    The ESA estimate also includes the Milky Way, and it is our home galaxy. According to ESA scientists, it is made up of at least 100 billion stars. In fact, our sun is a medium-sized star in it. It is a member of the white cloud of stars which can sometimes be seen across a moonless night sky.

    Many stars have planets around them. In fact, some scientists believe that there are as many planets as stars out there. Perhaps there is life on these planets, just waiting to be discovered. If that's it, maybe there are a few alien scientists who can give us an exact answer about the number of stars in the universe.

    1. (1) How many stars do Giant Galaxies have?
      A . 1022 to 1024 B . 10 million. C . More than a trillion. D . At least 100 billion.
    2. (2) What does "it" in Para. 4 refer to?
      A . The planet. B . The ESA C . The Milky Way. D . The star.
    3. (3) What can we infer from the passage?
      A . We know the exact number of stars from alien scientists. B . Einstein's Theory of Relativity tells the number of the stars. C . There are different galaxies according to the number of stars. D . The European Space Agency gives us exact numbers of the stars.
    4. (4) What's the best title of this passage?
      A . Count the uncountable. B . A New Star is Born in space. C . Welcome to the Milky Way. D . The European Space Agency.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Many people have the impression (印象) that sharks are man-eating monsters (怪兽) that pull swimmers down to eat them. This is far from the truth, however, and has largely been made by Hollywood movie producers who use this false image to add the feeling of fear and danger to their movies.

    In fact, many sharks will only feed on already dead animals. Some, like the huge whale shark, have no teeth and are harmless to nearly everything. Out of over 470 kinds of sharks, only some will attack (攻击) humans: the great white shark, oceanic whitetip shark, tiger shark, and bull shark. These kinds of huge and powerful sharks can cause serious injuries. However, these usually avoid humans as we are not a part of their natural diet. In most cases of shark attacks, the shark mistakes a human for marine mammal (海洋哺乳动物). After taking a bite (咬),it usually will soon know its mistake and stop attacking a human. The number of shark attacks every year is about four, and if you compare this to the number of sharks killed each year by humans over a hundred million —it's the sharks who should be scared of us, not the other way around.

    More than 600 people die every every year from snake bite in Sri Lanka alone. Falling fruits kill about 150 people every year, and about 40,000 Americans die each year in car accidents. Experts even say that you are far more likely to die from a bee than a shark attack.

    So what does this mean? Like all dangerous animals, sharks must be well treated, but in fact, they are nothing like the killing machines that they are made out to be in the movies. Sharks are amazing animal. They've been around for over 420 million years, and they have excellent problem-solving skills. It's time we stop seeing sharks as sea monsters.

    1. (1) What causes our wrong impression of sharks?
      A . The huge whale sharks. B . Some Hollywood Movies. C . The sharks' natural diet. D . The number of shark attacks.
    2. (2) What can we know about sharks?
      A . Only four kinds of sharks may attack humans. B . Whale sharks are harmful to nearly everything. C . About four sharks are killed by humans each year. D . Some sharks still eat humans after they know mistakes.
    3. (3) Why does the writer use a lot of numbers in Para. 3?
      A . To show people are easy to die. B . To show accidents are everywhere. C . To show car accidents are serious. D . To show sharks are not so dangerous.
    4. (4) What's the last paragraph mainly about?
      A . Sharks are like dangerous animals. B . Sharks are great sea animals. C . Humans should be scared of sharks. D . Sharks are good for humans.
  • 5. 阅读下面的短文,从方框中所给的选项中选择合适的小标题小题(选项中有一项是多余选项)。

    One problem that most university students face is not having enough money. Here are some money-saving tips for students we think will help.

    Every month, write down what you spend money on, and when you spend it. Also, write down the money you get each month. Doing this will help you make better decisions about when to spend and when not to spend.

    If you have the time, one of the best ways to earn money is to get work to do. But even better is getting one in a restaurant. Some restaurants give food to their workers, so you won't need to worry about paying for meals.

    Many students sell lots of other things when they leave. Make sure to look around for lists of used things for sale at your university, and shop at secondhand stores if you can.

    Eating in restaurants can be very expensive. You can save money by eating at home with family or by eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner with your roommates and reduce the cost.

    You can spend less money on transportation. This can save you 30 percent or more. Cars are a big expense, so if you live on the university campus, leave them at your parents' home.

    A. Find a job.                      B. Eat at home.

    C. Buy used things.                 D. Make a list.

    E. Collect old things.                F. Buy a bus pass.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    The little girl went to school each day feeling frightened. She had been used to it, but it still hurt each time her classmates1her.

    When she was younger, she used to 2 when the laughing began. But as she grew older, she no longer hid in shame. Still, it hurt. She had no 3. The laughing turned her into a girl who kept to herself. But friends were what she wanted most.

    "Your mother is so 4," the kids would say, "Your mother's 5 is like a monster's one," they said." Sheena has a monster for a mother!"

    Sometimes, Sheena wanted to 6 that her mother was not her mother. She wanted to tell the others that the woman was not her mother at all. When this happened, she was filled with guilt and 7, for her mother was the 8 and most generous of all the mothers in the world. She did so many great things and helped lots of people.

    Sheena's mother did in fact have a scary face. It has long purple ugly scars (伤疤) on it. One day, when Sheena came home 9 her grandmother took her aside. "Why are you crying?" asked her grandmother. Sheena explained how difficult it was to stand the laughing from her classmates. She told her how 10 she felt each day at school with no friends around her.

    Her grandmother said, "It's time to tell you the story of 11 your mother came to have such a face. One day, you were sleeping in your bed and your mother was across the street talking with a neighbor. 12, she noticed smoke coming from your house. Everyone rushed to the door, but it was too dangerous to go inside. Your mother ran into the fire without thinking twice, not thinking of13, only of you, her dear child. She brought you out safely, 14 her own body was burned from top to bottom, especially her face. That's the story of the ugly scars. "

    Sheena was 15 again embarrassed of her mother. From that day on, she walked with her head high, knowing that she, above all the other children, had a mother who loved her very much.

    A . looked at B . shouted at C . laughed at D . smiled at
    A . hide B . cry C . argue D . fight
    A . family B . friends C . teachers D . classmates
    A . bad B . cruel C . poor D . ugly
    A . face B . body C . nose D . eye
    A . lie B . change C . leave D . discuss   
    A . love B . shame C . anger D . fear
    A . prettiest B . happiest C . richest D . kindest
    A . talking B . crying C . shouting D . laughing
    A . surprised B . angry C . lonely D . bored
    A . how B . when C . what D . where
    A . Specially B . Bravely C . Suddenly D . Slowly
    A . herself B . yourself C . himself D . themselves
    A . because B . so C . and D . but
    A . always B . never C . sometimes D . often
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Today was the last day. Now I can finally congratulate(me). I'm so proud for a job well done and years of hard work. These years have been hard. I could get into the best school because I worked so hard to get good grades. It almost drove me crazy! , it was all worth it in the end.  (lucky), I'll be going to my dream high school in September! And after that…Who knows? I feel like the whole world is at my feet, like I could do anything!

    But the more I think about moving on, the  (sad) I get. I'll really miss the friends I made here, and the teachers  helped me a lot. I'll miss Joe, one of the funniest  (boy) in the class, and I'll miss Miss Zhou. She helped me so much math.

    But I guess there's plenty of time to remember later. A party will (hold) in the afternoon. It's time  (celebrate)! And my dad told me that we're all going away to travel somewhere as a graduation surprise! I'm so relaxed to finally be able to take break. That's all for now!

  • 18. 假定你是李平,最近收到来自意大利的交换生Tony的电子邮件。请你阅读后回复,




    Dear Li Ping.

    How are you these days? I'm so excited to go to Hangzhou as an exchange student soon and we can meet again! And I want to know more about the city. Could you please tell me something about Hangzhou? What do you think of Hangzhou? Is there anywhere interesting or anything delicious? By the way, what can I bring back as gifts when I'm leaving?

    Looking forward to your reply.



    Dear Tony,



    Li Ping

