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更新时间:2022-07-25 浏览次数:104 类型:期末考试
一、听力, 听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共计5分)
  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What's the weather like in Pat's city?
      A . Sunny. B . Snowy. C . Cloudy.
    2. (2) What are Pat and Jim doing?
      A . Watching a match. B . Watching TV. C . Doing homework.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where are they talking now?
      A . At school. B . On the phone. C . In the library.
    2. (2) What school rules do they have?
      A . Don't shout or run in the hallways. B . Wear the school uniforms only on Mondays. C . Don't take the student ID cards.
    3. (3) Which is TRUE according to the conversation?
      A . Michael is a new student here. B . They can borrow books from the library. C . They can eat food in class.
  • 8. 听短文。根据所听短文的内容,选出最佳选项。
    1. (1) How old is Tom?
      A . Eight. B . Nine. C . Ten.
    2. (2) When did they go there?
      A . Last Friday. B . Last Saturday. C . Last Sunday.
    3. (3) How many people were there after Tom and his mother got on the bus?
      A . Ten. B . Twelve. C . Twenty.
    4. (4) Why did Tom run on the bus?
      A . He was very happy. B . He wanted the bus to go faster. C . He was not happy.
    5. (5) What do we know from the story?
      A . Tom' uncle has a large farm. B . Tom talked with other people on the bus. C . Tom's mother asked Tom to sit down.
  • 9. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    One afternoon, an old man took his cellphone to a repair (维修) shop. He1 up to the technician (技术员) and said, "I have only had this phone for a few2 and it already does not receive calls. If you can't repair it, I would like to buy a new one. "

    3checking the phone, the technician came back with good news. "Your phone4fine, Sir. I tested it several times. It sends and receives calls perfectly. You have nothing to worry about. Is there5else I can help you with?"

    6and confused (困惑的) , the old man began to cry. With tears in his eyes, he

    7replied, "Are you sure? Then why aren't my8calling me? It's already been a few months since I got this phone."

    The technician was speechless. The old man looked9and asked, "Do you call your parents?"10, the technician didn't know11to say.

    After listening to the old man, the technician began to feel guilty (愧疚的). With 12working hours and the responsibilities (责任) of raising a family, he did not call his parents as13as he should. He got tears in his eyes as he14his parents.

    "Well, then, you can help me with one thing," said the old man. "Call your parents! Please, don't get so busy that they think you15them." Then, he walked out of the store with his head hanging.

    A . ran B . walked C . drove D . jumped
    A . hours B . days C . months D . years
    A . Before B . When C . While D . After
    A . looks B . works C . sounds D . uses
    A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
    A . Surprised B . Angry C . Scared D . Friendly
    A . quickly B . loudly C . excitedly D . quietly
    A . friends B . brothers C . children D . sisters
    A . up B . at C . over D . out
    A . Then B . Again C . Finally D . Really
    A . what B . how C . which D . why
    A . expensive B . strict C . long D . terrible
    A . always B . early C . often D . well
    A . thought about B . thought over C . thought up D . thought of
    A . forget B . remember C . miss D . love
  • 10. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

     Speak Good English Seminar(研讨会)2022

    Do you have difficulty communicating in English?

    Are you nervous or shy when you speak English?

    Do you wish to speak English more confidently?

    If the answer is YES to these questions, this seminar is for you.

    Registration Fees

    Adult: $10 Child:$5

    Date: SundayJuly 102022

    Time: 2 p.m.to 4 p.m.

    Place: Bishan Community Club, Conference Room

    Guest: Mr. Philip Smith

    Time:                   Events(活动)

    2:00 p.m.            Speech by Mr. Smith

    2:15 p.m.            Public Speaking by Mrs.Rita

    2:45 p.m.            Performance by Moving Visuals

    3:15 p.m.            Tea Break

    3:30 p.m.            Pronunciation by Mrs. Wong

    4:00 p.m.            End of the Program

    Please register(登记) and pay at the Bishan Community Club from July 6th to 9th. Payment: Cash/Bank Card

    Organizers: Laura Winston English Center

    Ang Mo Kio Library

    Bishan Community Club

    1. (1) Where will the event be held?
      A . At the Moving Visuals. B . At the Bishan Community Club. C . At the Ang Mo Kio Library. D . At the Laura Winston English Center.
    2. (2) When is the last day to register for the event?
      A . Wednesday B . Saturday. C . Sunday. D . Friday.
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . The tea break ends at 3:20 p. m. B . The event will be held on a weekday. C . You can't make payment with a bank card. D . Laura Winston English Center is one of the organizers.
  • 11. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Billy, Chris and Alice are talking about their ideas about a good friend.

    Billy: I think a good friend should be honest (诚实的) . That's more important than any other things and is where a good friendship starts. If a friend isn't honest, he may lose his friends' trust (信任) .

    Chris: I think a good friend has to be generous. Here "generous" doesn't mean (意味着) he has to give his friends his lunch money or his clothes. It means he should share his ideas and feelings with his friends. In fact his friends can know him better in this way.

    Alice: In my opinion, a good friend should understand his friends. When there's something wrong between him and his friends, he must put himself in his friends' place and think more for his friends.

    1. (1) What does the underlined sentence mean?
      A . To be honest is the most important. B . To be honest is as important as other things. C . To be honest is not so important. D . Honest people get more things than others.
    2. (2) Chris's good friend may _________________.
      A . give him lunch money B . know him very well C . give him some clothes. D . tell him their ideas and feelings
    3. (3) Alice thinks friends should __________________.
      A . visit each other often B . go to more places to play C . understand each other D . help each other do more things
    4. (4) What' the best title for this passage?
      A . My Friend B . Opinions about a Good Friend C . Trust Is the Most Important D . Being Generous is Important
  • 12. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Shen Junbo, a high school boy from Lianhua community, Haidian district in Beijing was praised(被称赞) by many netizens for posting poems at a nucleic acid test site (核酸检测点).

    On May 4th, Shen was queuing with his mother, waiting for the second round of nucleic acid test when he noticed that the volunteers had to ask people to keep social distance (距离) time after time because the lines on the ground were unclear.

    He came up with the idea of printing out poems and pasting them on the ground, so that people could read the poems as well as keep a certain distance from each other without getting bored.

    Shen carefully picked out some excellent poems people might love after getting back home and printed them out spending the lucky money he received during the Spring Festival. It was past 11 pm when he finally finished pasting all the poems on the ground that night.

    Residents (居民) were all surprised by what Shen had done. Netizens thought Shen was such a creative boy. "I'm sure people will notice these poems whether they're playing with their cellphones or not," one netizen told the newspaper.

    1. (1) Which of the following is RIGHT about Shen Junbo according to the passage?
      A . He is a volunteer at a nucleic acid test site. B . He is a high school student from Haidian district. C . He was waiting for the first round of nucleic acid. D . He was praised by his school.
    2. (2) What can we know from paragraph 4?
      A . Shen is good at writing poems. B . Shen got money from his mother to print the poems. C . It was hard work for Shen to choose and paste all the poems on the ground. D . Shen spent several days finishing pasting the poems.
    3. (3) How can we understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?
      A . People are always playing their cellphones. B . People will never play their cellphones after they see the poems. C . People will read poems instead of (而不是) playing cellphones. D . The poems will attract people's attention.
    4. (4) What is the purpose (目的) of the passage?
      A . To tell people what the creative boy did. B . To persuade (劝说) people not to play cellphones all the time. C . To encourage people to learn more poems. D . To ask people to keep certain distance while waiting for a nucleic acid test.
  • 13. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    In December 2021, people in Shenzhen found that water ran more slowly from their taps. The government (政府) said the city was facing its most serious water shortage (短缺) ever. Compared with northern areas, southern areas have more rain and are close to more rivers and lakes. So why are they still "thirsty"?

    In big cities like Shenzhen, populations (人口) are growing fast. As a result, people and factories need more and more water. Each person in Shenzhen has less than 200 cubic meters of water each year. It's 1/12 of the country's average.    

    Climate change is making the water problem worse. For example, most cities in Guangdong depend on (依赖于) the Dongjiang River as their main source (来源) of water. In 2021, the river was reported to be drying up. Because of climate change, there's also less snow in the mountains of Tibet. The snow has long been the source of water for many areas in China. Those mountains might provide less water in the future.

    There are other reasons for water shortages. For example, water pollution makes it harder to get clean drinking water. Factories and farms don't use water efficiently (有效地). Some cities have enough rainfall, but don't have big lakes or reservoirs to store water. The water just goes into the sea.

    1. (1) Why does the writer use the word "thirsty" to describe southern areas like Shenzhen?
      A . Because they use more water than other cities. B . Because they have wasted too much water. C . Because they are short on water. D . Because they have few lakes and rivers.
    2. (2) Why is there less water in China's rivers according to Paragraph 3?
      A . Mountains in Tibet have less snow. B . People are using up the water in these rivers. C . The rivers flow through many areas with less rain. D . Most water goes to the sea before people can get it.
    3. (3) Which of the following is NOT a reason for the water shortage mentioned in the last paragraph?
      A . Water pollution. B . Wasting water. C . Lack of storing place. D . Lake of rainfall.
    4. (4) Which of the following can show the structure of the passage?
      A . B . C .   D .
  • 14. 请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E、F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。其中有一项是多余选项。

    A. Get your things in order

    B. Plan your time well

    C. Study anywhere or everywhere

    D. Speak out and ask more

    E. Do more than you are asked

    F. Make yourself busy

    "If I don't understand what my teacher is explaining in science, I ask him to say it again," says Anna Lee, "also asking more helps a lot."

    "When a teacher asks us to do a lot of homework," says Dave Roman, "I will draw up a timetable and plan to do it little, so it isn't so tiring."

    One student put a vocabulary list on the wall of the bathroom. He learned a new word every day while brushing his teeth. Another student used the time to remember biology terms while practising running

    In high school, Mike played football, painted and was in the band. "I was so busy that I couldn't waste time looking for a pencil or missing paper. I kept everything in order," he says.

    Christi is an excellent student at the university. If her maths teacher asks her to do five problems, she does ten. If the history teacher asks her to read five pages, she reads ten." Part of learning is practising," she says, "and the more you practise, the more you learn."

  • 26. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于3个单词)。

    Would you like to shop online rather than (而不是) go to the stores? Do you always go to bed and get up  (late) every day?

    A study was made to find out  lazy British people are. About 2,000 people  (take) part in this study. The results are  (surprise).

    More than half of the people are so lazy that they'd wait for the lift (电梯)  a long time rather than walk to the second floor. About seventeen percent (百分之......) said if their remote control (遥控器) was broken, they would go on  (watch) the same TV show rather than get up. More than thirty percent said they would not run  (catch) a bus. So it's no wonder that seventeen percent of (child) in the UK are fat before they start school.

    Dr. Sarah Dauncey said people need to get healthier for  (them) and their families. How can we keep healthy? We should get into  good habit first.

  • 27. 请你根据下表内容写一篇日记,谈谈端午节(六月三号, 星期五)你和几个同学一起去东钱湖(the Dongqian Lake)游玩的事。










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